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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
NR/20/2016[1] Information relating to land in Brigus Junction.2016-06-01Natural Resources
NR/33/2016 A copy of the employment contract signed by incoming Nalcor CEO Stan Marshall.2016-06-24Natural Resources
NR/19/2016 Any records or information concerning "permafrost" or "frozen ground" in Labrador.2016-05-09Natural Resources
NR/12/2016 Please provide information on the number of outstanding accounts within your department (including any which have been forwarded to Tax Administration for collections and those which have not yet been forwarded) which are the result of over payments by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Please provide the outstanding balance on each account and through which program the over payment occurred. The time frame would be over payments which have occurred between December 1, 2015 and April 4, 2016.2016-04-11Natural Resources
NR/15/2016 All analysis done looking at cost for shutting down Muskrat Falls project and at what point it becomes more economical to cancel the project than proceed.2016-05-16Natural Resources
NR/17/2016 What is the estimated cost of immediately halting construction on the Muskrat Falls project and cancelling all contracts?2016-05-02Natural Resources
NR/6/2016 All information prepared for Minister Coady (Briefing/Information notes, speaking notes, etc.) relating to the NOIA conference.2016-02-22Natural Resources
NR/25/2015 Briefing materials -- in any and all formats, including paper and electronic -- prepared for, and/or provided to, the minister related to the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project. Date range of request is Nov. 1, 2015 to the present.2016-01-25Natural Resources
NR/2/2016 Briefing notes prepared for new Natural Resources Minister.2016-01-22Natural Resources
NR/8/2016 When North Atlantic Refining Ltd was sold in 2014, the province assumed some of the existing environmental liabilities. At the time, the minister said "there will be an extensive environmental assessment completed over the next year that will capture the pre-existing liabilities and that will be the responsibility of government." I would like a copy of this assessment. In particular I would like to see the assessed dollar value of the province's liability. 2016-03-28Natural Resources
NR/7/2016 I would like to obtain copies of all correspondence between the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the officers of Cornerstone Capital Resources between 2005 and 2010.2016-03-28Natural Resources
NR/5/2016 Copies of all submissions by natural resource companies detailing quarterly employment numbers for 2014 and 2015.2016-03-07Natural Resources
NR/1/2016 All briefing material prepared for the new minister in any and all formats, including but not limited to electronic and written form.2016-01-22Natural Resources
NR/22/2015[1] All records related to wind energy research or wind energy policy produced by the Department of Natural Resources. In particular I am searching for the Coastal Labrador Alternative Energy Assessment. I am also searching for the report produced by Hatch Consulting, Navigant Consulting, and Manitoba Hydro International who did independent overviews of Nalcor's wind energy assumptions when determining the least cost options at the time of Muskrat Falls commissioning. I am also searching for the Request For Proposals issued prior to commissioning the wind farms at St. Lawrence and Fermeuse. Any other wind energy documents would be helpful in the current research.2015-12-29Natural Resources
NR/15/2015 Requesting - Rehabilitation and Closure Plan for Cliffs Natural Resources - Wabush Mines.2015-09-09Natural Resources
NR/24/2015 All Briefing books, emails, notes , and correspondence prepared for incoming Minister.2016-01-18Natural Resources
NR/19/2015 All permits and approvals for the following projects: 1. Crushed Rock Quarry and Marine Terminal Project (2005-2008); 2. Aguathuna Quarry Development (1997-2000); and 3. Voisey's Bay Mine and Marine Terminal (1996-2001).2015-11-13Natural Resources
NR/18/2015 Information relating to a quarry in Brigus Junction.2015-10-16Natural Resources
NR/23/2015 All briefing materials prepared for and/or provided to Minister Siobhan Coady upon assuming the role of minister of natural resources. Where possible, electronic copies of all records are preferable to print copies.2016-01-18Natural Resources
NR/3/2016 Briefing materials -- in any and all formats, including paper and electronic -- prepared for, and/or provided to, the minister related to the Come by Chance oil refinery and/or its owners and/or environmental liabilities. Date range of request is Nov. 1 to the present.2016-01-15Natural Resources
NR/17/2015 Any and all information regarding the scrapyards in CBS; 26 Pocket Rd. And Incinerator Rd in Conception Bay South since 1980-present day. 2015-09-11Natural Resources
NR/14/2015 A copy of the budget binder used in Budget Estimates 2015.2015-08-17Natural Resources
NR/16/2015 A record of any and all the requests and the number of requests sent to prospectors over the past 5 years for traversing maps after they have submitted their prospecting reports.2015-09-02Natural Resources
NR/5/2015 A list of all people trained on enforcement for the Animal Health and Protection Act, their position, their affiliation with an organization, the level of training provided and length of the training sessions since the Act was proclaimed.2015-04-06Natural Resources
NR/4/2015 A detailed breakdown of all costs associated with the production, distribution and marketing of Uapikun Learns About Rabies book, including its production in all 4 languages.2015-03-25Natural Resources
NR/10/2015 All briefing records/information notes and materials/discussion papers/reports or correspondences of any kind in relation to the Quest Rare Mineral project located in the Strange Lake area of Labrador.2015-04-28Natural Resources
NR/11/2015 All estimates of future royalties and other benefits from the Hebron oil development, taking into account capital expenditure increases and lower oil price forecasts since project sanction. I am also seeking estimates of time until simple payout, Tier I payout and Tier II payout according to a range of oil price estimates.2015-04-21Natural Resources
NR/12/2015 The amount of money spent on marketing and advertising in Budget Year 2013-14 and 2014-15.2015-04-21Natural Resources
NR/6/2015 Briefing notes (prepared for & sent) and memos for ministerial staff (i.e. Derrick Dalley and his Deputy) on fracking near Gros Morne National park, specifically the moratorium; correspondence (including email) between June 2014 & September 2014 between department staff and the UNESCO World Heritage Committee regarding the meeting in Doha in June of 2014 and the anti-fracking buffer zone; copies of exploration licenses given to companies in the Green Point Shale in the last two years; and the meeting minutes from the five person fracking panel studying the implications of fracking for the last six months.2015-03-25Natural Resources
NR/22/2012 Copies of the 2011 and 2012 Detailed Dam Safety Reviews. 2013-04-23Natural Resources
NR/16/2012[1] Any and all documents, information and amounts pertaining to government's investment into [individual] and his companies/projects. 2013-05-06Natural Resources
NR/14/2012 The 2012-13 budget allows for an investment of $664,000,000 in Nalcor Energy, and/or its subsidiaries, in order to facilitate its participation in oil and gas activities and other energy projects. I am requesting information as to how that particular amount of money was arrived at by Nalcor. I would like documentation surrounding discussions with Nalcor that led to government's budgeting $664 million for Nalcor this year. 2013-04-23Natural Resources
NR/3/2015 A copy of the budget binder for the 2014-15 year and used in the estimates meeting in Spring 2014.2015-03-23Natural Resources
NR/13/2015 Records relating to permits for gravel dumping in Brigus Junction.2015-05-22Natural Resources
NR/9/2015 DNR to supply all details concerning the four (4) Exploration and Work Approvals granted to Quest Rare Minerals Ltd. (see attached). Information to include, but shall not be limited to, a confirmation list of any other government departments which were consulted in the processing of the approvals, along with a copy of the signed approvals and any recommendations, from each department consulted.2015-05-19Natural Resources
NR/2/2013 A breakdown of all expenditures referenced in the attached press releases (sections highlighted) for mine site remediation & assessment. Request includes payee, amount, date and reason for payment. 2013-04-23Natural Resources
NR/20/2013 Number of black bear killed, and or, trapped and relocated on the island of Newfoundland by DNR or outside contractor for the period of Aug 1, 2012 until Aug 22, 2013.2013-10-04Natural Resources
NR/5/2013 Cost of Muskrat Falls signing event held Monday, December 17, 2012, including rentals, professional services and associated costs and the associated costs with event postponement.2013-04-23Natural Resources
NR/18/2013 The total number of government-funded participants with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador-led June 2013 mission to China. Also a listing of any and all costs associated with the trip, including copies of any and all available receipts for food, transportation and accommodations.2013-10-21Natural Resources
NR/2/2014 Any reports, documents or other communications sent to the Department of Natural Resources from the Muskrat Falls independent engineer as described in the Muskrat Falls federal loan guaranteed agreement.2014-02-24Natural Resources
NR/15/2014 Any and all communications to and from the minister's office; as well as any departmental briefing notes, information notes, discussion papers and/or reports relating to the creation of a joint regulator for oil and gas development offshore Quebec, covering the period of July 1, 2014 to Oct. 20, 2014.2014-11-28Natural Resources
NR/16/2014 Any and all communications to and from the minister's office; as well as any departmental briefing notes, information notes, discussion papers and/or reports referring to the so-called "third line" for power from Churchill Falls to Labrador West, covering the period of July 1, 2014 - Oct. 20, 2014.2014-12-29Natural Resources
NR/9/2014 Any and all communications between the office of the Minister of Natural Resources and the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, regarding "fracking" or "Hydraulic fracturing", covering the period of Jan. 1, 2014 to Aug. 12, 2014. Also- any communications with the office of the federal minister of Natural Resources on same subject matter, within same period.2014-09-23Natural Resources
NR/11/2013 Any and all communications between the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of National Defense in relation to the May 25, 2012 forest fire that started in a wooded area near Canadian Forces base Goose Bay. Should include and documentation submitted regarding fire, including list of costs incurred by province associated with fire response.2013-08-12Natural Resources
NR/17/2013 An itemized list of expenses please for all departments and premier's office staff on the recent trade mission to China in June 2013, including flights, accommodations, meeting space, meals, gifts, incidentals and any other related expense claims.2013-10-21Natural Resources
NR/14/2013 All reports presented to the provincial government by The Independent Engineer, MWH Global Inc, as required by the Federal Loan Guarantee Term Sheet.2013-08-08Natural Resources
NR/13/2014 All records relating to RPS Canada and RPS Group PLC.2014-12-19Natural Resources
NR/19/2012 Costs and details associated with the design, production and distribution costs related to the Muskrat Falls "The power is in our hands" householder including costs of design, costs of printing, numbers of pieces printed, costs of distribution and numbers of pieces distributed broken down by channel. Costs and details associated with the design, production and distribution costs related to the Muskrat Falls "The power is in our hands" website. Copies of the algorithms, code and underlying data behind the costs calculate on the "Power is in our hands" website. 2013-04-23Natural Resources
NR/4/2012 The final cost for the Muskrat Falls publicity campaign including all production and advertising costs. 2013-04-23Natural Resources
NR/5/2014[1] I would like copies of Bay Bulls Properties (Pennecon) application to explore land in Aquaforte with a view to establishing a rock quarry in that community. Plus all correspondence pertaining to same.2014-06-27Natural Resources

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.