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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
MAE/241/2019 Copy of all BBM or text messages regarding Deer Lake Canal from 2010 to Present date.2020-01-13Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/242/2019 I am seeking a comprehensive list of municipal amalgamations in Newfoundland and Labrador since 1990. This should include: both amalgamations which were completed and those which were considered but did not occur; the original community names and the new community name in case of amalgamation; the date and year of amalgamation or consideration of amalgamation, and; whether the amalgamation was voluntary or provincial-government-imposed.2020-01-13Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/248/2019 In relation to the water reports that were provided for the Twillingate water supply that was located at hospital pond from 1971 - 1997 can you please advise how it was possible for hospital pond to have had a water supply installed in 1971 when it was used as a dumping ground for the hospital in Twillingate and in 1945 when the American army left as a dumping ground for their garbage? 2020-02-07Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/249/2019 October 2019 briefing materials titled: - Bunyan's Cove Fire Protection Vehicle - Decision Note; - Response to Federal Request for Information Regarding Carbon Taxation post April 1, 2020 - Information Note; - Call Verification / Limited Dispatch in Call Transfer Protocol - Decision / Direction Note.2020-02-04Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/25/2017 Any and all reports of industrial contamination received from First Nations and other predominately Indigenous communities from May 19, 2015 to May 29, 2017. Include location of contamination, type of contamination, when it was discovered, and what happened as a result of the report.2017-07-06Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/250/2019 Any and all records related to Pardy's, Pardy's Waste Management and Industrial Services Limited, Dewatering, Dewatering Technologies Ltd., 10643 Newfoundland Inc, Pardy's Holdings Limited, between June 1, 2016 - December 06, 2019.2020-02-04Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/251/2019 Any and all records related to complaints against or involving Pardy's, Pardy's Waste Management and Industrial Services Limited, Dewatering, Dewatering Technologies Ltd., 10643 Newfoundland Inc, Pardy's Holdings Limited, between June 1, 2016 - December 06, 2019.2020-01-13Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/252/2019[1] Records in relation to correspondence from Service NL dated October 24, 2019, under file no GA/GSC/9720 (the "ESA Notice Letter") in regards to an alleged contamination (including the release of diesel fuel and motor oil) at a location referenced as coordinates 48?? 30'22.35"N, 54??12'42.75"W, Terra Nova, NL.2020-02-06Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/253/2019[1] Request for records relating to any environmental issues associated with a property in Corner Brook, NL.2020-02-04Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/254/2019[1] Information related to the relocation of the Town of Little Bay Islands.2020-03-03Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/255/2019[2] Municipal Budget Submissions for 2017 & 2018 for the following towns: - Whitbourne - Long Habrour/Mount Arlington Heights - Chapel Arm - Norman's Cove-Long Cove - Chance Cove.2020-02-07Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/256/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2019.2020-02-06Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/257/2019 From January 1, 1993 to present, all submissions, reports, hearing transcripts, briefing notes, memos, e-mail correspondence, written correspondence, plans, documents, specifications, and other such information, produced within the Department or received by the Department from any other source, with respect to Indigenous women and the environmental assessment process for the Voisey Bay Mine and Mill Project.2020-01-13Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/26/2017 In the First Half of 2015 The Town of Pouch Cove was in contact with the Fire Commissioner of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador regarding the Pouch Cove Foundation INC. property located at 14-20 Gruchy's Hill, Pouch Cove. We seek copies of all communication and correspondence between the Province and the Municipality regarding same.2017-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/26/2019[1] I am requesting access to all communications between this Department and a mining exploration company operating in Central Newfoundland, known as Marathon Gold Corporation - for the period covering all of this year (2019) to date.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/26/2020 Notes, emails, briefing notes, information notes, and decision notes relating to the decision to conduct the 2019-2020 Comprehensive Review of Provincial Waste Management Strategy. 2020-12-29Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/260/2020[1] All the correspondence, either electronic or written, between the minister's office, the deputy minister's office, and the fire commissioners office regarding the tender for fire trucks with Asphodel Firetrucks between January 14, 2016 and June 30th 2017. In addition I request all the correspondence between the fire commissioner's office and his employees with all or any of the employees of Asphodel Firetrucks for that same period of time.2020-04-28Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/261/2019[1] Information relating to St. Teresa's Community Centre/Peoples Complex.2020-02-06Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/262/2019[1] We are requesting any and all information held by the Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment regarding the approval of or a permit granted under the Navigable Waters Protection Act, or any Provincially regulated Act, to [individual] of Port de Grave, NL to construct a warf and/or structure on the water reservation connected to his property.2020-02-10Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/27/2017 Information relating to capital works in Portugal Cove-St. Philip's.2017-07-13Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/27/2019[1] Information for port activities, correspondence with government departments (to and from) capital and physical assets and requests from/to the department of the environment and other government departments.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/27/2020[1] Correspondence, draft reports, and financial information - including budgeting and payment records - relating to the 2019 AECOM peer review on waste management on the Burin Peninsula. Notes, emails, briefing notes, information notes, and decision notes relating to the 2019 AECOM peer review on waste management on the Burin Peninsula, including correspondence relating to the decision to have the review conducted.2020-03-30Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/28/2017 A list of all briefing material provided to the minister in May 2017.2017-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/28/2018[1] Any and all correspondence and/or emails between the department and Brent's Cove town council and any briefing notes and minutes to the minister regarding Brent's Cove from June 2015 to present.2019-10-08Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/28/2020 A list of the municipalities that did not have their 2018 annual financial statements prepared and adopted by June 1, 2019 as required per Section 86 of the MUNICIPALITIES ACT, 1999. As well, for that list, please identify when the 2018 financial statements were eventually adopted.2020-03-09Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/29/2017 A list of all capital projects for municipalities in NL from 2012-2016. For each project please also provide the project name, the original approved funding amount, and the final actual project costs.2017-07-17Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/29/2019 I wish to obtain a copy of the Three Rock Cove, NL Municipal Budget Submission for the years 2009 to 2019 inclusive.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/29/2020 Information on the 3 Fire Departments (Triton, Brighton, Pelleys Island) now known as Three Island Fire Dept, namely, inquiring about what equipment, trucks, repairs and/or new fire halls that were given to them to become a regional fire department. This would have occurred about 5 - 6 years ago.2020-03-23Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/3/2018 I would like to obtain a list of all properties sold by Municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador through a " Tax Sale" (Municipalities Act 1999, Sections 137- 147) between the years 1999 to 2011. This list should specify the name of the Municipality, name of the purchaser and the year purchased.2018-02-22Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/3/2019 RFP - PRIME CONSULTANT SERVICES RELATED TO STORM SEWER, & ROAD UPGRADES In Town of Bay Roberts: Technical and Financial Submissions from all proponents.2019-02-13Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/3/2020 Copies of all technical and financial proposals received by DMAE and a copy of the RFP evaluation for the following RFP tenders: MA12140 - RFP for Consultant Services related to Grand Bay Bottom Sanitary Sewer Upgrades in Channel - Port Aux Basques, NL MA12083 - RFP for Consultant Services related to Middle Road Water & Sewer Upgrades in the Town of Deer Lake.2020-02-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/30/2017 Any communication/discussions/records pertaining to the ban (or restriction) of loud motorcycles (and other vehicles) in the province. I recall hearing the City of St. John's say it was a provincial matter. Any intra-government discussions, emails from/to MHAs on noise abatement from traffic (cars and motorcycles), any studies or consultations that may have been done on the issue.2017-07-21Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/30/2018[1] Information related to the establishment of the Robin Hood Bay dump in St. John's as a regional waste facility. 2018-12-21Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/30/2019 I wish to obtain a copy of any and all funding given to the community of Three Rock Cove, NL. This would include and not be limited to funding to the Local Service District and Recreational Committee.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/30/2020 Looking for a list of Fire Department that got new or used trucks or took the hundred thousand in the last three years (tankers, pumpers, rescue, rural response or aerial).2020-03-23Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/31/2017 (Copies of) Most recent water quality tests in the province for municipal supplies, copies of any concerns or complaints from citizens to the province.2017-07-21Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/31/2018[1] Information regarding the Town of Kippens and agricultural zoning; live stock; and development permit applications pertaining to "non-conforming land."2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/31/2019 I would like a copy of any and all permits given to Three Rock Cove, NL for the years 2000- 2019 inclusive.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/31/2020 I am inquiring about how many municipal first responders work in the province of Newfoundland. Looking for up to date numbers on how many PSAP offices and how many employees at each location. I would also like to know how many municipal police, fire ( full time and volunteers) and paramedics there would be in the province including number of employees for each department.2020-03-23Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/32/2017[1] We are requesting any and all records related to the proposed compost facility for the Argentia Road including but not limited to: -Correspondence -emails -reports -Information notes -Video or audio recordings Also including previous proposed site locations of Foxtrap access road and Salmonier line. During the time period of January 2014 to present.2017-08-17Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/32/2018[1] A copy of correspondence forwarded to Honorable Eddie Joyce, Minister, Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, in February 2018, concerning actions taken by the Town Council of Mount Carmel-Mitchell's Brook-St. Catherine's. 2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/32/2019[1] I would like to obtain a copy of all the correspondence between the Local Service District of Three Rock Cove, NL and Municipal Affairs between the years of 2010-2019 inclusive.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/32/2020 Please provide a list of all Regional Plan, Municipal Plan and Municipal Development Regulations documents (new plans, regulations and amendments to existing plans and regulations) received and processed by the Department since January 1, 2018 to present date.2020-05-15Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/33/2017 Information regarding the Financial Assistance for responding to calls outside of municipal; boundaries paid to fire departments throughout the province, please provide a table listing each fire department, number of incidents and total amount paid by year. for the past 5 years.2017-07-18Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/33/2018[1] I am requesting ministerial briefing documents on the planning, building and completion of the Jack Byrne Arena. Furthermore, I am requesting any documents showing the justification for the need for this facility.2019-04-03Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/33/2019 I would like to know the names of the elected/appointed members of the Local Service District and Recreation Committee of Three Rock Cove, NL for the years 2010-2019 inclusive.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/33/2020 Any correspondence or reports relating to the city of St. John's development regulations during the time frame of July 1, 2019 to February 25,2020.2020-05-15Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/34/2017 All communications between the Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment (and formerly Department of Environment and Conservation) and Nalcor Energy related to the water levels in the Muskrat Falls reservoir (between Oct. 26, 2016 and June 21, 2017).2017-07-25Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/34/2018 I am seeking all e-mail correspondence between Eddie Joyce, the now former Minister of Municipal Affairs and PC MHA Tracey Perry for the time period September 2017 to March 2018, inclusive.2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/34/2019 I would like all correspondence which authorized the Local Service District Building in Three Rock Cove, NL to be turned into a Club with a liquor license, most importantly who authorized this endeavour and where the profits from this Club are going to.2019-06-14Municipal Affairs and Environment

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.