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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
EECD/35/2019 I am seeking the number of children in NL receiving daycare subsidies. I would like this information for the entire province broken down by nearest EECD office to the family receiving the subsidy.2019-05-10Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/40/2019[1] All emails sent/received re MP Nick Whalen from 2015 to present.2019-06-06Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/19/2019[1] I am requesting any and all correspondence (emails, briefing notes, etc) regarding the removal of the Assistant Director of Education - Programs (Western Region).2019-03-19Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/12/2019 Any messaging or draft messaging prepared for the Department or Minister since January 1st, 2019. In addition, any benchmarks/status updates/lists outlining levels of completion of "The Way Forward" initiatives.2019-03-19Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/16/2019 January 2019 Meeting Note titled Conseil scolaire francophone provincial.2019-03-11Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/3/2019[1] Correspondence - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - between the department and NLESD related to so-called "courtesy stop" exemptions to the province's 1.6-km school busing rule. Date range of request is May 1, 2018, to the present.2019-03-11Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/5/2018 Information for the 2017-2018 School year: The number of sign language interpreters, teachers of the deaf and student assistants allocated to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) students in each region of the NLESD; The number of schools attended by DHH students that are equipped with visual alarm systems; The number of schools attended by DHH students that are not equipped with visual alarm systems; Amount currently spent on DHH students annually (teachers, student assistants, supplies, etc.).2018-10-16Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/3/2018 1. Royal Commission on Education and Youth authored by Dr. Philip Warren. There are two report volumes, published in January and October, 1967. 2. Review/report on the Newfoundland School for the Deaf authored by Dr. Dave Philpott.2018-03-05Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/48/2017 All correspondence to/from the Minister (including his executive assistant) related to the EY library report. From January 1st 2017 - June 14th, 2017.2017-07-17Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/53/2017 Any and all files regarding Waterford Valley High. Timeframe requested: September 1, 2016 - June 29, 2017.2017-07-31Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/51/2017 All correspondence sent to the Minister (and the Minister's EA) regarding combined classrooms from January 2017 - present.2017-07-21Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/47/2017[1] A list of all exemptions and warnings (include letters) issued by the province to child care centers. This would include any infractions by the centers, exemptions regarding staffing levels and education complement, issues regarding compliance, etc.2017-07-21Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/29/2018 All information regarding complaints about a teacher in in St. John's, from the period of September 1, 2011 to present. 2019-01-07Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/23/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-11-19Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/12/2018[1] Any and all information relating to the accreditation of Anchor Academy under the Schools Act, 1997, and specifically the information relating to the approval of the curriculum under s. 44(b) of the Act.2018-10-30Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/61/2017 Information relating to Mobile Central High extension, building of a new middle school in the region and St. Bernard's Elementary in Witless Bay from January 1, 2017 to September 6, 2017.2017-10-16Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/52/2017 I would like to request, from May 2017 onward, copies of all written communications (e.g. emails, memos, reports, meeting minutes, etc) in relation to the building and design of the extension to Mobile Central High school between all government departments and SNC Lavlin and the NLESD.2017-07-31Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/15/2018[1] Information relating to government expenditure (program and administration expenditure) on special education programs in Newfoundland and Labrador per fiscal year from FY1999/00 to present. 2018-07-30Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/45/2017 Information regarding Speech-Language Pathology services.2017-06-27Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/62/2017 A list of all briefing materials provided to the minister, including the title and date, during June, July and August 2017.2017-10-16Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/60/2017 ATIPP requesting water test results for Mobile Central High School from school opening in 2008 to present.2017-10-16Education and Early Childhood Development
All data collected as part of the School Climate Survey taken by staff, students and parents/guardians at St. Teresa's school in 2017, including written responses, as well as analyses and communications relating to that particular school's survey data.2017-11-20Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/49/2017 All correspondence records between the Minister (and the Minister's EA) and the Provincial Libraries board. From January 1st, 2017 - June 14th, 2017.2017-07-11Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/46/2017 A complete list of the province's child care centers (name/location/# of spaces) - divided into two categories: for profit & not for profit. Included in this, I would also like a list of those centers availing of an operating grant.2017-07-11Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/66/2017 A list of all briefing materials provided to the minister in September 2017.2017-10-30Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/64/2017 I would like access to any e-mails, letters or direct communication from Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dale Kirby to any trustee of the Eastern School District Board of Trustees, and any responses received from those trustees, from August 1 to Oct. 5, 2017.2017-10-30Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/18/2018 Please provide all correspondence (letters, emails, briefing notes, notes) made in relation to appointments or vacancies or potential appointments or recommendation of candidates of any board, agency or commission position under the Ministers/Department responsibility since May 2016.2018-10-09Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/19/2018 I am requesting a copy of the province's current sex education curriculum. I am also seeking any consultant reports related to such.2018-11-14Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/14/2018 This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-11-14Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/8/2018 Copy of letter sent to Minister Kirby regarding the strategic funding of French education.2018-10-16Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/9/2018 To obtain a list or records pertaining to all critical incidents at 1. centre-based child care, 2. family child care, and 3. family child care agencies. Could you please list the date, municipalities, a description of the incident, the type of investigation and sanctions that happened after each incident.2018-04-17Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/13/2018 Copies of any lawsuit filed by ATC Enterprises Ltd. and/or Carey Bus lines against the English School District of Newfoundland and Labrador, (NLESD) and copies of any legal documents relating to such filing whether filed by either party. Any correspondence, both electronic and written, related to settling of any such lawsuit.2018-10-12Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/4/2018 Any emails, texts, phone calls, written correspondence, invoices for phone calls, made by Minister Dale Kirby or Chris Pickard through government email accounts or government land line phones or cell phones made in reference to the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of School Councils, or made to or in reference to the executive members. 2018-10-31Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/54/2017 I would like to know how much money has been allocated to the Safe and Caring schools initiative, with a breakdown of costs since 2007.2017-07-31Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/70/2017 All correspondence related to the December 15, 2017 Education and Early Childhood Development announcement regarding Provincial/Federal Bilateral Agreement on Early Learning and Child Care. Please include list of attendees and invites that went out prior to announcement. This request would cover from June 1, 2017 to December 19, 2017.2018-01-22Education and Early Childhood Development
Data for each year from 1993-2003 as follows: Enrollment According to: - Public Elementary Enrollment - Public Secondary Enrollment - Roman Catholic Elementary Enrollment - Roman Catholic Secondary Enrollment - Total Public Enrollment - Total RC Enrollment Total Elementary - Total Secondary - Total Enrollment Number of Schools According to: - Public Elementary Schools - Public Secondary - Roman Catholic Elementary - Roman catholic secondary - Totals Private School Enrollment: - Private Elementary - Private Secondary - Private Combined or Ungraded - Total Private School Enrollment Student Funding - Total Operating Expenses - Per Pupil Spending2017-08-21Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/50/2017 All documents that relate to House of Assembly preparation for the Minister. From March 2017 -June 2017.2017-07-11Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/65/2017 All correspondence in 2016 and 2017 including emails, memos, letters, minutes, etc., between the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, including the Minister, and the members and officials of the Premier's Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes concerning deaf and hard of hearing students in Newfoundland and Labrador schools.2017-10-30Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/63/2017 A copy of the following briefing notes: Ruling of the NL court of appeal regarding the NLESD decision to close Whitbourne Elementary; Proposal from SABRI regarding the use of former Harriot Curtis Collegiate; NL participation in 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study; Vacant School Properties.2017-10-30Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/69/2017 How many requests has the NLESD made to the EECD for additional teacher allocations and student assistant hours between June 1, 2017 and December 1, 2017? How many additional teaching units and/or student assistant hours have been assigned to the NLESD a as a result of these requests? How many applications for student assistant support were received for 2016/2017 and how many of these were approved? How many applications for student assistant support were received for 2017/2018 and how many of these were approved?2018-10-17Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/16/2018 All records (including, but not limited to briefing notes, meeting notes, decision notes, reports, emails, letters) between the NL English School District, Pasadena Elementary school, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development regarding the allocation of student assistant time for the 2017-2018 and the 2018-2019 school year.2018-08-20Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/10/2018 Any and all information relating to the Newfoundland government's protocol for the education of deaf children prior to the opening of the Newfoundland School for the Deaf in 1965. Most particularly, we seek any financial or organizational agreements which existed between the Province and the Mckay School for the Deaf in Montreal, QC and the Interprovincial School for the Deaf in Amherst, NS.2018-04-13Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/6/2019 I'm looking for communications between the Eastern School District and the Education Minister and the Justice Minister in regards to the Bullying Policy and Legislation.2019-02-13Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/1/2019 Information notes, decision notes, analyses, and/or other background or briefing materials - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - related to enhanced financial systems and controls at the N.L. English School District and/or the auditor general's report on procurement at the school district. Date range of request is Sept. 1, 2018, to the present.2019-01-28Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/24/2018 All information from the late 1990's and early 2000's regarding the closure of the School for the Deaf. I am requesting any studies, research and minutes from meetings that lead to the decision to close the school for the deaf in St. John's.2018-11-27Education and Early Childhood Development
EECD/7/2018 The number of parent(s) who attended and//or the enrollment statistics for the Stepping Stones/Kinderstart/Healthy Babies at Whitbourne Elementary School for each year from 2008 up to the year it was relcoated to Crescent Collegiate in Blaketown. The annual cost in the year of 2017 to rent/lease office space and storage space by the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District at Atlantic Place, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador. A list of the buildings, office space and storage space located on the Avalon Peninsula that is being rented or leased by the by the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District along with the annual rental/leasing costs. 2018-10-16Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/34/2017 I would like to have a copy of the Federal, Provincial and francophone community agreement that created the Centre Scolaire est Communautaire de Grands Vents.2017-05-16Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/37/2017 I am requesting the names of the individuals involved with drafting and implementing a series of amendments to the School Board Election Regulations, including repeal of regulation 3(1) to do way with the requirement for fixed date elections that was passed by an Order in Council on August 16, 2016.2017-05-16Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/36/2017 I am seeking a copy of the EY report on the public library system.2017-05-09Education and Early Childhood Development
EDU/43/2017 A copy of the following briefing material: Newfoundland and Labrador English School District - Update on Internal Audit Report Recommendations #1.2017-05-23Education and Early Childhood Development

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.