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As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FLR/1/2018 Might I have a copy of any and all analytical reports, memos, summaries, and documents that were used to make the decision to sign an MOU with Grieg for a $45M investment in their proposed Placentia Bay scheme?2018-02-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FIN/99/2018 Correspondence - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - between the federal Department of Finance and the provincial Department of Finance on the topic of "beneficial ownership" of companies. Request limited to ADM level or higher. Date range Nov. 1, 2017 to the present.2018-12-21Finance
FIN/99-100/2017 Information re: Canopy Growth.2018-01-22Finance
FIN/98/2018 Briefing materials - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - prepared for, and/or provided to, the minister referencing the issue of "beneficial ownership" of companies in Newfoundland and Labrador. Date range of request is July 31, 2017, to the present.2018-12-21Finance
FIN/97/2018 The briefing note titled Beneficial Ownership and Federal Underground Economy Projects, June 10, 2017. The existence of this briefing note was referenced in the response to request FIN-66-2017.2018-12-21Finance
FIN/96/2021 Please provide a copy of the contract signed between GNL and Rothschild & Co to complete a review of GNL assets.2022-01-24Finance
FIN/96/2018 Any and all communications (Emails, text, bbms, etc.) between Minister Osbourne and Minister Mitchelmore with any of the following keywords: Canopy Dean MacDonald John Allan Gary Anstey MacDonald Allan Anstey 80521 Land Cannabis.2019-04-24Finance
FIN/95/2021 Please provide any records prepared for the Minister of Deputy Minister regarding the decision to hire Rothschild & Co to review the assets of GNL. This should include, but not be limited to, any briefing notes, decision notes, draft tender documents, speaking notes, and information used to brief or inform the Minister.2022-01-24Finance
FIN/95/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2019. 2020-02-04Finance
FIN/95/2018 Re: imposition of 15% tax on insurance premiums by the NL Government adopted in the 2016 Budget. Request: (a) Amount of revenue collected on insurance premiums to November 15, 2018 since this was implemented in the 2016 Provincial Budget. 2018-12-27Finance
FIN/95/2017 Provide for the year Jan 01 2015 -Dec 312015 all documents &reports prepared on the NL budget deficit by the Dept of Finance.2018-01-16Finance
FIN/94/2021 I would like the briefings, emails, and notes that mention Rothschild dating back to the last six months.2022-01-18Finance
FIN/94/2019 I would like to request a list of all current studies being undertaken by or for the department, their time frame, their scope and their cost. This would include pilot projects, consultant studies and any other research pertaining to department programs or policy.2019-12-12Finance
FIN/94/2018 Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act 7. Under this Act, the Minister of Finance may make certain payments to the provinces in respect of income taxes paid by certain public utility corporations under Part I of the Income Tax Act. Where a province certifies that it has paid part or all of such payment to the designated utility corporation for the use and benefit of such corporation, the amount so certified is exempt from income tax in the hands of the corporation. 1/Provide by year for the last 5 year payments from the federal gov to NL under Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act.2018-12-27Finance
FIN/93/2021 I would like a copy of the 5 million dollar report that the liberals seem to not want to share.2022-01-18Finance
FIN/93/2018 Expenditures of the Consolidated Revenue Fund Table 9 Professional Services Payments in excess of $500,000 90 8Jan 2013 AG of NLChapter Provide copies 2011-2012 professional fees 1/ Price Waterhouse $11,147,000 -$7,089 2 /Deloitte Inc $11,391,000---- $5,529,000 3/ Provides copies of reports for the 2011 -2012 reports in 1/&2 above.2018-11-26Finance
FIN/92/2024 Please provide information regarding cost overruns on road paving contracts as carried out by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure. 2024-10-15Finance
FIN/92/2022[1] Please provide any communications regarding the pop tax and any discussions about increasing the tax above 20 cents per lite.2023-04-13Finance
FIN/92/2019 I am seeking a breakdown of any annual funding provided to the Pottle Centre in St. John's.2019-12-04Finance
FIN/92/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-11-26Finance
FIN/91/2022 Please provide the tax revenue received by the government through the pop tax, from September 1, 2022 to December 1, 2022.2023-01-30Finance
FIN/91/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or minister for the month of October 2019.2019-12-06Finance
FIN/91/2018 Please provide the amount of Payroll (HAPSET) Tax paid to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador by Crown Corporations, Agencies, and Boards for the 2017 Tax year.2018-11-19Finance
FIN/90/2022 Please provide any communications involving the Minister about the gas tax, including any material from September 1, 2022 to December 20, 2022.2023-03-29Finance
FIN/90/2019 NL Gov ATIPP Oct 30 2019 re Mar 312019 sch 13- p101 -expenses by object For the year ended Mar 31 2019 re Professional services $ 535,655 1/ provide a detailed breakdown.2019-12-05Finance
FIN/9/2022 All correspondence/discussion and records regarding potential reinstatement of the Residential Energy Rebate and low income Home Heating Rebate programs since 2019.2022-03-22Finance
FIN/9/2021 Any communication (emails, briefing notes, reports, etc.) between Minister Coady or her executive staff and Moya Greene or any other member of the Premier's Economic Recovery Team. Time period September 2020 to present.2021-04-08Finance
FIN/9/2018 Any and all reports referring to nepotism or inappropriate contracting at the Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corporation, for the period Jan. 1 2015 to present. Specifically looking to have included report from April 2017, from Office of the Citizens Representative.2018-02-16Finance
FIN/9/2016 Detailed expenditures for 2015 fiscal year for: - Health Care Sector (38% @ $3,071 Million) - General Government Sector and Legislative Branch (12% @ $968 Million) - Other Social Sector (10% @ $790 Million).2016-02-19Finance
FIN/9/2015 Details on government's internal audit team/committee and their work plan for 2014/15 as well as 2015/16. In addition I want the number of people on this committee as well as each individual's educational background/experience.2015-05-26Finance
FIN/9/2013 When the 2011-12 budget was released, government estimated they would have 6,926 permanent employees for the year. At this time, I am requesting the actual number of permanent employees for the 2011-12 budget year, and the total cost of salaries for each department.2013-04-23Finance
FIN/89/2024 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of August 2024.2024-10-08Finance
FIN/89/2022 Records of emails, applications, reports and communications from and to Benoit's First Nation.2024-01-04Finance
FIN/89/2021 All records related to the department's consultation process for ATIPP request PRE/99/2021. Date range: Oct. 19, 2021 to Nov. 20, 2021.2022-01-10Finance
FIN/89/2019 Any and all messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly. This includes key messages for the Minister and binders.2019-12-05Finance
FIN/89/2018 I am looking for payroll data for employers in this province who pay the payroll tax (HAPSET tax). Specifically I am looking for a breakdown of how many employers fall within each tax bracket.2018-11-19Finance
FIN/88/2022[1] Any and all records related to Minister Coady's flight today. This includes, but is not limited to, purpose of the trip, individuals that accompanied her, receipts for all involved, briefing notes prepared for the trip, schedule, etc.2024-01-04Finance
FIN/88/2021 Amounts of any money given to all groups, organizations and institutions within the Province of Newfoundland to assist with the implementation the vaccine pass. I would like the information broken down by individual organization and amount.2021-12-29Finance
FIN/88/2019 I am requesting information on the number of cigarettes sold on a monthly basis in Newfoundland and Labrador, and the total cigarette tobacco excise tax collected on a monthly basis from January 1, 2014 to September 30, 2019.2019-11-22Finance
FIN/88/2018 Information pertaining to the Carbon Tax from July 2017 until the present day. Specifically -Briefing notes - How much revenue is projected for the carbon tax in the 2019/2020 fiscal year and the 2020/2021 fiscal year.2018-11-13Finance
FIN/88/2017 Dr. Wade Locke( MUN ) Senior Associate Strategic Concepts, Inc. 1/ Provide by year for the last 10 years the fees paid by the NL Gov to Strategic Concepts, Inc. {of which Dr. Wade Locke of MUN is a Senior Associate).2018-01-15Finance
FIN/87/2021 All covid administering and administration costs from each regional health authority in the province. Include pop up clinics, security guards, nurse practitioners, OT and labor, costs, storing costs, etc. related to covid 19 vaccinations services in the province.2021-12-29Finance
FIN/87/2019 I am requesting a copy of all emails sent/received by the Minister of Finance's office from June 2019 to present regarding Memorial University and MUN.2019-12-04Finance
FIN/87/2018 I would like a breakdown of the 2 billion dollar deficit reduction that the Premier keeps referring to from 2016 to today. Please provide the details as follows 1) Tax and fees revenue increases 2) Offshore oil/ Royalties increases 3) Other revenue increases 4) Expenditure reductions.2018-11-14Finance
FIN/86/2021 Name of Company/Firm/Contractor/Provider conducting the review and cost benefit analysis of public assets for "monetization". The amount of money spent to date for said analysis/review broken down by month from 2020 to present.2021-12-29Finance
FIN/86/2019 All emails sent/received re meetings with the federal Finance minister by the minister, deputy ministers, assistants to deputy ministers.2020-02-05Finance
FIN/86/2018 Please provide a complete list of business financial assistance programs - defined as public funding provided to private sector companies and self-employed individuals in any form (e.g., subsidy, tax rebate, non-repayable or repayable loan, etc.) for determined outcomes - offered by the department / public body, including programs delivered by third parties.2018-11-08Finance
FIN/85/2024 Please provide any analysis the Department of Finance has related to the provincial portion of the HST collected from various industries / sources. I.e. I am interested in knowing how much HST is generated on the purchase of various goods and services.2024-09-18Finance
FIN/85/2021 Contract details of consultant hired to review Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corporation, including any mandate letters or other direction given to the consultant.2021-12-29Finance
FIN/85/2018 WRT FIn-70-2018, all sections deleted/redacted/excised from the response to this request. Without limited the review of all the deletions, I am particular interested in those marked "non-responsive.2018-10-29Finance

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.