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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FIN/34/2016 All analysis prepared on the possibility of creating a junk food tax, including but not limited to anticipated revenue from a tax and cost to administer.2016-05-30Finance
FIN/37/2016 The amount of savings (per year) to the Provincial Government by closing the dialysis Unit in Harbour Breton and how this number was calculated/determined.2016-06-06Finance
FIN/38/2016[1] Please provide information regarding the Cabinet Retreat in February 2016. I am looking for a list of people who attended from the Department, including the Minister and Executive Assistant (if applicable). Please also provide expense claims for any individuals who attended.2016-06-06Finance
FIN/30/2016 On May 3, 2016, Finance Minister Bennett explained to CBC that the provincial government "analyzed the administrative costs associated with [a fast-food tax]". She also mentioned the provincial government would have to take on new administrative roles similar to those of the CRA. As per section 29 (2) (k) of the Act, where a proposed change has been rejected by the head of the public body, I request any and all documents related to a fast-food tax; and also, any and all documents related to a junk-food tax.2016-06-13Finance
FIN/28/2016 Briefing materials, information notes and decision notes - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - related to casino gambling in Newfoundland and Labrador. Date range of request is Nov. 1, 2015, to the present. Request includes traditional and online casinos.2016-05-24Finance
FIN/18/2016 For the total amount of tax revenues refunded or never issued due to tax exemptions on reserves, with dollar figures for each tax for the most recent fiscal year, including sales taxes, business income taxes, personal income taxes, tobacco taxes and fuel taxes, and any other for which you may have records. If estimates exist where a record does not, provide estimates.2016-04-19Finance
FIN/19/2016 All documents related to the newfoundland government pondering options to minimize tax losses due to First Nations Tax Exemptions.2016-04-19Finance
FIN/25/2016 I am seeking further detail on information provided in briefing materials provided to the new Minister of Finance. In those briefing materials (released publicly:, there is a table with the total cost of tax and fee changes from 2004 and 2015 (on page 142 and replicated below). There is also an itemization of tax changes provided on the pages following. I would like to receive the dollar amount for each tax change itemized in each budget year (on pages 143-148 and provided below). If for some reason these dollar amounts do not add up to the amounts provided in the table, please provide the reason for that.2016-05-17Finance
FIN/21/2016 Please provide information on the number of outstanding accounts within your department (including any which have been forwarded to Tax Administration for collections and those which have not yet been forwarded) which are the result of over payments by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Please provide the outstanding balance on each account and through which program the over payment occurred. The time frame would be over payments which have occurred between December 1, 2015 and April 4, 2016.2016-04-26Finance
FIN/14/2016 All correspondence and reports in any format, both written and electronic, related to the issuing of long term debt covering the period from December 1, 2015 to present.2016-04-26Finance
FIN/20/2016 Copy of Survey being conducted by the Newfoundland and Labrador Statistics Agency (NLSA) on behalf of the municipalities of Portugal Cove-St. Philip's, Paradise, St. John's, Conception Bay South, and Torbay.2016-04-11Finance
FIN/3/2016 Minister Cathy Bennett publicly stated during the Fall Fiscal Update that her department consulted with 11 commodity experts/oil forecasters to help inform government's forecasted price for oil in the Fall Fiscal Update. Could you please (i) advise. who the 11 experts/forecasters are, (ii)the cost associated for receiving such advice and (iii) a copy of all information and correspondence between the Minister, the department of Finance staff and any of the 11 experts/forecasters between the dates of Dec 1 - 22?2016-03-07Finance
FIN/46/2015 Briefing materials -- in any and all formats, including paper and electronic -- prepared for, and/or provided to, the minister related to the province's current and future status in the federal equalization program. Date range of request is Nov. 1, 20152016-01-18Finance
FIN/10/2016 Any and all expense claims and subsequent correspondence (travels, agendas, meals, itinerary, etc.) incurred by the Minister's office (and staff) for the month of January 2016.2016-02-22Finance
FIN/8/2016 Correspondence sent to the Federal Government that outlined the list of infrastructure projects that would be considered for the Build Canada Fund and all of the correspondence concerning this.2016-02-02Finance
FIN/13/2016 Please provide data on how many accounts are in collections (Tax Administration) with the Department of Finance. Please provide: 1) A breakdown of which departments these accounts have been referred to finance from (i.e., How many accounts are now in collections from each Department?) 2) How many of these accounts (by department) are the result of a Government of NL overpayment. The time frame should be all current/active accounts with the Department.2016-03-28Finance
FIN/12/2016 All correspondence and materials exchanged between the Minister, Deputy Minister, Director of Communications, Assistant Deputy Ministers, and the Director of Debt Management regarding the t-bill program, short term borrowing, and long term borrowing.2016-03-28Finance
FIN/2/2016 Briefing notes prepared for the new finance minister.2016-01-18Finance
FIN/16/2016 I would like the 5 year revenue forecast included in the midyear fiscal update broken down into component parts: personal income tax, HST, transfers, royalties, dividends, etc. I am particularly interested to know how much dividends from Nalcor are expected in the projection.2016-04-04Finance
FIN/6/2016 All communications (emails, notes, records) and Briefing notes that relate to bond rand credit rating agencies.2016-02-23Finance
FIN/9/2016 Detailed expenditures for 2015 fiscal year for: - Health Care Sector (38% @ $3,071 Million) - General Government Sector and Legislative Branch (12% @ $968 Million) - Other Social Sector (10% @ $790 Million).2016-02-19Finance
FIN/1/2016 All briefing material prepared for the new minister in any and all formats, including but not limited to electronic and written form.2016-01-18Finance
FIN/44/2015 All briefing materials prepared for and/or provided to Minister Cathy Bennett upon assuming the role of minister of finance. 2016-01-18Finance
FIN/45/2015 All Briefing books, emails, notes, and correspondence prepared for incoming Minister.2016-01-18Finance
FIN/31/2015 Further details in reference to Nalcor Energy Equity Investments and Payback as presented on page 33, Budget 2015 - Annual data for Investments and Payback, separately, by year for the years 2009/10 to 2041/42.2015-08-31Finance
FIN/43/2015 Please provide an update to the following information request found at in your file FIN-14-2015 The current projection of expected offshore royalties on a monthly or annual basis until at least 2025. I would like these both broken down by project and as a total. I would also like the oil price forecast used to derive these estimates. Please update tables 1, 2 and 3 show Hibernia South production separately from main Hibernia if possible.2016-01-12Finance
FIN/42/2015 All briefing material prepared for Budget 2015 or after on the economic impact of the increase of the HST by 2 points.2016-01-12Finance
FIN/41/2015 Information relating to debt servicing costs over the past two fiscal years (2013-14 and 2014-15).2015-12-22Finance
FIN/35/2015 Amount of revenue generated by the province from the retails sales tax for financial years of 2013 and 2014.2015-09-08Finance
FIN/38/2015 The current projection of expected offshore royalties on an annual basis until at least 2026. I would like these both broken down by project and as a total. I would also like the oil price forecast used to derive these estimates.2015-10-23Finance
FIN/36/2015 Records listing the unclaimed cheques drawn for all of the province of Newfoundland & Labrador departments & agencies between January 1st, 2014 to December 31st, 2014, and still outstanding on September 1st, 2015.2015-10-05Finance
FIN/34/2015 I am requesting an update on the pensioners overpayment of $935,687 to 427 pensioners. I understand that government planned to collect $934,967 from 407 pensioners: What is the current status?; How much has been written off?; How many collections have been written off/how many people taken off the list that do not have to repay?; and how many have payment plans established? Please provide an excel spreadsheet that has the current age, retirement age and the amount being repaid.2015-09-22Finance
FIN/21/2015 A list of all Twitter user names used by the department for official business as of the time of this request. If no list exists and cannot be created from an electronic record, other records that would indicate all Twitter user names.2015-06-30Finance
FIN/10/2015 On March 12, 2015, Minister Susan Sullivan tweeted the following message: "In 2014 NL taxpayers will pay $744M less as a result of tax reductions - affordable? Pre-budget consultations ask tough questions #nlpoli" Can you provide an itemized breakdown explaining this $744M figure?2015-05-26Finance
FIN/29/2015 Information relating to investments in oil and gas through investments in Nalcor from 2005-06 t0 2015-16 and projected investments from 2016-17 to 2025-26. Also, equity investments by government in the Muskrat Falls project for each year from 2005-06 to 2015-16, along with projected investments and projected recoveries by government of its Muskrat Falls investment in both equity and debt, by year, over the life of the project.2015-08-24Finance
FIN/19/2015 The Department of Finance Information Note titled "Casinos in Newfoundland and Labrador" drafted/approved by D. Haynes on April 2, 2012.2015-07-20Finance
FIN/17/2015 An electronic list of contracts issued by your department, including fields for the contractor, contract value, date contract awarded and description of the work, for contracts of $10,000 or more, sole sourced, or awarded by tender of RFP, during the most recently completed fiscal year. Please provide the data in a machine-readable format such as Excel or delimited text.2015-07-14Finance
FIN/27/2015 The contents of the presentation (i.e. PowerPoint slides or otherwise) given by the Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board, Ross Wiseman, at the Chartered Professional Accountants of Newfoundland and Labrador.2015-07-27Finance
FIN/12/2015 Information relating to the request for Proposals (RFP) announced by the Minister of Finance Ross Wiseman in the House of Assembly April 30th 2015 for an external consultant to examine the structure of the provincial government and its agencies looking for efficiency improvements and potential bidders.2015-07-07Finance
FIN/13/2015 Documentation on any reports or analysis on demographics shifts (aging population) in Newfoundland and Labrador occurring in the future and how that relates to future revenues, expenditures and debt levels. The time period for this request is January 1, 2011 to present.2015-05-26Finance
FIN/9/2015 Details on government's internal audit team/committee and their work plan for 2014/15 as well as 2015/16. In addition I want the number of people on this committee as well as each individual's educational background/experience.2015-05-26Finance
FIN/25/2015 On April 17, 2015 government hired Mr. Leo Bonnell to deal with the overpayments to pensioners. Please provide a detailed budget and expenditures for Mr. Leo Bonnell up to July 16, 2015. In addition, please provide a copy of Mr. Bonnell's contract and salary for this position.2015-08-18Finance
FIN/24/2015 1. Number of cheques that the Department of Finance issues per month. 2. Brief description of process required from the time a request for a cheque comes from a lawyer in the Civil Division of the Department of Justice until the cheque is printed and forwarded to that lawyer. 3. Whether or not there is any target timeline for the process outlined in #2 above. 4. If the answer to #3 is yes, what is the target timeline? 5. If the answer to #3 is yes, what are the repercussion for missing the target timeline?2015-08-14Finance
FIN/26/2015 A copy of the budget binder used in Budget Estimates 2015.2015-07-27Finance
FIN/22/2015 The number of sick days taken by employees of the department in each of the last three fiscal years.2015-07-07Finance
FIN/14/2015 The current projection of expected offshore royalties on a monthly or annual basis until at least 2025. I would like these both broken down by project and as a total. I would also like the oil price forecast used to derive these estimates.2015-06-30Finance
FIN/11/2015 Details on the number on the 427 pensioners that have been over paid, as announced on April 1, 2015. In particular I am requesting when each of these people retired (what year), their current age as well as the amount that they were overpaid. I am not requesting any personal identifying information.2015-05-26Finance
FIN/20/2015 Information notes, briefing notes, media response lines, and/or House of Assembly briefing materials, in any and all formats, including paper and electronic, prepared for and/or provided to the minister on the topic of casinos and/or casino-style gambling in Newfoundland and Labrador. Date range of request is April 1, 2014, to the present. Received via online portal June 24, 2015.2015-07-27Finance
FIN/7/2015 Any polling data which has been provided to or is expected to be provided to the Department of Finance which may be used to inform the 2015 budget process. 2015-03-23Finance
FIN/10/2012 I am requesting under the Access to Information Act any financial analysis completed on Lower Churchill since September 2010. 2013-04-23Finance

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.