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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
TW/76/2020 The unit price tender forms for each bid received for contract 46-20PHP.2020-08-20Transportation and Works
TW/71/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of June 2020.2020-08-20Transportation and Works
TW/67/2020[1] I am seeking any correspondence (email, letters, etc.)to/ from the Minister and the towns/LSD of Rencontre East, South East Bight, Gaultois, McCallum, Francois, La Poile, Ramea, or Grey River regarding any possible changes to South Coast ferry service. I am also seeking any emails received by the Minister regarding possible changes. Time period: March 27, 2018 to the date of this request.2020-12-30Transportation and Works
TW/96/2019 Regarding the awarded proposal for the Central Long Term Cares in Gander and Grand Fall-Windsor Project, We would like to obtain the preferred proponent submitted drawings and design related information contained in the awarded technical proposal. 2019-09-23Transportation and Works
TW/160/2019[1] Information relating to the removal of illegal or non-conforming signs from the section of Route 100 from Whitbourne to Argentia during the 2019 Summer Maintenance Program. 2020-01-02Transportation and Works
TW/120/2019 Please provide all cost and invoices associated with the paint and refurbishment work conducted on aircraft C-GNLF outside of the province of Newfoundland. Ref: Tender TP 119003261. Include all planned, scheduled, unscheduled and extra work accomplished. 2019-10-11Transportation and Works
TW/141/2019 During the period of 2018-2019 Fogo Island ferry services was interrupted on several occasions and Provincial Government of NL obtained air services of Provincial Airlines utilizing Twin Otter aircraft. Question: What was the cost of operating Twin Otter air service by Provincial Airline during ferry interruption 2018-2019?2019-12-12Transportation and Works
TW/98/2019 all tenders including all tender submittals (i.e. bid breakouts, schedules, sub-contractor lists, etc.) for the project 123-18THN Construction of Climbing Lane on Route 75, Veterans Memorial Highway between Jumper Pond Interchange and Goulds Brook.2019-11-08Transportation and Works
TW/109/2019 In reference to the Five Year Plan by the Department of Transportation and Works, 75 % of projects planned for 2018-2019 were announced with the remaining 25 % added based "on emerging issues, input from engineers and input from residents" in 2018. For 2019-2020, 75 % were announced with the remaining 25% added this year. Therefore, I am requesting a list of all projects, monies allocated and funding spent that were included in the 25% for 2018-2019 and All projects planned for 2019-2020 that were included in the 25%, monies allocated and spent or committed. Copies of letters of commitment, Tender closing dates and dates Tenders awarded and amounts for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 fiscal years.2019-09-16Transportation and Works
TW/1/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of December 2019.2020-02-06Transportation and Works
TW/142/2019 All emails sent/received re Young Liberals from 2015 to present.2019-12-12Transportation and Works
TW/7-8/2020 Information relating to ferry costs.2020-02-17Transportation and Works
TW/130/2019 Records relating to a Request for Proposals ("RFP") - Tender #11035 - that was issued on March 12, 2018, by the Department of Transportation and Works for the leasing of office space for the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources for a 20 year period, and the office space to be located within the City of Corner Brook. 2019-11-06Transportation and Works
TW/112/2019 Information relating to ferry services on the Labrador North Coast and the Strait of Belle Isle.2019-11-04Transportation and Works
TW/103/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of July 2019.2019-11-08Transportation and Works
TW/105/2019 Information related to the annual cost of operating and maintaining the MV Gallipoli ferry servicing Grey River - Francois. Information related to the annual cost of operating and maintaining the MV Marine Eagle ferry servicing Gaultois and McCallum. 2019-09-13Transportation and Works
TW/95/2019 Any briefing notes, documents, reports, emails relating to the privatization of air ambulances services. 2019-09-12Transportation and Works
TW/94/2019 Please provide details on the 5 year budget forecast or multi-year fiscal framework maintained in excel by the Department. 2019-09-10Transportation and Works
TW/56/2020 Ferry schedules for rencontre east both summer and winter. Date ranges from 2010 to 2019.2020-06-25Transportation and Works
TW/74/2019 Proposal#:11496 Project#: 400972001 Closing Date: 2019/04/01 Proposal Description: 400972001 - 11496 - Request for Proposals for the Design-Build of Paradise Intermediate School, Paradise, NL Requesting a copy of the proposal submitted by Lindsay Construction, St. John's (TB), 22 Beclin Road Unit 1, Mount Pearl, NL.2020-05-15Transportation and Works
TW/155/2019[1] Records relating to Tender #11035 - which was issued on March 12, 2018, by the Department of Transportation and Works for the leasing of office space for the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources for a 20 year period.2020-01-02Transportation and Works
TW/148/2019[1] Records relating to Tender #11035 - which was issued on March 12, 2018, by the Department of Transportation and Works for the leasing of office space for the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources for a 20 year period.2020-01-02Transportation and Works
TW/144/2019 Any records, reports, correspondences or briefings regarding the Kamutik W and the Qajak W ferries on the North and South coast of Labrador between January 2019 and present.2020-01-02Transportation and Works
TW/57/2020 All Key Messages and information prepared for the minister, deputy minister and ADM's for the June 2020 session of the House of Assembly.2020-06-29Transportation and Works
TW/143/2019 All documents, briefings, reports and communications with regards to the decision to accept the Woodward Group of Companies bid for the North and South coast ferry contract.2020-01-02Transportation and Works
TW/37/2020 I would like a copy of the completed tender form for the low bid of Tender #12301 as listed below: Tender Description: 021-20PHP - Pulverize and pave approx. 8km of Route 412 Seal Cove Road from the Baie Verte Highway. Intersection towards Seal Cove. Replace culverts at various locations on Route 410km 46.5 Baie Verte Highway; Route 410-10 km 1.7 Coachman's Cove Road; Route 412-20km 0.2 Main Street Seal Cove; Route 410-10km 1.4 Brent's Cove Road; Route 419km 11.6 Wild Cove Road; and Rout 411 km 13.1 and km 20 Purbeck's Cove Road. 2020-06-08Transportation and Works
TW/66/2018[1] Looking for any correspondence paper or electronic too or from the department regarding our Quidi Vidi Village Launch way / Slipway since March 4, 2018 to date. ( My last disclosure ) Looking for status for use as a transportation asset.2020-05-05Transportation and Works
TW/161/2019 Letter regarding the new francophne school in St. john's, sent by the department of Transportation and Works (office of minister Crocker) to the Conseil Scolaire Francophone Provincial (maybe adressed to the president Brian Lee). Also looking to have the answer the CSFP sent to minister Crocker to this letter. Those two letter were sent between June and November 2019.2020-01-02Transportation and Works
TW/51/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of May 2020.2020-06-25Transportation and Works
TW/39/2020 A copy of the evaluation of redevelopment options for a K-12 Francophone school in the St. John's area. This report was prepared for the department by Stantec Architecture.2020-06-08Transportation and Works
TW/18/2020 January 2020 briefing materials titled: - Meeting with the Town of Channel-Port aux Basques (February 4, 2020); - Information Note - Team Gushue Highway Extension Update - January 2020; - Meeting Note - Meeting with Conseil Scolaire Francophone Provincial - January 9, 2020; - Update on Various Items for Honourable Andrew Parsons; - Meeting Note - MHA James Dinn re Grace Hospital Property (January 28, 2020).2020-05-19Transportation and Works
TW/13/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of January 2020.2020-05-13Transportation and Works
TW/27/2020 With reference to Tender #TP118023574 and its subsequent issued Standing Offer Agreement and Purchase Orders, we know a piece of correspondence was issued to the successful bidder that is out of the ordinary. 2020-05-11Transportation and Works
TW/102/2019 A list of all paving work undertaken in the district of Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde between 2015 and present day. Please provide a list of costs, company that completed the work, scope, and tender information.2019-11-08Transportation and Works
TW/158/2019 I would like to request a list of all current studies being undertaken by or for the department, their time frame, their scope and their cost. This would include pilot projects, consultant studies and any other research pertaining to department programs or policies.2019-12-12Transportation and Works
TW/150/2019 BNT/2019/0110 Meeting Note - Conair Aerial Firefighting (September 19, 2019).2019-12-12Transportation and Works
TW/114/2019 I am looking for the following for the Corner Brook Long Term Care facility project: 1. The weights attributed to each evaluation criteria as well as information about how the scoring was done in the multi criteria analysis (which the value for money assessment states was discussed at an "options workshop" from August 31-September 1, 2016). 2. A list of the key risks identified by participants of the risk assessment workshop (held from September 20-22, 2016), how these risks were quantified, and the allocations of the risks for each procurement option. 3. A copy of the contract for this project 4. A copy of the final project agreement.2019-10-04Transportation and Works
TW/28/2020 I am seeking a breakdown of the number of staff in each Transportation & Works depot for the province (broken down by location) and broken down by occupation (clerk, mechanic, operator) as of the date of this request.2020-05-26Transportation and Works
TW/97/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of June 2019. 2019-08-23Transportation and Works
TW/17/2020[1] Any and all Request for Staffing Action (RSA) forms involving Mr. Neil King going back one year.2020-05-13Transportation and Works
TW/22/2020 All communications, emails and reports (including within Government, between the NLESD and consultants) that may indicate that Bishop Field Elementary cannot be repaired; all briefing notes on Bishop Field Elementary since October 2017; and all communications, emails, briefing notes or reports regarding the impact the weather conditions are having on the repairs relating to the latest delay in opening.2020-05-11Transportation and Works
TW/125/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of August 2019.2019-12-04Transportation and Works
TW/151/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of October 2019.2019-12-12Transportation and Works
TW/156/2019 I request records relating to Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switching in Public Buildings. I seek briefing documents, correspondence to and from the minister, and any documentation detailing a plan to implement this initiative. Timeframe: January 2019 to present day.2020-03-11Transportation and Works
TW/168/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2019.2020-02-06Transportation and Works
TW/84/2019[1] Copies of all documentation received by the Department of Transportation and Works (the "Department") in response to the Request for Proposals (Design-Build), New Paradise Intermediate School, issued January 25, 2019 (the "RFP").2019-10-08Transportation and Works
TW/83/2019 Under the Division of Government Air Services, please provide copies of all " Daily Aircraft Status Reports" for the period of July 14, 2018 to June 04, 2019.2019-10-07Transportation and Works
TW/163/2019 Copy of the letter from Mr. William Skanes of Dept. Engineering Division to 'Citizen' concerning driveway access & culvert at 318 Marine Drive, Logy Bay. Problem with sight lines required for approval.2020-03-11Transportation and Works
TW/170/2019 All correspondence (emails, notes, documents) regarding Operations Supervisor wage differential associated with Highways Equipment Technician (HET) from January 02 2018 to December 01, 2019.2020-02-06Transportation and Works
TW/118/2019 Project: RFP Corner Brook Acute Care Hospital Project, RFP Number: 10915 Documents Requested: Request for Proposal Response from Marco Group And Project: Bay D'Espoir Area K-12 School, TW Project Number: 300975001 Documents Requested: Request for Proposal Response from Brook Construction.2019-12-04Transportation and Works

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.