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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
EC/55/2023 Any and all records related to the replacement of St. Clare's Hospital. (January 2016 to - August 19, 2020).2023-06-29Executive Council
EC/57/2022 Please provide any correspondence, between January 2020 and August 19, 2020 related to gender inequity within OilCo and/or the Oil and Gas division of Nalcor Energy.2024-01-09Executive Council
EC/58/2023 I request a detailed and itemized list of all costs (in Canadian dollars) associated with the May 17 to 19, 2022 visit to Canada by the (then) Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. 2023-06-29Executive Council
EC/6/2013 The total cost paid to media in the following years: 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.2013-11-20Executive Council
EC/6/2014 Records related to assurances provided by the provincial government to the acquiring entity of North Atlantic Refining Ltd. about responsibility for any pre-existing environmental liabilities at the refinery site relating to soil/sediment/groundwater, etc.2014-12-03Executive Council
EC/6/2015-EC/7/2015 An itemized breakdown of expenditures related to severance and related costs for employees in executive support/cabinet secretariat in FY13-14 an FY14-15. These costs are found in budget line for Executive Council. Request includes name of employee and breakdown of amounts received.2015-05-26Executive Council
EC/6/2016 Records related to the Brand Marketing Strategy and Implementation Plan, specifically: the completed audit of the existing brand, the completed competitive review, the completed jurisdictional scan of best practices globally, the completed review existing and potential target markets.2016-03-01Executive Council
EC/6/2017 Please provide all costs and related expenses for the cabinet meeting/retreat held on the West Coast on NL in February 2017. Included in the expenses would be things such as travel (flights, mileage/gas reimbursement, vehicle rentals), food, entertainment, per diems and any other associated costs. In addition, please provide a full list of attendees including Ministers, support staff and security.2017-03-17Executive Council
EC/6/2024 All records pertaining to the preparation, drafting and signing of the following Orders in Council: OC2022-088 dated 2022-04-07, OC2023-155 dated 2023-06-16, OC2023-162 dated 2023-06-22, OC2023-175 dated 2023-07-05.2024-07-23Executive Council
EC/66-67/2020 Any and all records with respect to Dec 4, 2020 virtual Christmas tree lightening at Confederation Building.2021-03-05Executive Council
EC/7-8/2023 Please provide all documentation which shows the Gender-Based Analysis Plus done on all policies and proposals within the department since April 15, 2021 to present day.2023-06-02Executive Council
EC/7/2013 The names, salaries and positions of all government appointees to boards and agencies since December 2010 to present.2013-10-21Executive Council
EC/7/2014 and EC/10/2014 Records related to Premier designate Frank Coleman and his transition team (including Bill Matthews and Carmel Turpin) including a full list of the people on the transition team, their positions and remuneration levels, copies of all staffing action requests (including, but not limited to, permanent, temporary, any other hire contracts and position changes), OCIO requests (including requests for new email, network and blackberry accounts), security IDs, and requests to have insurance policies changes to allow any of the above employees to drive government vehicles (and any associated costs to make these insurance policy changes).2014-11-24Executive Council
EC/7/2017 All e-mails sent and received on April 3, 2015, regarding Twitter and Don Dunphy.2017-03-31Executive Council
EC/7/2019 I am requesting access to all communications between this Department and a mining exploration company operating in Central Newfoundland, known as Marathon Gold Corporation - for the period covering all of this year (2019) to date.2019-04-05Executive Council
EC/7/2020 Any and all communications regarding discussions, decisions, instructions, and/or orders to sell any land, assets, or anything of value to the company 80521 Newfoundland & Labrador Limited (company number: 80521) and/or ANY related parties, agents, or directors of 80521. 2020-05-06Executive Council
EC/7/2022 All correspondence between Clerk of Executive Council and members of the Premier's Economic Recovery Team. Please include all drafts of reports, including all emails, text messages, briefing notes, and telephone records.2022-01-18Executive Council
EC/7/2024 Any correspondence with this department and "Higher Talent", an HR firm. Include all correspondence, contracts, meetings, etc. with those in the department and the company as well as its representatives.2024-07-23Executive Council
EC/8-9/2019 Any messaging or draft messaging prepared for the Department or Minister since January 1st, 2019. In addition, any benchmarks/status updates/lists outlining levels of completion of "The Way Forward" initiatives.2019-04-04Executive Council
EC/8/2013 A list of all communications contracts from April 2011 to present.2013-11-18Executive Council
EC/8/2014 In the September 30, 2014 Executive Council announced the creation of new Associate Deputy Minister (Transportation). Please provide letters, memos, correspondence, emails, briefing notes, etc regarding the creation of this position.2014-11-24Executive Council
EC/8/2017 Please provide any records, including communications, information notes or briefing notes given to the Clerk regarding the Labrador Island Link (Muskrat Falls) Between Jan 1, 2017 and March 8, 2017.2017-04-20Executive Council
EC/8/2021 All correspondence between the Clerk of Executive Council, Assistant Secretaries of Executive Council (both social and economic policy) and Dame Moya Greene as well as her team from December 2020 to present. 2021-11-03Executive Council
EC/8/2024 Records relating to Petra International.2024-07-30Executive Council
EC/9/2014 In government's news release dated September 30, 2014 (Executive Council) there is the following statement: "Newcomer Judy Manning, a lawyer with extensive provincial, national and international experience joins government to take on this important new ministerial role and serve as attorney general." Please provide a detailed list of Ms. Manning's experience, as outlined below, as it relates to the above statement: provincial experience, national experience, and international experience.2014-11-24Executive Council
EC/9/2015 Any records -- briefing materials, minutes, agendas, maps or any other documents, paper or electronic which reflect or record any cabinet discussions between November 2003 and December 2010 related to the property currently known as "Galway," located between Pitts Memorial Drive and Cochrane Pond being developed by former premier Danny Williams. I am specifically applying for consideration under Sec. 27(3) of the act, given that any cabinet discussions of this matter are a clear and unambiguous matter of public interest.2015-08-03Executive Council
EC/9/2016 I would like to get information on the death threats made against former Premier Kathy Dunderdale in 2013. It may have been April 2013 or before. Also, what security precautions were taken, and how long did they last?2016-03-07Executive Council
Transcript of the interview with Hon. Andrew Parsons, Minister of Justice and Public Safety, on April 11, 2019 outside the House of Assembly.2020-05-08Executive Council
EC/9/2021 Records related to the tragic loss of Burton Winters which occurred on January 29, 2012.2021-09-16Executive Council
EC/9/2023 I am looking for a copy of the 2041 Churchill River Management Expert Panel's report.2023-07-21Executive Council
ECC/1/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of December 2022.2023-03-01Environment and Climate Change
ECC/1/2024 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of December 2023.2024-02-07Environment and Climate Change
ECC/10/2021 The location of every municipal water tower/reservoir located on the Avalon peninsula, either in physical address or GPS coordinates.2022-02-08Environment and Climate Change
ECC/10/2022 A complete list of all law offices and lawyers retained by the Provincial Government, agencies, boards, and crown corporations.2022-04-22Environment and Climate Change
ECC/100/2022 All documents and correspondence relating to the Minimum Wage Review Process from November 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022.2022-12-12Environment and Climate Change
ECC/100/2024 Records pertaining to the Town of Holyrood's main wastewater treatment facility.2024-10-01Environment and Climate Change
ECC/101/2024 All records, including but not limited to communications and data, related to the five air quality monitoring stations in Labrador belonging to various companies, which are monitored and/or audited by the department. Please exclude duplicates and search for records from May 1, 2024 to present day.2024-10-01Environment and Climate Change
ECC/102/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of October 2022.2022-12-12Environment and Climate Change
ECC/103/2022[1] Records relating to tracking software.2022-12-22Environment and Climate Change
ECC/103/2024 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of August 2024.2024-09-24Environment and Climate Change
ECC/104/2022 Water Resources Management Division, all Records including but not limited to any form of correspondence (letters, emails, telephone calls) and any briefing material (briefing notes, updates) related to property on Pouch Cove Highway, Flatrock, NL from January 2022 to current.2023-04-13Environment and Climate Change
ECC/104/2024 All briefing materials prepared for the Deputy Minister and Minister for the month of August 2024.2024-09-24Environment and Climate Change
ECC/106/2022 Please provide a copy of all preparatory material given to the Minister in advance of COP27. Please also provide a copy of the Minister's speaking notes for the conference.2023-07-18Environment and Climate Change
ECC/107/2024 Any records and or reports pertaining to a gas leak and environmental remediation in 2013 from a business located at 178 Main Street, Peterview.2024-10-01Environment and Climate Change
ECC/108/2022[1] All documents, correspondence, engineering design specifications, and permits associated with Town of Conception Bay South Water and Sewer phase 48, with specific focus on work completed on Frog Pond Road.2022-12-30Environment and Climate Change
ECC/11/2022[1] Peach's Cove-Green Bay Walking & Multipurpose Trails Applicant: Peach's Cove-Green Bay Development Inc. Crown Lands Application #155152 Registration# 2141 All emails, correspondence, notes, attachments exchanged between the applicant and Water Resources Management, and Environmental Assessment. Also the same documents exchanged between Water Resources Management and Environmental Assessment.2023-01-10Environment and Climate Change
ECC/11/2023 Copies of the EPR documents for the following two quarry applications as well as the comments from the various government departments in responding to the EPR. 1. Butler's Sand and Stone Co Ltd for Quarry at Seal Cove River 2 km north of White Hill 2. Newcrete Quarry operation Black Mountain, off foxtrap access road.2023-04-12Environment and Climate Change
ECC/110/2024 All briefing materials prepared for the Deputy Minister and Minister for the month of September 2024.2024-10-15Environment and Climate Change
ECC/111/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2022.2023-01-10Environment and Climate Change
ECC/112/2022[1] All records pertaining to (i) the pending appointment of additional Vice-Chairperson positions at the Labour Relations Board of Newfoundland and Labrador (the intention to appoint them was stated by the Minister Responsible for Labour in April-May 2022) and (ii) the correspondence filed as ##.2023-02-27Environment and Climate Change

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.