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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FLR/2/2020 Information relating to open net pen aquaculture sites that have used lumpfish since 2015 with positioning from each. 2020-02-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/53/2020[1] Please provide: All sources of funding, including grants, loans, guarantees, tax relief or other financial assistance ("Funding") made to [individual] or any other person or entity for silvaculture, forestry, agriculture OR relating to Agricultural Lease.2020-06-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/70/2019 We request all information relating to a permit/license/lease application made by David Lear to build a wharf on the water lot in front of his property in Port De Grave, NL.2019-08-23Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/32/2018[1] Any and all information and documentation pertaining to or with any reference to crown lands application #146300 Change Islands, NL All legal documentation and bill of sale for this # 146300.2020-04-30Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/6/2020 March 12th and 13th of 2013, "Innu protest hunt Shipiskan" report conducted by Dan Philpott and any emails from current Fisheries and Land resources, former Department of Justice and former deputy minesters Lorrie-anne Companion and Heather Jacobs related to the protest hunt and report.2020-02-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/120/2019[1] Inspection reports from B.I.A Farms, Roaches Line, from September 2018 to present. As well as any reports, emails, correspondence in relation to the death of 19,000 chickens at B.I.A. Farms from Oct. 15 to present.2020-02-07Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/1/2020 May I please have the annual stocking numbers (total numbers), annual mortality rates (total numbers) for all hatcheries in NL including and especially for lumpfish hatcheries or rearing facilities. May I also have the pesticide, therapeutic chemical, and antimicrobial usage for each lumpfish rearing facility in NL from Jan 1st 2015 to today by year. Also, a list of all flow through design hatcheries in NL.2020-02-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/89/2019 A request for all communications, briefings and decision notes, emails, etc. related to yellowtail flounder quota dating Jan. 1 2018 to present.2019-10-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/9/2020[1] I am requesting any information regarding the Commercial Cutting Permit issued to Marathon Gold Corp. or their subsidiaries / Sub-Contractors - to cut timber at their mining claim(s) in central Newfoundland in the areas surrounding Valentine Lake.2020-04-07Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/87/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of August 2019.2019-10-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/65/2019 I am requesting any and all documents, notes etc. of correspondence between a mining company by the name of Marathon Gold (and any of its representatives) and this department covering the dates from: March 20-2019 to today's date: June 28-2019.2019-09-11Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/71/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of June 2019.2019-08-23Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/137/2019 Any and all emails, briefing notes, substantive records, letters, key messages and correspondence dealing with and related to the removal/change of employment of Gordon MacGowan from the position of Executive Assistant for the Minister of Fisheries and Land Resources to Program Manager in the Animal Health Division. 2020-05-28Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/46/2020 Information regarding purchases of wildlife related telemetry equipment in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 purchasing years.2020-05-25Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/50/2020 I am inquiring whether the Wildlife Division, or the Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Division, or other division of the department, have ever possessed or acquired firearms of the following model or description: Stag Arms Stag-10, or a variant thereof.2020-05-25Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/31/2020 Any and all briefing notes, hot topic updates, information notes, decision notes, question period notes, key messages, etc. for the Spring sitting of the legislature by/for the Minister, and/or Deputy Minister and/or Director of Communications.2020-03-30Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/150/2019[1] Information and documentation regarding a crown land application. Application number #152196. In addition, information regarding file # 4008546.2020-02-05Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/146/2019 Applications and correspondence related to Menihek Nordic Ski Club From April 1 1983 to December 31 1983.2020-02-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/29/2020 All complimentary licenses issued pursuant to section 91 of the Wild Life Regulations since 2010. 2020-04-21Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/125/2019 DOC/2019/04811 Meeting Note Premier / Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association / September 26 2019.2020-04-07Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/12/2020[1] Information relating to land in Brigus Junction.2020-02-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/113/2019 I wish to request the following information: Did your department, or any department of government- including any entity within government (including the executive level) - conduct, or pay any agency or organization, to carry out, any public surveys related to Aquaculture in NL -for the period beginning Jan 1, 2019; And if so, please provide results and costs. (This would include any such public survey results provided to government, requested or not solicited"). 2019-12-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/112/2019 All emails sent/received re Young Liberals from 2015 to present.2019-12-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/104/2019[1] Records relating to land in Brigus Junction.2019-11-22Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/33/2018 Can I get the aquaculture transfer permits for Cooke aquaculture for 2016 and 2017?2020-04-30Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/25/2020 Please provide a complete list of business financial assistance programs - defined as public funding provided to private sector entities in any form (e.g. subsidy, tax rebate, non-repayable loan, etc.) for determined outcomes - 1. Name of program 2. Total budget 3. Total funding approved for private sector entities 4. Total number of private sector entities who applied for funding 5. Total number of private sector entities who received funding Please provide the following information on each program for 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019.2020-03-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/23/2020 Are ADD (Acoustic Deterrent Devices) used at finfish and mussel aquaculture sites regulated, monitored, or permitted, in any way in NL by the province? If they are used in NL, can I have a list of sites using these devices since 2017 and which type of sites it is (finfish vs shellfish).2020-03-09Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/123/2019[1] I am formally requesting all Municipal Recommendation Forms for Crown Land Applications within Municipal and Planning Area Boundaries, received from applicants and approved by the Town of Centreville Wareham and Trinity.2020-02-07Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/153/2019 Information relating to where the money that was going to be used towards the Little Bay of Islands cat rescue efforts has gone.2020-02-06Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/103/2019[1] Records relating to land in Brigus Junction.2019-11-22Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/68/2019 Please provide details on the 5 year budget forecast or multi-year fiscal framework maintained in excel by the Department.2019-09-10Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/30/2020 Requesting a list of all appointments made to Agency, Board or Commission by the various ministers of your department, and all predecessor departments, during the period of November 6, 2003 to December 14, 2015. This list would include their name, the date of the appointment, as well as the position they were appointed to.2020-03-30Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/28/2020 Are ADD (Acoustic Deterrent Devices) used at finfish and mussel aquaculture sites regulated, monitored, or permitted, in any way in NL by the province? If they are used in NL, can I have a list of sites using these devices since 2017 and which type of sites it is (finfish vs shellfish).2020-03-23Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/142/2019 A copy of all documents related to: "Complete an industry review of finfish and shellfish strain performance to determine needs for broodstock development, including cleanerfish. (Completion target: 2018-19)" Including any review of possible or real pathogens in the current broodstock including ISAv HPR0.2020-03-11Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/72/2019[1] Looking for any and all information pertaining to the involvement of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador with respect to the eviction orders and removal of campers, buses, structures, etc, from areas in and around Ocean Pond, Little Wolf Pond, Nichols Pond, Stanks Gully, Whalens Pond, Fox Marsh Resource Road and surrounding areas and Government's involvement in the establishment of a recreational trailer park which resulted from this action named Fox Marsh Trailer Park and/or Fox Pond Trailer Park on crown land located on Fox Marsh Resource Road from the years 2004 - 2014. 2019-11-21Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/121/2019 Any and all records of any nature/format that relate to Northern Labrador Outdoors Inc., and/or Labrador Outdoors, and/or Harvey Caldren. 2020-04-28Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/8/2020 DOC/2019/05571 Information Note - CBPPL Shutdown Proposal - November 21, 2019.2020-02-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/66/2019 I am requesting any documents / logs / notes etc... regarding Commercial Logging Reports of wood cut / replanting of trees - as per commercial cutting regulations from / by a company named Marathon Gold, operating mining exploration in Central Newfoundland at a site near Victoria Lake / Valentine Lake for the period covering the years of 2010 - to this year 2019.2019-09-11Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/141/2019 Copy of all documents regarding: "Review provincial fees for the aquaculture industry." (Completion target: March 31, 2018)" as stated in the 2020-03-11Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/21/2020 I am requesting any information on interactions between the Fisheries and Land Resources department Wildlife division and the mining exploration company Marathon Gold Corp. - covering the period of September 01-2019 up to and including today's date - February 04-2020.2020-03-09Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/114/2019 All correspondence with department officials regarding the Northern Harvest Sea Farms/Mowi salmon die-off beginning from August onwards, including correspondence with the company and residents.2019-12-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/41/2020 Requesting the complete Crown Lands Grant Application for 11 and 15 Barrows Road . Looking for the complete internal and external correspondence relating to these properties.2020-05-22Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/122/2019 Emails sent between Friday, November 1/2019 and Tuesday, November 5/2019 regarding a situation of dead rabbits on the Robert E Howlett Memorial Highway in the Goulds neighbourhood of St. John's.2020-05-01Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/143/2019 A list of all licensed and/or operating hatcheries in NL and their locations and ownership/registered name from 2016 through to today. This should include lumpfish, salmonids, cod, etc. i.e. all finfish producing facilities. Also, an explanation as to why many of these facilities have been licensed in 2016 and 2017 when they are not reporting antibiotic and pesticide usage as per the Aquaculture Activities Regulations and the requirements of their NL license? A list of fines or license revocations or suspensions issued for this period.2020-05-13Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/136/2019 Any and all information with respect to Fox Marsh Trailer Park Inc. paying the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador a development fee for the development of Fox Marsh Trailer Park Inc. in the amount of $2,350 per year for five years starting around September 2006 and continuing onward. Also, any and all information with respect to any other money paid by Fox Marsh Trailer Park Inc. to Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. 2020-05-13Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/118/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of October 2019.2020-05-13Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/115/2019 Any and all messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly. This includes key messages for the Minister and binders.2019-12-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/44/2019[1] I am asking for information or records which states that Crown Land at 34A Valley Road in the town of Stephenville Crossing is exempt $4169.70.2019-06-05Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/18/2019[1] I am looking for any records, including emails, reports, queries, complaints, general correspondence regarding the presence of raccoons in the province.2019-04-05Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/7/2019 With regards to ATIPP File FLR/108/2018, Pgs. 15/16, the Department is to provide any and all records, of any nature/format, that pertain to the 2010 Wild Planet-North America film sequence on Labrador Black Bear and Caribou, specifically the George River Caribou Herd. 2019-04-04Fisheries and Land Resources

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.