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As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
SNL/22/2018 Radio Bell Island Inc. (aka Radio Bell Bingo) (RBI) As Radio Bell Island Inc. (aka Radio Bell Bingo) (RBI) does not announce the names of bingo winners, how would it be determined if RBI is complaint with : #22) " Gaming employees shall not pay bingo in a hall or premises in which they are employed" or #21) " the licensee shall ensure that no person directly involved in, or responsible for, the conduct of the bingo event or working at a bingo event as a caller or calling back cards shall purchase bingo paper or play bingo during that event", or #24) "All volunteer and gaming employees staff shall sign an attendance form before starting work"? 2018-07-20Service NL
SNL/21/2018 Radio Bell Island Inc. (aka Radio Bell Bingo) In studying the Newfoundland and Labrador Regulation 2002 - Lottery Licensing Regulations - When would a peace officer be given unencumbered access to all areas of a premises on which a lottery scheme is taking place? Why would this be necessary? 2018-07-20Service NL
NR/93/2018 Please provide a list of all briefing notes provided to the minister of natural resources in May 2018. Please include type of note and title2018-07-20Natural Resources
SNL/23/2018 Radio Bell Island Inc. (aka Radio Bell Bingo) (RBI) As per RBI most recent Bingo License issued in May 2017: I would like a list of all monies paid to any and all charities along with the date disbursed to these charities. 2018-07-20Service NL
HCS/83/2018 Please provide a copy of all records dated between 1 November 1997 and 31 March 1998 related to or concerning paragraph 4(x.1) of the Medical Care Insurance Insured Services Regulations, including all communications between the DHCS and Cabinet Secretariat related to or concerning paragraph 4(x.1).2018-07-20Health and Community Services
TW/26/2018[1] Records related to contract 31-17PHP for work on Highway 205. Request includes internal correspondence (in any and all formats, including paper and electronic), briefing materials, decision notes, and the scoring breakdown for this work when the 2017 edition of the Five-Year Provincial Roads Plan was released. Date range of request is Jan. 1, 2017 to the present.2018-07-20Transportation and Works
FIN/53/2018 Information regarding imposition of 15% tax on insurance premiums by the NL Government adopted in the 2016 Budget. 2018-07-19Finance
FIN/50/2018 What Vessels are being licensed under Newfoundland and Labrador Industrial Development Corporation for 2016, 2017, and 2018?2018-07-19Finance
TW/159/2017[1] Information on substantial cracking in T.C. concrete sidewalks being transferred to under-lying concrete road deck slab... concerning new Sir Ambrose Shea Lift Bridge on Placentia on Placentia Gut.2018-07-19Transportation and Works
TW/143/2017 Public tenders for 181315001 MUN/HSC Secondary Electrical Substation With reference to the open public tenders for 181315001 MUN/HSC Secondary Electrical Substation - Site Work and Electrical Distribution, we participated in the actual opening of the envelopes yesterday and we would like to know what qualifications/exceptions/conditions each contractor submitted with their pricing.2018-07-19Transportation and Works
NR/68/2018 It is my understanding that the Department of Natural Resources contracted Wood Mackenzie in the summer or fall of 2017 to conduct a "benchmark comparison analysis" regarding the NL offshore with a focus on regulatory and benefits requirements. Further I understand the study has been completed and presented to the department. I am requesting a copy of the study/report. I also want to know the cost of the study/report. Finally, was there a RFP for this project and if so I am seeking a copy of the RFP document. If not, please provide the rationale for utilizing sole source contracting for the study/report.2018-07-19Natural Resources
HCS/48/2018 A list all the occasions since 30 January 1998 on which Health and Community has in writing advised a physician in NL that the Department of Health and Community Services is studying, considering, or otherwise dealing with or addressing the subject of transitioning of hospital-based insured services to private medical clinics, or surgical, diagnostic or therapeutic procedures described in paragraph 4(1)(x.1) of the Medical Care Insurance Insured Services Regulations. 2018-07-19Health and Community Services
FLR/36/2018 All information or records concerning implementation of the "Recovery Strategy for Three Woodland Caribou Herds (Rangifer tarandus caribou; Boreal population) in Labrador" published in July 2004, but only those records dated January 1, 2016 or later. 2018-07-19Fisheries and Land Resources
EC/20/2018 Cabinet records (as defined by section 27 of ATIPPA) related to negotiations and/or a tentative agreement between Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador with respect to further development of the hydroelectric power potential of the Churchill River in Labrador, and related projects in Quebec.2018-07-19Executive Council
AESL/8/2018[1] All correspondence sent from or received by the Minister or Deputy Minister to/or from any Memorial University officials regarding the university's new poster guidelines since November 2017.2018-07-19Advanced Education, Skills and Labour
TW/38/2018 #1. Completed Five year road plan. #2. The population of the areas for each area receiving attention #3. The age of the section being updated and the last time it had received upgrading in ANY capacity! Even it was just a small section repaved. #4. All history on Croque Road. Route 438. 2018-07-18Transportation and Works
HRS/14/2018 Please provide signed copies of any agreements or letters signed between NAPE and Gov NL pertaining to the General Services Collective Agreement. I am looking for any letters which are a part of the collective agreement or anything signed after. The date for this request is Nov 1, 2017 to current.2018-07-18Human Resource Secretariat
TW/43/2018[1] This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection/ termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-07-18Transportation and Works
HCS/84/2018 Deloitte LLP was commissioned to prepare report(s) on the administration of self-managed care in the home support sector as well options for the introduction of electronic visit verification systems in agency-provided care and/or self-managed care. I am requesting a copy of this report(s), which would have been prepared and submitted to Government sometime in the last 12 months, as well as copies of any presentations and briefing notes related to same.2018-07-18Health and Community Services
MAE/52/2018 This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection/ termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-07-17Municipal Affairs and Environment
HCS/92/2018 All records of communication, including but not limited to, emails, draft reports, reports, notes, notes from phone calls, memos, including communication with the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board and the Pharmacists' Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, regarding: Government of Ontario elimination of professional allowances in amendments to the Regulations to the Ontario Drug Benefit Act (ODBA) and the Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee Act (DIDFA). (Date range for record search: from 03/01/2010 To 06/01/2018).2018-07-17Health and Community Services
JPS/158/2018 Reports, findings, documents, and/or communications regarding the conditions, suitability, and/or fitness of the holding cells located in the RCMP detachment in Twillingate, NL.2018-07-17Justice and Public Safety
MAE/59/2018[1] I am requesting a copy of a letter that was sent to Mr. William Dawson from Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment regarding Steady Brook Land Acquisition and Mortgage. I'm assuming this letter was written late May or early June of 2018.2018-07-17Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/53/2018 The unit price table submitted by Exploits Valley Paving for the 2018 Street Paving tender for the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor which closed on June 07, 2018.2018-07-16Municipal Affairs and Environment
FLR/64/2018 Records relating to the 2017 COSEWIC Assessment Report, with respect the George River Caribou Herd. 2018-07-16Fisheries and Land Resources
TW/18/2018 All requests submitted for road work/improvements as part of the 5 year plan (2017 & 2018 years) for work on route 201. Include all correspondence relating to each request, all rankings, department communications, estimates, plans, drafts, etc.2018-07-16Transportation and Works
NR/92/2018[1] Any and all costs to government associated with the event announcing the new underground mine at Voisey's Bay, as held at the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland on June 11, 2018.2018-07-16Natural Resources
SNL/55/2018[1] A list of registered Hair Salon's in Goulds, NL.2018-07-16Service NL
FLR/65/2018[1] Any and all records related to Crown Land leases associated with Tourist Establishment Licenses # 672 (Umiakovik Lake, PTO 73154)/ 2631 (Ethyl Lake)/2632 (Naptaktok Bay, PTO 78233)/2577 (Howse Lake) from January 1st, 2010 to present. Information to include, but shall not be limited to, copies of associated Crown Land lease applications, agreements and annual rental billing/payment schedules for each location.2018-07-13Fisheries and Land Resources
MAE/37/2018 Re: Correspondence from C. Milley, Town of PCSP of July 7, 2017 (Attachment sent separately) to Minister Eddie Joyce. Request: Any response from the Minister/Provincial Government/or any document showing any follow-up to this correspondence.2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/32/2018[1] A copy of correspondence forwarded to Honorable Eddie Joyce, Minister, Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, in February 2018, concerning actions taken by the Town Council of Mount Carmel-Mitchell's Brook-St. Catherine's. 2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/42/2018 A listing of all submitted 2017/2018 municipal capital works and multi year capital works applications including municipality name, project name and budget request; all details concerning the ranking of each project and any subsequent information pertaining to the awarding of each project.2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/40/2018 I would like to request a copy of the Adopted Road Regulations for the Town of Harbour Main that were registered with the Minister. I would also like to know the Date in which these Road Regulations were registered with the Minister. Also, I would like a copy of the legislation (rules/procedures) surrounding the adoption of regulations that were in effect in the year 2002 in which Town's were obligated to follow.2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/34/2018 I am seeking all e-mail correspondence between Eddie Joyce, the now former Minister of Municipal Affairs and PC MHA Tracey Perry for the time period September 2017 to March 2018, inclusive.2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
MAE/31/2018[1] Information regarding the Town of Kippens and agricultural zoning; live stock; and development permit applications pertaining to "non-conforming land."2018-07-11Municipal Affairs and Environment
HCS/86-87/2018 Information relating to medically assisted deaths from 2016 to present.2018-07-10Health and Community Services
HCS/81/2018 Please provide documentation of any draft/final research agreements and/or benefits agreements between the Province/Department of Health and Community Services and Terry Lynn Young and/or the Genomics Based R&D Centre for Health.2018-07-10Health and Community Services
TCII/23/2018 This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection/ termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-07-10Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation
HCS/88/2018 All emails sent from and received by Dr. John Haggie (Minister of Health) or staff to Dr. Christopher Smith (MUN, Social Work).2018-07-10Health and Community Services
HCS/79/2018 Please provide, from 2015 to 2018, the following information regarding out of province pharmacy billings for the delivery of drugs to Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program beneficiaries: itemization of the products or drugs delivered, the companies providing each product, the cost of delivery to government for each product delivered, and the number of units of each product delivered.2018-07-10Health and Community Services
HCS/80/2018[1] I request any correspondence between Janssen Inc., or someone on its behalf, and the Ministry of Health and Community Services regarding biosimilar infliximab (e.g. Inflectra, Remsima, or Renflexis).2018-07-10Health and Community Services
AESL/12/2018 All correspondence dated from January 1 2016 and May 2018 between the department of Advanced Education Skills and Labour and any other department regarding the St. John's Native Friendships Centre's request for Block Funding for its homeless shelter.2018-07-05Advanced Education, Skills and Labour
FLR/21/2018[1] Correspondence and information related to crown land and crown land applications in the Town of Witless Bay in the area of Mullowneys Lane, Ragged Beach and Gallows Cove dating back one year, the period between Jan 2017 and to date.2018-07-04Fisheries and Land Resources
NR/87/2018 All records related to attendance at community consultation sessions held in relation to the construction/operation of the nickel processing facility in Long Harbour. I am specifically interested in any commentary on attendance and on the participation of attendees. This can be date limited to 2006.2018-07-03Natural Resources
JPS/145/2018 This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection/ termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-07-03Justice and Public Safety
JPS/152/2018[1] Please provide all information related to a helicopter allegedly being shot in the Cartwright area on October 19, 1996 and the subsequent apology by the RCMP.2018-07-03Justice and Public Safety
JPS/149/2018 Records related to changes to the RCMP's staffing model on the Northern Peninsula, and its decision to "hub" detachments in St. Anthony/Roddickton-Bide Arm and Port Saunders/Flower's Cove. Date range of request is March 1, 2018, to the present.2018-07-03Justice and Public Safety
NR/88/2018 This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection/ termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-07-03Natural Resources
FLR/54/2018 Seeking a copy of the current lease agreement between the GNL and the Barry Group Inc. for the fish plant at St. Alban's, NL.2018-07-03Fisheries and Land Resources
JPS/153/2018[1] Please provide all information related to the 1996 arrest of [individual] and the dismissal of charges.2018-07-03Justice and Public Safety

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.