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As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
EC/16/2017 Please provide all records (emails, hard copy records, memos, and correspondence) between Premier Dwight Ball and the former Clerk of the Executive Council, Bern Coffey, regarding Mr. Coffey's legal practice or any related matters from September 1, 2016 to May 2, 2017.2017-06-05Executive Council
EC/16/2018 All documents and correspondence including, but not limited to: briefing notes, text messages, emails (including attachments) , handwritten notes, and any other record or document , electronic or otherwise, created between Jan 01 2011 - Dec 31-2011 to &from Kathy Dunderdale re the MF PUB terms of reference.2018-05-14Executive Council
EC/16/2019 Any records -- electronic, written, or otherwise -- related to Premier Danny Williams' travel any of the following cities: Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver between Jan. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2008.2019-07-26Executive Council
EC/16/2020[1] A list of any current or past employees of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and/or its Agencies, Boards or Commissions, either permanent, contractual or casual, who earned $100,000.00 or greater as of 2018 and received a severance payment that provided credit for the time worked under that contract(s), and based on a review of their contract, why they received severance.2021-03-05Executive Council
EC/16/2021 All payments to Gary Norris as Clerk of the Executive Council in 2010 upon retirement. This should include all accumulated leave, deferred benefits, vacation pay, etc. The amount of Mr. Norris current pension from the Public Service Pension Plan.2021-09-28Executive Council
EC/17/2016 I am requesting the Muskrat Falls oversight committee report for the quarter ending December 2015. If there is any ambiguity, I am requesting access to any Muskrat Falls oversight committee reports that have not yet been publicly released.2016-04-18Executive Council
EC/17/2017 I am requesting a copy of all emails Sent/Received by Paul Davis ( only) from Oct 18 to Oct Oct 24, 2015. I do not wish to receive a copy of any NLIS or media stories. I do not wish to have any records related to caucus or constituent files, as I understand they are protected under the Act.2017-06-12Executive Council
EC/17/2018 The number of decision notes prepared for the Premier each year, by year, from 2004 to 2017 inclusive.2018-05-14Executive Council
EC/17/2019[1] All emails sent/received re harassment and bullying from April 2018 to present.2019-11-20Executive Council
EC/17/2020[1] A list of any current or past employees of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and/or its Agencies, Boards or Commissions, either permanent, contractual or casual, who earned $100,000 or greater as of 2018 and were employed under a contract by the Clerk of Executive Council who received a severance payout provided by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and/or any of Agencies, Boards or Commissions for time served under such a contract. For those who did receive severance, based on a review of contract, why did they receive severance?2021-03-08Executive Council
EC/17/2022 An itemized breakdown of expenditures for the 2021-22 fiscal year in the professional services category of budget line 2.2.01 operating accounts (as per page 26 of the Budget 2022 Estimates document).2023-04-14Executive Council
EC/18/2016 All emails, internal memos and/or any written correspondence regarding Don Dunphy from March 29, 2015 and April 12, 2015.2016-05-09Executive Council
EC/18/2017 I am requesting a copy of all appointments made by the Premier, and the date of the appointment, the term of the appointment and any remuneration associated with the appointment from Sept 26, 2014 to Nov 30, 2015.2017-06-12Executive Council
EC/18/2018 A copy of the Cab Sec policies and procedures manual or any document like it that details administrative practices and procedures within Cab Sec.2018-07-30Executive Council
EC/18/2018 A copy of the Cab Sec policies and procedures manual or any document like it that details administrative practices and procedures within Cab Sec.2018-05-14Executive Council
EC/18/2020 The number of meetings and/or dates that Cabinet has met since January 1, 2020.2021-03-08Executive Council
EC/18/2021 Please provide me with all records containing information about daily activities, meetings, and visitors of Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador including calendar records, visitor logs, schedules of online meetings between January 1, 2020, and today. The records should include activities of both Mr. Dwight Ball (from January 1, 2020, to August 19, 2020) and Mr. Andrew Furey (from August 19, 2020, to May 11, 2021).2021-11-03Executive Council
EC/18/2022 Copies of various Orders in Council.2023-04-14Executive Council
EC/19/2016 In the budget speech it stated "Each proposal was assessed on its own merits, taking into consideration a variety of things. The Government Renewal Secretariat also assessed the cumulative impacts of the Government Renewal proposals across client groups, sectors and communities. This analysis also included impacts resulting from new revenue measures and fee increases, and helped to inform Cabinet's deliberations." I would like to see those assessments, or any communication about them.2016-06-03Executive Council
EC/19/2017 I am requesting a copy of all appointments made by LGIC as well as ministerial appointments, the date of the appointment, the term of the appointment and any remuneration associated with the appointment, from Sept 26, 2014 to Nov 30, 2015.2017-06-16Executive Council
EC/19/2019[1] All emails sent/received re Young Liberals from 2015 to present.2019-07-26Executive Council
EC/19/2020 Any and all records with respect to Mr. Paul Mills and/or Paul Mills & Associates including employment, payments, remittances, invoices, etc. from December 1 2015 to May 3, 2020.2021-03-05Executive Council
EC/19/2021 Cost of the PERT report including a breakdown of any payments made in any relation to the report.2021-09-29Executive Council
EC/19/2023 A copy of a Sept. 2018 letter from the Federation des Francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador to the premier. A copy of the reply from the premier's office, sent in October 2018.2023-04-14Executive Council
EC/2/2013 All costs associated with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee congratulatory message book incurred by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador during 2012.2013-04-23Executive Council
EC/2/2015 A copy of the budget binder which was prepared for the Minister and officials for the 2014-15 budget year and used in any Executive Council estimates meetings in the Spring of 2014.2015-04-08Executive Council
EC/2/2016 I am requesting any directives, correspondence, guidelines or other records sent out by the Government Renewal Initiative to government departments between Jan. 1 and Jan. 18.2016-02-19Executive Council
EC/2/2019 Information relating to matters of automotive insurance rates, claims, reform, and legislation from 16 February 2018 to present.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/2/2021 Looking for all Emails between the former Premier Dwight Ball and staff and Former Mayor of Labrador City (Sept 2017- June 2019).2022-01-18Executive Council
EC/2/2023 Any and records concerning $2.4 million greenhouse fundraising campaign at Government House, including donation receipts, work invoices/accounts payable, cash flow account statements etc.2023-07-20Executive Council
EC/2/2024 The total amount of money spent on the public awareness campaign for the province's new Wellbeing Plan.2024-07-30Executive Council
EC/20/2017 An itemized breakdown of expenditures for the 2016-17 fiscal year in the professional services and purchased services categories of budget line 2.1.01 for the premier's office (as per page 2.4 of the Budget 2017 Estimates document).2017-06-12Executive Council
EC/20/2018 Cabinet records (as defined by section 27 of ATIPPA) related to negotiations and/or a tentative agreement between Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador with respect to further development of the hydroelectric power potential of the Churchill River in Labrador, and related projects in Quebec.2018-07-19Executive Council
EC/20/2019 The transition briefing binder drafted in anticipation of the potential for a new premier after the provincial election.2019-11-08Executive Council
EC/20/2020 I would like to search all and any provincial government departments for all information about KEY ASSETS NL or any associated operating names.2021-03-05Executive Council
EC/20/2021 I would like to know the total cost associated with the production of the report created by the Premier's Economic Recovery Team, also known as "The Moya Greene Report."2021-09-29Executive Council
EC/20/2023 Copy of the Executive Council Handbook.2024-02-22Executive Council
EC/21/2016 All emails between Premier Officer and RNC security detail regarding Don Dunphy -Emails between Sgt. Joe Smyth and Premier Paul Davis regarding Don Dunphy Prior to April 2015 and after shooting.2016-05-24Executive Council
EC/21/2017 As noted in the Estimates Book (Page 2.4, Subhead 2.2.01 Executive Support) in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, $2,350,000 was spent on salaries and $1,580,000 was spent on professional services. This was spent on several projects (including the Lower Churchill Oversight, Federal Loan Guarantee, Fish Innovation Fund, GRI Initiative, Long Term Care, and others). Please provide a detailed listing of how the spending in these two funding envelopes was broken down (i.e. how much from each area Salaries or Professional Services in each project area).2017-06-27Executive Council
EC/21/2018 Information relating to 3 decision notes from PRE/23/2015.2018-07-30Executive Council
EC/21/2019 I am requesting copies of response letters / emails / communications - to an email sent out from Eric Watton to various Government Department Representatives acting as or on behalf of the "EA Screening Committee" regarding a Project titled "Marathon Gold Project" "Proponent: Marathon Gold Corporation" with a heading "Re: Registration 2015". This email was sent out to members of the EA Screening Committee on April 16-2019 with a form to be filled out and returned to by May 07-2019.2019-11-12Executive Council
EC/21/2021[1] Comments captured on video made about reporter [name] during the COVID19 public briefing on June 9th, 2021. 2021-09-29Executive Council
EC/22/2016 and EC/23/2016 Examples of internal communications templates, forms and other instruments commonly used by all departments in media relations planning and preparation prior to and since November 2015. Examples of internal coordination tools include but are not limited to message event proposal templates, communications plan templates, media calendars, social media plans, and sequence of event plans. This is academic research; please limit the search so that no additional costs are incurred.2016-05-24Executive Council
EC/22/2017 A copy of the transitional briefing binders given to the incoming Williams administration in 2003.2017-06-28Executive Council
EC/22/2018 Salary costs for the Lieutenant's Governor's Establishment for 2017-18 was budgeted at $709,400. However, the actual cost came in at $1,032,400, according to Budget 2018 Estimates. Please provide a comprehensive breakdown that explains this more than $300K in increased salary costs, including any documentation that references this unexpected increase. Additionally, please explain what actions have been taken to reduce salary costs to a forecasted $641,200 for 2018-19.2018-07-30Executive Council
EC/22/2019 I am requesting copies of response letters / emails / communications - to an email sent out from Eric Watton to various Government Department Representatives acting as or on behalf of the "EA Screening Committee" regarding a Project titled "Marathon Gold Project" "Proponent: Marathon Gold Corporation" with a heading "Re: Registration 2015". This email was sent out to members of the EA Screening Committee on April 16-2019 with a form to be filled out and returned to by May 07-2019. (CPED).2019-11-12Executive Council
EC/22/2021 The binder used by the Premier this week (June 7-10th) in the House of Assembly. If they changed from day to day, please provide each.2021-09-16Executive Council
EC/23/2017 Details of presentations received by the Economic Policy Committee and Social Policy Committee (i.e. who presented, what organization(s) they represent, what position(s) they hold within the organization(s), the presentation subject, the presentation date) from January 1, 2016 to present, on the topic of auto insurance rates and claims. 2017-07-11Executive Council
EC/23/2020 Copy of the MC Notes and Scenario for the Installation of Frank Fagan as Lieutenant Governor.2021-03-09Executive Council
EC/23/2021 Please provide all text messages, iMessages, emails and messages of any kind sent to Minister Coady on June 10th, in support of the review of estimates.2021-09-16Executive Council

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.