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As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FA/8/2015-FA/41/2015 All records, data and information in electronic, paper or any other format pertaining to any violations or offences by and any charges, orders or penalties issued to or against specific companies under the fish Inspection Act and its associated regulations.2015-03-24Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/8/2014 Copy of tender package submitted by B Enterprises Limited for Project # CC11DFA072-New Aquaculture inflow wharf (new wharf reconstruction), Town of Milltown, NL. Closed on January 13, 2014 @3:00pm.2014-06-02Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/8/2014 Copy of tender package submitted by B and R Enterprises Limited for Project # CC11DFA072-New Aquaculture inflow wharf (new wharf reconstruction), Town of Milltown, NL. Closed on January 13, 2014 @3:00pm.2014-06-02Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/8/2013 Confirmation and prevalence of BKD (Bacteria Kidney Disease) in farmed finfish in the province; and if so, what is the prevalence and treatment applied against this disease?2013-05-21Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/7/2014 An itemized list of any financial or other benefits to accrue to the provincial government as a result of the 49% equity stake with an OCI holding company re: FPI/OCI groundfish licences and allocations.2014-03-31Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/7/2013 The full detailed cost of the Jan 2012 report by McDowell Group (Anchorage) entitled "Market for Newfoundland and Labrador Yellowtail and Red Fish".2013-04-26Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/6/2017 Information regarding the current, official Provincial Species Status for the George River Caribou Herd (GRCH). 2017-04-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/6/2016 Copies of the documents that were prepared by auditors at Fisheries Products International that were provided to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in the year preceding the sale of the company to Ocean Choice International.2016-03-28Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/6/2014 Whether DFA has established any such Committees as granted under Section 10 of the Aquaculture Act; and if so what are the titles and the members of each?2014-03-24Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/6/2013 The results of all sea lice monitoring reports at all aquaculture sites in the province for the years 2008-2012.2013-05-21Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/50/2017 Please note I am seeking information on the Adverse Claim filed against Crown Grant No. 149471.2017-11-03Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/50/2015 All briefing materials prepared for and/or provided to Minister Steve Crocker upon assuming the role of minister of fisheries and aquaculture. 2016-01-18Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/5/2016 Provide copies of any documents, including funding agreements, contracts, correspondence, etc. regarding any funding or support provided to Clearwater Seafoods to purchase or set up a plant in the province to process surf crab, since 2006.2016-03-28Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/5/2015 Any e-mails or recorded conversations within the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in regards to negotiations for the Canada and Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the Fisheries Innovation Fund.2015-04-27Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/5/2014 How many of the multi-species plant throughout the province process aquaculture products; and if so which ones and which product - for the latest year available.2014-03-11Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/5/2013 Any and all reports or information on the number of "morts" or mortality rates of farmed salmon for the years 2011 and 2012 - and what was the determined cause of these dead fish (outside the ISA infected fish population).2013-05-21Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/49/2017 Please note I am seeking information on the Adverse Claim filed against Crown Grant Application No. 149469.2017-11-03Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/49/2015 Microplastics found in fish from the last five years. How much fish we consumed in the past five years.2015-11-30Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/48/2017 Results of the most recent aerial survey of the moose population on the island portion of the province.2017-10-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/48/2015 A breakdown of the quantity of fish - processed and unprocessed (including groundfish, shrimp, and crab) going out of the province for the years 2010-2015.2015-11-02Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/47/2017[1] Information regarding a claim to a piece of land situated in Tors Cove.2017-10-23Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/47/2015 List of all exceptions for processing requirements, species involved, date of exemption, time limit of exemption as well as reason for each exception since 2003 to current time. Please provide a list of vendors to whom these exceptions have been granted.2015-08-18Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/46/2017 A list of all briefing materials provided to the minister, including the title and date, during June, July and August 2017.2017-11-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/46/2015 Information about commercial Seal Fishery during the past 5 years:1. Names and contact outlets of Seal Meat Harvesters. 2. List of Registered Plants processing Seal Meat for human consumption. 3. Annual Seals harvested at the Front. 4. Annual production of Seal Carcasses for human consumption. 5. Annual export of Seal Meat and Penis to the Far East. 6. Lists of Seal Meal operational plants. 7. Name of the plants to contact for Seal Meal.2015-07-20Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/45/2017[1] There is an application for land use by [individual] of Chapel Arm on Stowes Pond, which is on the Long Harbour Access Road (route 202). The Application is for a large partial of crown land. Currently the land around Stowes Pond is frozen and restricted to development. I would like to get a copy of his application for review.2017-10-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/45/2015 A list requests filed with DFA by any person, company or entity for any exemption to MPRs The list should cover 2010-2014, date of request, entity requesting, species, amount of product, approved or denied, date of approved or denied.2015-05-19Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/44/2017 Emails to, from or copying John Blake, Director of Wildlife, regarding the George River Caribou Herd, dated or likely to be dated between June 1, 2012, and February 8, 2013.2017-10-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/43/2017[1] All correspondence and documentation, including maps and surveys, related to Crown Land and Crown Land Right of Way at the end of Mullowneys Lane in the Gallows Cove area in the Town of Witless Bay from 2014 to present.2017-09-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/43/2015 The amount of money spent on marketing and advertising in Budget Year 2013-14 and 2014-15.2015-05-04Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/42/2016 Please provide any records, applications, information notes, etc. which relate to Marine Harvest from Jan 1 2016 to current.2017-01-30Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/42/2015 A list of fishery-related issues the department & Fisheries and Aquaculture has/or is advocating to the Federal Minister of Department of Fisheries & Ocean from 2014-current; and please indicate method of each call/letter/meeting.2015-04-21Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/41/2017 Any write-ups of scientific research (including memos, research papers, etc.) regarding the George River caribou herd, dated or likely to be dated between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015.2017-09-18Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/40/2017 A copy of all briefing materials provided to the new minister.2017-09-11Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/40/2016 Budget guidelines used by the department related to the preparation of submissions for budget 2017/2018.2016-12-30Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/4/2017 Any signed documents related to Professionalization program between the Unifor Union FFAW and the Provincial Government in 1996.2017-03-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/4/2016 All minutes, decisions, and records of recommendations resulting from the Fish Processing Licensing Board's meeting on February 1st 2016.2016-04-04Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/4/2015 Any e-mails or recorded conversations between the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Government of Canada in regards to negotiations for the Canada and Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the Fisheries Innovation Fund.2015-04-23Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/4/2013 A copy of the signed 2012 contract between Ocean Choice International and the government of Newfoundland and Labrador outlining the details and commitments regarding the Fortune Plant, as well as the export exemptions of both yellowtail and redfish.2013-06-25Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/39/2016 1) what government viral testing was conducted in 2015 and 2016 on aquaculture salmonids and wild fish in NL, specifically which viruses, when, and using what sampling and testing methods. What known (globally) aquaculture salmonid viruses were not tested for including specific strains of a given virus. 2) what lice infestation rate monitoring and compliance testing was conducted by DFFA from 2014 to today including recorded lice amounts. 2016-12-16Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/38/2016 1) Any and all written correspondence, by DFFA, Aquatic Health Division staff from 2014 to today regarding VHSv in NL, especially with regarding to testing, methodologies, monitoring, or test results. 2) has VHSv in it's various forms including VHSv 4a, been tested for in NL during 2014, 2015 and 2016 and if so how (including sample collection methods, species, storage, shipping, methodology, etc.), on what dates of testing and dates of results, and by whom.2016-12-30Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/37/2017 I am requesting the names and communities of everyone that was successful in obtaining any type of game license by draw in the years 2017 and 2016. For example, obtaining a moose license should be considered a government benefit as it is not available to everyone qualified to apply.2017-08-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/37/2016 At which locations and when were aquaculture salmonids process during 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, 2015 , and 2016 (species and amounts please) both within NL and outside NL?2016-12-16Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/36/2017 We would like all documentation (correspondence, internal memos, emails, letters, minutes of any meetings etc.) between Ocean Choice International (OCI) and the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources, as well as all documentation between the Department and other government departments (including Executive Council and the Premier's Office) regarding OCI's most recent application for exemptions from minimum processing requirements allowing them to ship yellowtail, redfish, and American plaice out of province, as well as all documentation regarding OCI's commitments on employment at the OCI plant in Fortune.2017-08-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/36/2016 Information relating to fish in open net pens.2016-12-16Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/35/2017 All records of any nature or medium that relate to a June 13, 2012 communication from the International Boreal Conservation Science Panel concerning the conservation and protection of the calving grounds of the George River Caribou Herd. 2017-07-28Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/35/2016[1] Any and all written correspondence, including emails, between NL government employee regarding Direction of aquaculture business development - Elizabeth Barlow, and aquaculture industry representative Clyde Collier regarding the Grieg proposals and/or projects and/or business dealing in NL. 2) Also, any and all correspondence between Ms. Barlow and Minister Trimper regarding Clyde Collier and/or "Grieg companies".2017-01-04Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/34/2016 Please provide all documents, correspondence, notes, minutes, and/or messages pertaining to, or discussing issues surrounding the GIDC or Groundfish Industry Development Council, among Department staff/officials or between the Department and other Provincial Departments, Federal Departments, Public Organizations, Private Organizations, Unions, Seafood Processor representatives, Brokers, Individuals, or GIDC related staff/management for the past year.2016-12-30Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/33/2017 Any briefing notes, and drafts of briefing notes, dated or likely to be dated between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2015, regarding the George River caribou herd.2017-07-18Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/33/2016 All correspondence including e-mails, letters, briefing notes, decision notes, funding applications, approval documentation, accounting records, expenditure reports, records of phone conversations, etc. related to funding provided by Fisheries and Aquaculture to Tourism Bell Island Inc. between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2015, specifically related to FMS ID Numbers: 60143116, 60224778, 60492089, and 60661221.2016-12-09Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods
FA/32/2016[1] I wish to receive information regarding every aspect of an incident of property damage done in Witless Bay.2016-12-01Fisheries, Forestry and Agrifoods

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.