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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
EC/33/2020 Swearing in of Premier-Designate Andrew Furey and Ministers-Designate MC Notes.2021-03-09Executive Council
EC/33/2021 All correspondence and documents between Coady Construction and Excavating Ltd. (Torbay, NL) with the Office of the Premier between the period of July 1, 2019 and August 20, 2020.2021-09-15Executive Council
EC/34/2017 Request all communications between Premiers offices and Deer Lake Power, Corner Pulp and Paper and Kruger any of their staff regarding Humber Canal, penstocks, drinking water supply, Seepage. Etc. 2010 - Dec 13, 2015.2017-11-14Executive Council
EC/34/2020 A copy of the following: - P. 17 - '90 "The treatment of cabinet documents of preceding administrations" - F. 101 - '90 - F. 104 - '90 - TB. 39 - '90.2021-03-09Executive Council
EC/34/2021 Any records related to any actions that were undertaken or considered by the department in relation to the implementation of Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action, specifically, Action 82 (Which states: "We call upon provincial and territorial governments, in collaboration with Survivors and their organizations, and other parties to the Settlement Agreement, to commission and install a publicly accessible, highly visible, Residential Schools Monument in each capital city to honour Survivors and all the children who were lost to their families and communities"). Date range of request: 2015 to present.2021-09-15Executive Council
EC/34/2022 All emails between Brendan Paddick or John Risley and the Executive Council office, Jan 1, 2022 to July 19, 2022.2024-01-05Executive Council
EC/35/2018 All documents including correspondences (including email and letters), slides, notes and memoranda exchanged between the Pharmacy Board of Newfoundland and Labrador (or one of its agents, employees or officers) and the Executive Council - Cabinet Secretariat respecting the Pharmacy Network. 2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/35/2020 Swearing in of Premier Dwight Ball MC Notes of December 14, 2015.2021-03-05Executive Council
EC/35/2021 Any records related to any actions that were undertaken or considered by the department in relation to the implementation of Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action, specifically Action 71 (Which states: "We call upon all chief coroners and provincial vital statistics agencies that have not provided to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada their records on the deaths of Aboriginal children in the care of residential school authorities to make these documents available to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation"). Date range of request: 2015 to present.2021-09-15Executive Council
EC/36/2018 All documents including correspondences (including email and letters), slides, notes and memoranda exchanged between the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information (or one of its agents, employees or officers) and the Executive Council - Secretariat respecting the Pharmacy Network.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/36/2021 Copies of all emails, memos, text messages, letters, briefing notes, etc., regarding the PET scanner and laundry services for the new acute care hospital in Corner Brook between former Premier Dwight Ball and/or his staff and the Minister of Health and Community Services and his staff, and Minister Gerry Byrne, former Minister Eddie Joyce and Western Health officials from January 1st, 2017 up to and including July 6th, 2018.2023-05-10Executive Council
EC/36/2021 Records regarding the PET scanner and laundry services for the new acute care hospital in Corner Brook between former Premier Dwight Ball and/or his staff and the Minister of Health and Community Services and his staff, and Minister Gerry Byrne, former Minister Eddie Joyce and Western Health officials from January 1st, 2017 up to and including July 6th, 2018.2023-05-30Executive Council
EC/37/2017 All incoming and outgoing correspondence to and from John Tompkins for the period September 14, 2016 to December 31, 2016 which references the search criteria "Katarina Roxon".2017-11-27Executive Council
EC/37/2018 All documents including correspondences (including email and letters), slides, notes and memoranda exchanged between any third-party not including the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information or the Pharmacy Board of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Executive Council - Cabinet Secretariat respecting the Pharmacy Network.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/37/2020 The transition briefing binder for the incoming premier, and any briefing materials prepared for and/or provided to the new premier up to Sept. 1, 2020. Request includes records in any and all formats, including paper and electronic.2021-03-10Executive Council
EC/38/2017 All incoming and outgoing correspondence to and from Brian Scott for the period August 8, 2016 to August 12, 2016 which references the search criteria "International Youth Day".2017-12-06Executive Council
EC/38/2022 Any and all records regarding Ben Gardner, Brendan Paddick, and/or John Risley, in relation to World Energy GH2 or wind energy in general. Timeframe, August 2020 - present.2023-06-29Executive Council
EC/39/2016 Any documents in any way relating to the amendment made by section 7 of An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Act, S.N. 1994, c. 12, which added section 44.1(2) of the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Act.2016-10-31Executive Council
EC/39/2017 Former Premier Paul Davis did not know about the largest projected NL Gov budget deficit in NL history during the 2015 NL election campaign ( when questioned on the NL budget deficit ) 1/ provide re former Premier Paul Davis All documents and correspondence including, but not limited to: briefing notes, text messages, emails (including attachments), handwritten notes, and any other record or document, electronic or otherwise, created between Aug 01 2015 and Nov 30 2015, referencing the NL Gov budget between former Premier Paul Davis and NL Gov members & or NL Gov staff.2018-01-22Executive Council
EC/39/2020 Charles Bown's employment contract for his appointment as CEO of the Multi Materials Stewardship Board. AND Charles Bown's employment contract for his appointment as Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation2021-11-03Executive Council
EC/39/2022 All discussion at Communications and Public Engagement about pay equity either by email or text message, as well as any other records, documents, meetings, meeting minutes, key messages, etc. related to pay equity from Monday, Aug. 15, 2022 to end of day.2024-01-05Executive Council
EC/4/2013 Copies of all emails, letters, memos written to or from the Department of Advanced Education and Skills, Executive Council or the Premier's Office between December 2012 and January 18, 2013 regarding the appointment of Ross Reid to Deputy Minister, Responsible for the Population Growth Strategy.2013-04-23Executive Council
EC/4/2014 Information relating to subsequent entry biologics, SEBs, follow on biologics or biosimilars dated from January 1, 2012 until the date of this request.2014-05-14Executive Council
EC/4/2015 All Cabinet records relating to the George River Caribou Heard, along with any and all information connected to the GRHC Hunting Ban, which was imposed in January 2013.2015-04-14Executive Council
EC/4/2017 WRT ATIPPA response EC/44/2016, a copy of all the pages and information deleted as "non-responsive" to a request for specific information. The completed response is contained here: 2017-03-06Executive Council
EC/4/2018 Please provide details of expenses and record of payments made to Kevin Casey or invoices paid related to services rendered by Mr. Casey to the NLC or government. This request covers October 1, 2017 to January 10, 2018.2018-01-22Executive Council
EC/4/2019 Please provide a list of all external consulting contracts commenced or renewed since Dec. 1, 2015. For each instance, please specify the name of the individual or company consulting, the date the contract was initially commenced or renewed, the date the contract was concluded (or, if it's still ongoing, please specify) and the total dollar figure paid to date to the consultant for that project.2019-04-24Executive Council
EC/4/2021 Any and all records sent to Dame Moya Greene from August 2019 to January 13, 2020.2021-10-19Executive Council
EC/40/2016 Information regarding the Way Forward event held on October 11, 2016. 2016-11-14Executive Council
EC/40/2018 Please provide any briefing notes, information notes, reports, emails, or any other records which include an evaluation of the current Atlantic Accord Framework and/or Equalization formula conducted since January 1, 2016.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/40/2020 All employment contracts of Charles Bown.2021-11-03Executive Council
EC/40/2021 Records regarding RFP 2016-4193.2023-07-14Executive Council
EC/40/2023 All records pertaining to the submission of the Office of the Auditor General Report on Special Assignment into Executive & Management Compensation, Operating Expenses and Oversight at Memorial University of Newfoundland (OC2022-088) to the Government and its subsequent public release. They include, but are not limited to, records with respect to setting the submission and the release dates, receiving and reviewing the unredacted Report, discussing with Memorial its contents and analyzing the public reaction to the Report and relevant publications in the media. The Executive Council released the Report on 23 October 2023. Period covered: 1 April 2022 to date.2024-02-28Executive Council
EC/41/2017 Re NL Gov Committees 1/ Provide a current list of NL Gov committees by department.2018-01-22Executive Council
EC/44/2016 All correspondence related to Perry Trimper's attendance at climate change meetings in Montreal, including but not limited to his decision to walk out of the meeting.2016-12-09Executive Council
EC/45/2016 All analysis prepared on the costs and savings involved with the initiatives announced in the "The Way Forward" document released November 9.2016-12-12Executive Council
EC/45/2021 Please provide a copy of all external communications, including but not limited to emails and letters, regarding the government's proposal for a sugar sweetened beverage tax received between May 1st 2021 and August 31st 2021 inclusively.2023-07-14Executive Council
EC/46/2016 Request any and all documents of the Treasury Board authority for the elimination of three Director of Communications positions within the Provincial Government.2016-12-16Executive Council
EC/47/2016 All records, (correspondence, severance payouts, contracts, etc.) related to the elimination of the 15 senior executive positions leading up to October 27th, 2016 and All records (correspondence, severance payouts, contracts) related to the elimination of the 13 communications positions on 10/31/2016.2016-12-16Executive Council
EC/48/2016[1] Please provide all correspondence to or from Mr. Bern Coffey regarding Muskrat Falls.2017-01-31Executive Council
EC/49/2016 Please provide the August 2016 Muskrat Falls status report as per the October minutes of the Oversight Committee's Minutes.Please provide the August 2016 Muskrat Falls status report as per the October minutes of the Oversight Committee's Minutes.2016-12-30Executive Council
EC/5/2013 1. Any documents relating to the following amendments made under sections 8 and 9 of An Act to Amend the Workers? Compensation Act, S.N. 1992, c.29: (a) The addition of section 44.1 of the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990, c. W-11 (the ?WHSC Act?); and (b) The substitution of section 45 of the WHSC Act. 2. Any documents relating to the following amendment made under section 7 of An Act to Amend the Workers? Compensation Act, S.N. 1994, c/ 12: (a) The addition of section 44.1(2) of the WHSC Act.2013-05-15Executive Council
EC/5/2014 The cost to run the Office of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency since the office was created. This should be done by fiscal year, up to the present, with budget line items separated. (e.g. salaries, contracts).2014-08-01Executive Council
EC/5/2015 The amount of money spent on marketing and advertising in Budget Year 2013-14 and 2014-15.2015-05-11Executive Council
EC/5/2020 Any and all records which relate to the 1998/1999 moratorium placed on Outfitting operations in Labrador, including but shall not be limited to, a copy of the Report from the Committee on the Use of Outdoor Resources undertaken by the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation (TCR).2020-05-06Executive Council
EC/5/2023 Please provide the following records or information: -detailed conversations and correspondence between government staff/elected officials and Tony Blair and his team during 2022.2023-07-21Executive Council
EC/5/2024 Records relating to the Environmental investigation regarding a shipyard.2024-07-23Executive Council
EC/50/2020 Please provide a complete list of submissions (verbatim) provided through the Red Tape Reduction Initiative administered by EngageNL from June 5, 2020 to the present.2021-06-03Executive Council
EC/53/2022 1/The Office of the Citizens' Representative stated on Monday, Oct. 24, that it welcomed the public release of a review of its March 2022 report into allegations against the province's chief electoral officer, Bruce Chaulk. Those allegations centred around harassment, bullying and nepotism at Elections NL. The review, conducted by retired Chief Justice Derek Green, was released Friday afternoon, Oct. 21. 1/ Provide the cost Chief Justice Green report" 2/Bruce Chaulk was eventually suspended with pay,- how much was he paid 3a/ did he have a replacement ? -name ? b/ how much was he paid ? 4/ total 1-3.2023-06-29Executive Council
EC/54/2022 I am looking for cabinet records from the 1990s concerning the Trans City Scandal - where the government awarded hospital contracts to the company Marco.2023-07-21Executive Council

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.