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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
OSW/4/2020 Applicant seeking any emails received by the Minister Carol Anne Haley regarding possible changes to South Coast ferry service (Rencontre East, South East Bight, Gaultois, McCallum, Francois, La Poile, Ramea, or Grey River). Time period: November 8, 2018.2020-08-07Office for the Status of Women
OSW/4/2019 The following information on the Women's Leadership Conference put off by the Department. List of individuals approached for the conference; All correspondence, documents, briefing notes, emails, records, etc. related to the conference.2019-04-04Office for the Status of Women
OSW/3/2021 Information regarding gender based analysis and Workplace NL.2021-03-05Office for the Status of Women
OSW/3/2020 All Key Messages and information prepared for the minister, deputy minister and ADM's for the June 2020 session of the House of Assembly.2020-07-31Office for the Status of Women
OSW/2/2021 December 2020 briefing material titled: Justice System and Survivors of Sexual Assault Key Messages.2021-03-03Office for the Status of Women
OSW/17/2020[1] All work orders, POs, receipts, and invoices related to the appointment of Minister Dempster between August 1st and November 30.2021-01-27Office for the Status of Women
OSW/16/2020[1] Internal communications about the Minister's Committee on Violence Against Women and Girls in Newfoundland and Labrador. 2021-02-05Office for the Status of Women
OSW/15/2020 October 2020 briefing materials titled: - Violence Prevention Initiative | Decision Note. - Intimate Partner Violence Units - RNC | Meeting Note.2020-12-21Office for the Status of Women
OSW/14/2020 Any and all records concerning include Paul Snow, June Perry and Pilot Communications for the past three months up to Dec 4, 2020.2020-12-29Office for the Status of Women
OSW/14/2019 All briefing materials including information notes, meeting notes and presentations, as well as emails to WPO executive and minister regarding LGBT harassment and/or sensitivity training in the public service. Time period: January 1, 2016 to the date of this request.2020-01-02Office for the Status of Women
OSW/13/2020 Any and all records concerning political fundraising event held November 30, 2020 at 46 Pine Bud Ave. This should include search of Minister Dempster's calendar, email, etc as well as her Executive Assistant, Constituency Assistant and Communications staff. Range is past three months up to December 4, 2020.2020-12-29Office for the Status of Women
OSW/13/2019 Any and all messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly. This includes key messages for the Minister and binders.2019-12-04Office for the Status of Women
OSW/12/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2020.2020-12-21Office for the Status of Women
OSW/12/2019 Any emails from the minister or her staff to members of the St. John's City Council (or staff) or to RNC Chief Joe Boland (or vice versa) regarding sex work, prostitution, sex trafficking, adult massage parlour, or mentioning Hush/Red Room/Aura Studios.2019-10-08Office for the Status of Women
OSW/11/2020 Copies of briefing materials provided to the Minister in September 2020 for meetings with the Mokami Status of Women's Council, Violence Prevention Labrador, and the Labrador West Status of Women Council referenced in access request OWS/08/2020.2020-12-21Office for the Status of Women
OSW/10/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of October 2020.2020-12-31Office for the Status of Women
OSW/10/2019 Any information (including emails sent from or received by the minister or staff), policies, analysis, emails from the public to the minister, etc. related to sex work, prostitution, or human trafficking. Time period November 2018 to the date of this request.2019-10-04Office for the Status of Women
OSW/1/2021 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of December 2020.2021-02-05Office for the Status of Women
OSW/1/2020 Requesting a list of all appointments made by the various ministers of your department, and all predecessor departments, during the period of November 6, 2003 to December 14, 2015. This list would include their name, the date of the appointment as well as the position they were appointed to.2020-03-17Office for the Status of Women
OPE/9/2015 Date Minister Steve Kent announced that the public could request access to information via e-mail/internet/electronically. Records/reports/information on try-outs/trials/experimentation for submitting access to information requests by e-mail/internet /electronically prior to/before/preceding the date of Minister Kent's announcement.2015-05-08Office of Public Engagement
OPE/8/2015[1] Records/reports/information on try-out/trials in making Access to Information Request Forms available on line to ALL users in the Province, particularly how versions/accommodations were made for users of PC and MAC computers.2015-04-21Office of Public Engagement
OPE/7/2016 Government Renewal Abstract Proposal for the OPE. Please include all corresponding documents that outline the proposed 30% budget reductions, analysis, public interest, role of government, and partnerships.2016-09-19Office of Public Engagement
OPE/7/2015 All emails, briefing notes, correspondence, and other documents pertaining tot he choosing of members to sit on the Youth Advisory Committee.2015-05-15Office of Public Engagement
OPE/6/2016 Request detailed breakdown of all consultants used by department between December 1, 2015 to August 11, 2016. Please include agreements/contracts, amount paid to date as well as scope of work and associated time frames.2016-08-29Office of Public Engagement
OPE/5/2016 All communications in all formats that relate to Minister Coady's usage of her private email account and usage of government accounts and devices for the period of April 15th to July 21st, 2016.2016-08-15Office of Public Engagement
OPE/5/2015 All minutes to meetings of the Strategic Partnership Council and its committees (i.e. the Council, the Labour Market Committee, and the Innovation Committee) from January 2014 to present.2015-03-09Office of Public Engagement
OPE/4/2015 All privacy breach reporting forms submitted to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Office in fiscal year 2014-15 (April 1, 2014 to present).2015-03-23Office of Public Engagement
OPE/4/2014 A budget breakdown of the 2013 URock Volunteer Awards, detailing costs around venue, travel, awards, etc. A budget breakdown of the 2014 URock Volunteer Awards, detailing costs around venue, travel, awards, etc.2014-04-22Office of Public Engagement
OPE/3/2015 All privacy breach reporting forms submitted to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Office in fiscal year 2013-14 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014).2015-03-23Office of Public Engagement
OPE/2/2016 Please provide information on the number of outstanding accounts within your department (including any which have been forwarded to Tax Administration for collections and those which have not yet been forwarded) which are the result of over payments by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Please provide the outstanding balance on each account and through which program the over payment occurred. The time frame would be over payments which have occurred between December 1, 2015 and April 4, 2016.2016-04-22Office of Public Engagement
OPE/2/2015 All privacy breach reporting forms submitted to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Office in fiscal year 2012-13 (April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013).2015-03-23Office of Public Engagement
OPE/2/2014 The number of times an ATIPP request has been denied based on the "power of a public body to disregard requests" section of the ATIPPA (section 43.1). Please break down each occurrence by department/agency/public body, text of request, specific section/reason for disregarding it, and the date.2014-04-22Office of Public Engagement
OPE/2/2013 All costs associated with the URock Volunteer Awards for 2012 and 2013 (including rent of venue, equipment rental, refreshments, website, promotional, etc.).2013-07-02Office of Public Engagement
OPE/10/2015 All privacy breach reporting forms submitted to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Office from Jan.27, 2015, through April 16, 2015 inclusive.2015-05-25Office of Public Engagement
OPE/1/2016 Presentation materials (slides, graphics, etc.) and speaking notes used during the public budget consultations.2016-02-29Office of Public Engagement
OPE/1/2015 All privacy breach reporting forms submitted to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Office in fiscal year 2011-12 (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012).2015-03-23Office of Public Engagement
OPE/1/2014 Journey authorization forms, itineraries, and original receipts and supporting records for travel claim TCMS289475 (June 18, 2013) for Mr. Steve Kent, Parliamentary Secretary to IBRD, travel to Toronto for Big Brothers Big Sisters Event - OPE, total amount $1,270.23.2014-02-17Office of Public Engagement
OLA/1/2017 All documents and correspondence including, but not limited to: briefing notes, text messages, emails (including attachments), handwritten notes, and any other record or document, electronic or otherwise, created between June 18, 2017 and August 14, 2017, referencing the protester blockade and/or closure of the Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs office in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.2017-09-12Office of Labrador Affairs
OCIO/9/2024 A list of briefing materials prepared for the month of July 2024.2024-08-19Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/9/2023 I wish to know the total number of employees (either temporary or fulltime) that are employed by this department as of September 18, 2023.2023-09-25Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/9/2017 Access to a list of provincial government IP addresses that have accessed the website "" since December 31, 2016.2017-08-11Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/8/2021 Information regarding the following record: RFI/RFP Number: OCIO.RFI.2122.001 Title: Mainframe Modernization.2021-09-07Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/8/2019 Any messaging or draft messaging prepared for the Department or Minister since January 1st, 2019. In addition, any benchmarks/status updates/lists outlining levels of completion of "The Way Forward" initiatives.2019-04-30Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/8/2016 Copies of and any correspondence surrounding any subsidies or payments to Bell Aliant for both government use of their facilities or services and for rural DSL deployments subsidized by the provincial government, including correspondence if any exists on why Bell Aliant was chosen versus alternatives (Eastlink, Rogers, etc.).2016-09-26Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/7/2019 Please provide a list of all consultants employed by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador (by department), including their name, company name (if applicable) and the amounts they have been paid for the fiscal years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 to date. Please include how these contracts were awarded, such as through an RFP/Competitive Process; Standing Offer; or non-Competitive/Sole Source. 2019-05-10Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/7/2017[1] Information regarding event code entries in a system from 1999.2017-05-09Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/7/2016 Government Renewal Abstract Proposal for the OCIO. Please include all corresponding documents that outline the proposed 30% budget reductions, analysis, public interest, role of government, and partnerships.2016-09-19Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/6/2024 Please provide the cost of creating/establishing/building the Early Learning Gateway, as outlined here: of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/6/2021 The binder used by the Minister this week (June 7-10th) in the House of Assembly. If they changed from day to day, please provide each.2021-11-12Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCIO/6/2016 Request detailed breakdown of all consultants used by department between December 1, 2015 to August 11, 2016. Please include agreements/contracts, amount paid to date as well as scope of work and associated timeframes.2016-09-13Office of the Chief Information Officer

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.