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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
TBS/58/2023 What was the total provincial financial expenditure specific to Labrador , for each of the last five fiscal years up to 2022? 2023-12-28Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/37/2024 I would like to obtain any and all communications, both internal and external, related to the possible sale of the Oil and Gas Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as the possible sale of any equity stakes held by the Oil and Gas Corporation.2024-05-28Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/54/2023[1] Records relating to HMP.2023-11-10Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/69/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2023.2024-01-09Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/48/2024 How many Indigenous people directly work in the public relations or in the advertising of Indigenous places to visit. 2024-07-10Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/31/2024 List of all trips attended by officials in the Treasury Board Secretariat outside the province and country since the Liberals took government in 2015.2024-05-17Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/45/2024 I am requesting a copy of the briefing binder used by the Minister in the House this past session. Please note any changes from day to day.2024-07-22Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/31/2023 I am requesting a copy of the briefing binder or any notes used by the Minister during this session of the House of Assembly (Spring 2023). Any changes from day to day should be noted.2023-07-05Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/27/2023 Provide documentation on the amounts and number of employees who have received bonuses or other forms of performance incentives since the beginning of 2020. Provide the annual breakdown or equivalent for calendar years 2020, 2021, and 2022 (or fiscal year if calendar not possible). 2023-07-19Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/34/2023 Please provide a list of audits done by the Professional Services and Internal Audit Division for 2022-2023.2023-07-12Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/52/2023 All documents and all correspondence including but not limited to notes, texts, and emails related to or discussing the Conservation Officer IIIB and/or Conservation Officer IV (Resource Enforcement Division) that's submitted for classification review, from January 01, 2023 to and including September 29, 2023.2023-12-19Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/6/2021 Can you provide 1/ A/ the total number of people employed by NL Gov with a detailed breakdown by B / Gov dept C/ crown corporations, agencies etc.?2021-04-16Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/14/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of February 2023.2023-04-06Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/12/2023 Information relating to the Mandatory Vaccination Policy in 2021. 2023-04-06Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/56/2022 Any communications and/or documentation within the Treasury Board Secretariat about pay equity and/or pay transparency, including but not limited to communications and/or documentation regarding the Pay Equity and Pay Transparency Act. Timeframe: Thursday, Aug. 18 to present. 2023-02-24Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/65/2022[1] Records relating to tracking software.2023-01-06Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/52/2022 August 2022 briefing material titled Public Accounts -- Cash Statement.2022-10-20Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/2/2023 Records relating to Marystown shipyard.2023-01-16Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/32/2022 A list of audits completed by the Professional Services and Internal Audit Division in fiscal years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22.2022-07-15Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/39/2021[3] A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of August and September 2021.2021-11-01Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/60/2022 Any and all briefing books, and/or information notes prepared for or used by the Minister/Premier in the House of Assembly October 10th-21st, 2022. Any tract changes or additional information added or deleted on a given day should be noted.2023-01-03Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/61/2022 I am seeking the number of CSSD social workers per year who have been reprimanded, suspended, fired or otherwise disciplined by the department since 2016.2022-12-22Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/68/2022 Please provide any correspondence sent to the Minister, between January 2020 and current, related to gender inequity within OilCo and/or the Oil and Gas division of Nalcor Energy.2022-12-02Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/51/2022 I am requesting a complete tally of the overtime across all departments/agencies for the Monday, Sept. 19 holiday called for the Queen's Funeral. 2022-10-14Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/49/2022 Please provide any documents that include information on soda/pop/sugary drink consumption in Newfoundland and Labrador.2022-10-14Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/12/2022 Please provide any records and the amount of any financial contributions/incentives/subsidies from any department of the Government of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL).2022-04-08Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/1/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of November and December 2021.2022-02-08Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/46/2021 A copy of the briefing book used by the Minister in the House of Assembly the week of Oct 25-28.2021-11-16Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/16/2022 Briefing material titled: Auditor General (AG) Report January 2022 Information Note.2022-04-06Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/54/2022 I would like to access any and all information, emails, documentation, reports, notes, relating to the establishment and selection of the application process (including the creation of the application process) for bids by wind energy companies for Crown lands in Newfoundland and Labrador between 2019 to present.2022-10-14Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/25/2022 Provide the last 4 studies by NL Gov of the major impact of EI on NL economy.2022-06-02Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/28/2021 I am seeking the number of employees per year who have been reprimand, suspended, fired, or otherwise disciplined by the department. I am seeking the number per year to also be broken down to the type of punishment, i.e. reprimand only VS. suspension VS. dismissal. I am seeking these numbers for the past five years.2021-09-01Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/16/2021 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of April 2021.2021-06-08Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/3/2022 November 2021 information note titled Fraudulent Online Credit Card Transactions.2022-04-12Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/9/2021 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of January, February and March 2021.2021-05-13Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/15/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of February 2022.2022-04-06Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/2/2021 Attrition Management from April 1, 2019 until Dec 31 2020 - Provide the number of public sector employees at year end - Total number of employees reduced by attrition by year for that same time period - Total number of new employees hired for that same time period.2021-02-05Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/38/2021 Please provide the physical bank record of the deposit of the $2.7 Billion federal cheque given to Danny Williams from PM Paul Martin when Mr. Williams was Premier of NL. This occurred at the same time as Mr. Williams stated from the steps of St. John's airport "we got it, we got it! He also announced then and there that we didn't want or need support payments from Ottawa anymore. We were now a have province!2021-09-27Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/49/2021[1] All emails, texts, BBM or skype messages between Denise Hanrahan and Jodi Penney which mentions job, Auditor General, [name], redundancy, Secretary to Auditor General, Office Manager, Director of Administration or reclassification. Search from November 2020 to November 2021.2022-01-13Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/1/2021 I am requesting copies of all documents submitted to Corporate Services for payment of invoices covering the lease charges incurred pertaining plow trucks procured on SOA #219010976.2021-01-12Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/24/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of April 2023.2023-05-17Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/67/2022 Briefing materials from October, 2022.2023-01-03Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/22/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of March 2023.2023-05-08Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/29/2021 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of May and June 2021.2021-08-20Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/72/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2022.2022-12-28Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/64/2022 A complete tally of the overtime across all departments/agencies for the Monday, Sept. 19 holiday called for the Queen's Funeral.2022-12-12Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/63/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of October 2022.2022-11-15Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/15/2023 Total expenses covered for work-related travel across all government departments for 2019, 2021 and 2022. The purpose is to establish trends in terms of the frequency and costs of department travel pre- and post-pandemic restrictions. Not necessary to provide receipts, proofs of purchase, etc. Simply need the total amounts claimed (and/or paid) for work-related travel (includes all transportation, accommodation, conference fees, etc.).2023-04-17Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/7/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of January 2023.2023-02-27Treasury Board Secretariat
TBS/21/2021 Amount of teacher paid leave for past 3 fiscal years, including dollar amount and number of days.2021-10-20Treasury Board Secretariat

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.