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Completed Access to Information Requests

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
TW/76/2019 All notes, emails and correspondence regarding community consultations on new ferry for north coast of Labrador from Jan. 2017 onward.2019-07-11Transportation and Works
NR/114/2019 On Thursday June 27, 2019 Siobhan Coady testified at the Muskrat Falls Inquiry. I am seeking any briefing notes or other briefing materials prepared by STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES for the minister in anticipation of her testimony. Please note I'm not seeking anything that would be considered solicitor-client information.2019-07-11Natural Resources
JPS/55/2019[1] Records relating to the creation of a position in 2009.2019-07-12Justice and Public Safety
MAE/146/2018 All responsive records related to the recommendations by the Independent Expert Advisory Committee on Muskrat Falls. Please provide all records from and including April 4, 2018 through to and including December 21, 2018.2019-07-12Municipal Affairs and Environment
TW/85/2019 TP 11801167 - MSO for rental of equipment district #1 Avalon November 1, 2018 - current all records required (especially invoices submitted to govt & payments issued to vendors) TP 118011664 - MSO- Dump truck Hire - Avalon District #1 November 1, 2018- current all records required (especially invoices submitted to govt & payments issued to vendors). 2019-07-12Transportation and Works
TCII/49/2019 The transition briefing binder drafted in anticipation of the potential for a new minister to be appointed after the provincial election.2019-07-12Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation
MAE/49/2019[1] Copy of the "as built" drawings of the Town of Cow Head for 1975.2019-07-12Municipal Affairs and Environment
NR/109/2019 I am requesting to have access to the most recent version of the mine closure plan for the Voisey's Bay mine. All operating mines are required to have mine closure plans submitted to government authorities describing how they will eventually close the mine and remediation the area, and so I am requesting access to this document through the Department of Natural Resources.2019-07-12Natural Resources
MAE/19/2019[1] Any and all correspondence between Government Officials and the Town Council of Little Bay Islands regarding the relocation of Little Bay Islands. Any and all documentation regarding the cost benefit analysis with respect to the relocation of Little Bay Islands.2019-07-12Municipal Affairs and Environment
SNL/83/2019 Any documents / logs / notes etc... regarding Commercial Logging Reports of wood cut / replanting of trees - as per commercial cutting regulations from / by a company named Marathon Gold, operating mining exploration in Central Newfoundland at a site near Victoria Lake / Valentine Lake for the period covering the years of 2010 - to this year 2019.2019-07-19Service NL
SNL/82/2019 Any and all documents, notes etc. of correspondence between a mining company by the name of Marathon Gold (and any of its representatives) and this department covering the dates from: March 20-2019 to today's date: June 28-2019.2019-07-19Service NL
SNL/76/2019 For the hotel in Wabush ( known as Sir Grenfell in past ) Copies of all correspondence and reports ( incl elect ) from January 1, 2018 to June 19, 2019.2019-07-19Service NL
SNL/75/2019 Requesting a list off all highway access applications received and highway access permits issued, for Access to Provincial Roads (Preliminary Application to Develop Land) for Route 334 on Fogo Island, since January 1, 2017. Also requesting the type of document(s) submitted as proof of ownership and requesting the highway access inspection report.2019-07-19Service NL
NR/111/2019 Copies of any briefing materials or reports relating to Bill C-69 prepared in past three months2019-07-19Natural Resources
HCS/92/2019 Please provide the budget approval Letters that were provided to the 4 RHAs and NLCHI for 2018-19 and 2019-20. Please provide all briefing notes, documents, correspondence, emails, text/BBM relating to the projected year end financial position for the RHAs for fiscal 2018/19 which may include information relating to requests to cover cash deficits, approvals to carry deficits or approvals of stabilization funding.2019-07-19Health and Community Services
HCS/89/2019 Please provide a copy of the 2019 Deloitte report regarding Funding Models Review for LTC & Community Support Services.2019-07-19Health and Community Services
FLR/58/2019 Please provide a copy of all staff meeting minutes at the Gander Detachment (Fish and Wildlife Enforcement) between 2015-present. 2019-07-19Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/56/2019 DOC/2019/02146 Decision Note / Provincial recommendations to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the 2019 Salmon Season / April 24 2019.2019-07-19Fisheries and Land Resources
FIN/54/2019 Any government analysis or documents (emails, directives, etc.) regarding resettlement of Gaultous or McCallum. Time period: 2000 to present.2019-07-19Finance
FIN/53/2019 Effective September 1, 2015, a $40 landing and terminal building fee was implemented for all commercial aircraft landing at provincially-owned airstrips in Labrador. The $40 fee is applied per landing to aircraft operators. How much revenue has been collected from landing fees since being implemented, and what is it used for? How much was spent on each of the airstrips along Labrador's north coast?2019-07-19Finance
FLR/59/2019 I would like to receive a copy of any and/or all correspondence relating to a complaint that was submitted to a Crown Lands and Water Resources between June 14-19, 2019 at the Gander crown lands office suggesting that someone was backfilling the harbour at Rodgers Cove, NL in Gander Bay North.2019-07-25Fisheries and Land Resources
NR/121/2019 Please provide copies of any contracts or agreements between the department of natural resources and Growler Energy for the last three years.2019-07-25Natural Resources
TCII/52/2019 Information regarding the Belleoram, NL harbour and its economic activity (i.e. tenders, consultant analysis, internal executive government emails). Time period 1989 to date of this request. (Clarified by applicant to year 2003 onwards).2019-07-25Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation
FLR/36/2019 All emails sent/received by Minister, Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Minister re MP Nick Whalen from 2015 to present.2019-07-25Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/39/2019 I would like to have vendor or purchaser or grantee name transacting in land deals with the provincial government during the period 2001-2018, for land sizes 3 acres or greater in size.2019-07-25Fisheries and Land Resources
NR/116/2019 I am requesting any documents / logs / notes etc... regarding Commercial Logging Reports of wood cut / replanting of trees - as per commercial cutting regulations from / by a company named Marathon Gold, operating mining exploration in Central Newfoundland at a site near Victoria Lake / Valentine Lake for the period covering the years of 2010 - to this year 2019.2019-07-25Natural Resources
FLR/52/2019[1] Please provide copies of all permits, licences and grants issued in 2018-2019 for land around or near Nine Island Pond/Colliers, including permits to burn and permits to cut under the Forestry Act.2019-07-25Fisheries and Land Resources
FIN/55/2019 Any documents used to brief the RHAs on the 2019/20 Budget which may include draft 2019-20 RHA budget allocations. This includes the budget day deck.2019-07-25Finance
NR/119/2019 The minister of natural resources is on record as stating that there are 31 reports on the safety and stability of the north spur. Please provide a list of these reports along with the dates of the reports and the author(s). If any of these reports are publicly available please provide web link or other source.2019-07-25Natural Resources
FLR/60/2019 Any and all correspondence and files, including but not limited to the minister, deputy minister and assistant deputy minister, from January 1, 2019 to the current date, related to Active Energy Group and/or its subsidiary Timberlands Newfoundland and/or former CEO Richard Spinks and/or current CEO Michael Rowan.2019-07-25Fisheries and Land Resources
NR/117/2019 A list of all briefing notes provided to the minister of natural resources in June 2019.2019-07-25Natural Resources
PRE/21/2019 January 17, 2019 Information Note: HCS - Decision of the Transitioning of Hospital-Based Services Committee on a Proposed Private Cataract Surgery Facility.2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
PRE/36/2019 March 2019 information note titled "JPS - Way Forward Updates."2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
EC/16/2019 Any records -- electronic, written, or otherwise -- related to Premier Danny Williams' travel any of the following cities: Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver between Jan. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2008.2019-07-26Executive Council
AESL/43/2019 All emails between the Minister of AESL and MHA Paul Dinn regarding immigration and refugees, including emails from the public. Time period: March 2019 to date of this request.2019-07-26Advanced Education, Skills and Labour
FLR/63/2019 I am looking for a copy of an e- mail fax letter that was sent out to Conservation Officers in Forestry Wildlife Clarenville Office Southern Bay Forestry/Wildlife Officer asking to document all overtime hours you have built up. 2019-07-26Fisheries and Land Resources
PRE/26/2019 February 28, 2019 Information Note on the topic of HCS - Electronic Medical Record Issue.2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
PRE/3/2019 All correspondence regarding the decision made involving the issuing of the wood permit to AEG/TL Incorporation, and location of wood pellet plant and operations of a sawmill between the following persons from January 2017 to present.2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
PRE/37/2019[3] March 2019 direction/decision note.2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
EC/19/2019[1] All emails sent/received re Young Liberals from 2015 to present.2019-07-26Executive Council
AESL/47/2019 May 2019 Information Note Emergency Social Services - Mud Lake.2019-07-26Advanced Education, Skills and Labour
PRE/20/2019 January 25, 2019 Information Note: HRS - Tax Treatment of Car Allowances for Elected Officials.2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
PRE/38/2019 March 2019 information note titled: "PPA - Procurement Support for Social Enterprises."2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
PRE/32/2019[1] All emails sent/received re Young Liberals from 2015 to present.2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
EC/3/2019 Please provide a breakdown of any costs incurred by the government of NL to recruit Ann Marie Hann as Clerk of the Executive Council including any costs incurred to relocate Ann Marie Hann and her family when she returned to NL to become Clerk of the Executive Council in September 2017. As well please provide Ann Marie Hann's most recent salary as Clerk of the Executive Council and the salary that she is currently being paid to complete the review of provincial solid Waste management strategy.2019-07-26Executive Council
SNL/49/2019 All emails, reports, studies, pilot project documents, notes to file, and correspondence related to a pilot project for a sewage system on Salmonier Line at the Tree of Life property.2019-07-26Service NL
PRE/34/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the premier for the month of April 2019.2019-07-26The Office of the Premier
EC/11/2019 Please provide a list of all consultants employed by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador (by department), including their name, company name (if applicable) and the amounts they have been paid for the fiscal years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 to date.2019-07-26Executive Council
FLR/61/2019 Any information pertaining to the sealers memorial statue erected in Porters Point in Elliston NL. Through a previous access to information request from Municipal Affairs and Environment I was directed to your department and told you have information.2019-07-26Fisheries and Land Resources
TW/86/2019 Information relating to the Labrador Airstrip.2019-07-26Transportation and Works

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.