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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
HCS/39/2013 Records relating to deaths of children receiving government services prior to the creation of the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services, from 1999 - 2009.2014-11-04Health and Community Services
HCS/29/2014 The number of people on wait lists for long term care facilities, broken down by the individual Regional Health Authorities.2014-08-08Health and Community Services
HCS/3/2015 Information relating to HealthLine.2015-03-10Health and Community Services
HCS/28/2014 The statistics on the number of people suffering from trigeminal neuralgia in the province as well as any briefing notes/information notes/etc. on this issue.2014-08-01Health and Community Services
HCS/26/2014 The number of people that have been sent out of province for mental health and addiction treatment, the type of treatment received, the locations of the treatment centres, the duration of each patients' stay and the cost per patient.2014-08-08Health and Community Services
HCS/7/2014 The amount of RN overtime for each of the Regional Health Authorities. This should be done for FY 2012-13 and 2013-14 (to date).2014-03-27Health and Community Services
HCS/10/2014 The amount of money spent on Medical Transportation Assistance Program (MTAP) assistance program during 2012-13, and so far in 2013-14.2014-03-27Health and Community Services
HCS/4/2014 StanTec report completed that pertains to the number of ultrasound machines for the new Corner Brook Hospital.2014-03-27Health and Community Services
HRS/6/2014 Reports, complaints, communications or memos of harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, inappropriate behaviors, inappropriate touching or sexual misconduct occurring among provincial government employees over the last fourteen (14) years.2015-01-23Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/19/2020 I am seeking the number of OHS complaints from CSSD social workers, broken down by region (Metro, Eastern, Central, Western, Labrador), broken down by quarter since 2015. I am also seeking a brief description of each complaint.2020-08-07Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/25/2019 Information regarding attrition management.2021-01-27Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/6/2020 Any emails, letters, BBMs, memos, employment contract etc. detailing the terms and conditions of Carla Foote's employment as ADM in the office of public engagement.2020-05-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/3/2020 A copy of the recent arbitration decision by Arbitrator James Oakley related to Collective Bargaining between the Government of NL and the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Association, more specifically Final Offer Selection in relation to salaries/compensation.2020-05-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/57/2019[1] I wish to obtain all records pertaining to competition FLR.19.20.R0071 (Manager of Information Services) in particular a list of candidates who were screened in and out of this competition and the ranking criteria.2019-11-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/34/2019 Information relating to the termination of the Rooms CEO.2019-09-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/42/2019 I request a list of all HRS employees that has been working in HRS since June 1, 2019 to present.2019-10-24Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/20/2019 Number of employees paid at the Deputy Minister level for the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.2019-10-24Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/10/2020 From October 2018 to February 2020, I am requesting all correspondence, emails, text messages, documents, invoices, etc. relating to any consultants hired by HRS directly and/or on behalf of the Rooms to provide guidance, advise, facilitation, etc. on matters relating to human resources, conflict resolution, employee relations, training etc. including the names of company, contract, cost, participants, agenda, handouts, powerpoints or any other material, recommendations, etc.2020-05-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/45/2019 I would like information regarding the keeping of notes that have been made at an interview for a job in the provincial government. Is there a policy that must be followed in order to give a candidate a review of the interview.2019-10-24Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/56/2019 All grievances filed by employees of Her Majesty's Penitentiary from 2010 to present.2019-12-06Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/49/2019 Number of employees subject to the Correctional Officers' Collective Agreement required to complete a functional assessment while on sick leave for the years 2000-2019. Number of other government employees subject to collective agreements required to complete a functional assessment while on sick leave for the years 2000-2019.2019-10-15Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/8/2020 Stemming from the Report of the 2014 Statutory Review of the Access to Information and Privacy Act (The Wells Report, I would like a copy of the treasury board directive outlining the compensation scales or remuneration for departmental ATIPP coordinator.2020-05-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/50/2019 As per HRS-01-2019 please provide updated Core Public Service Numbers per Department and Employee Type as of February 1, 2019.2019-11-22Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/55/2019[1] All records of monetary settlements paid to employees of Her Majesty's Penitentiary from 2010 to present.2019-12-04Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/47-48/2019 Copy of the Job Description for the Conservation Officer III at Eastern Regional Services / Fisheries and Land Services2019-10-11Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/33/2019 Information relating to the employment and termination of the Rooms CEO. 2019-09-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/54/2019 Any and all messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly. This includes key messages for the Minister and binders.2019-11-22Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/53/2019 All records of disciplinary action taken against employees at Her Majesty's Penitentiary, including management, from 2010 to present. 2019-12-04Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/9/2020 Dept of Finance ATIPP Feb 2020 re: Public sector workers represented by NAPE have ratified an extension to their current contract. It's for two years with a total four per cent wage increase. Provide 1. / the $ cost of salary & benefits 4% increase 4% increase to NAPE 2/ the $ cost of salary &benefits if same 4% is accepted by CUPE.2020-05-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/60/2019 A copy of all compensation policies listed, but not accessible, on the following website: 2020-05-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/15/2019 Please provide a list of all consultants employed by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador (by department), including their name, company name (if applicable) and the amounts they have been paid for the fiscal years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 to date.2019-04-03Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/8/2019 Please provide a list of all external consulting contracts commenced or renewed since Dec. 1, 2015. For each instance, please specify the name of the individual or company consulting, the date the contract was initially commenced or renewed, the date the contract was concluded (or, if it's still ongoing, please specify) and the total dollar figure paid to date to the consultant for that project.2019-03-04Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/14/2019 1) As per HRS-19-2018 please provide updated Core Public Service Numbers per Department and Employee Type as of February 1, 2019. 2) Please also provide the number of employees by employee type for each ABC which may have information on file.2019-04-12Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/32/2019 Please provide an updated excel spreadsheet of the hay-level (HL) management pay scale. The one online only covers the 2012-2016 period.2019-04-18Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/29/2018 I am requesting emails, briefing notes, telephone conversation and meeting minutes regarding any/all training for various staff employed at 319 Duckworth Street (Office of the High Sheriff).2019-04-18Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/27/2018 Please provide all information (including but not limited to emails, briefing notes, texts, blackberry messages) regarding the recent appointment/hiring of Carla Foote to The Rooms. Please provide as well as correspondence between Carla Foote and the Secretariat executive (including minister, deputy minister and assistant deputy ministers) from the period of January 1, 2018 to October 26, 2018.2019-04-18Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/29/2017 As per request HRS/17/2016 Please provide Core Public Service Numbers per Department and Employee Type as of July 30, 2017. In addition to this information, please indicate in which category, and how many, "13 weekers" are currently employees in each government department.2017-09-25Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/25/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2019-01-07Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/21/2017 Please provide information regarding Summer Students employed in the Core-Public Service between March 1, 2017 and June 29, 2017. Please include the number of summer students in each department, their position titles, pay scale, and physical location of employment.2017-08-01Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/22/2017 Please provide a list of the number of opening doors placements by Department by fiscal year 2012 to current. Please also include the length of each placement.2017-08-01Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/34/2017 I am requesting any/all briefing notes, court case correspondence, emails, meeting minutes and telephone conversations regarding the dismissal of former High Sheriff Ernest Boone from October 2015 to February 2017. This request may have to include Department of Justice and Public Safety as well.2017-11-21Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/25/2017 I am requesting the number of management staff for the last four fiscal years, also including to date for this current fiscal year, within core civil service who may be above Step 25 on their respective pay scale, and the applicable Compensation Policy that was applied to determine their placement on the scale.2017-09-05Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/27/2017 Individual amount paid to managers on 2017 "sunshine List' for accumulated leave not taken, and for payment in lieu of notice on loss of employment. List should identify employees by name and individual payment amounts. Time frame should encompass same period as was covered by the "sunshine list".2017-08-28Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/17/2017 The Section of the Auditor General's Report on Executive Council HRS shows that there are four OHS items that remain only partly implemented. My ATIPPA request is amended as follows: Please provide the responses from HRS to the office of the AG that describes the actions being taken to address the four partly implemented items. 2017-07-13Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/14/2018 Please provide signed copies of any agreements or letters signed between NAPE and Gov NL pertaining to the General Services Collective Agreement. I am looking for any letters which are a part of the collective agreement or anything signed after. The date for this request is Nov 1, 2017 to current.2018-07-18Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/19/2018 1) As per HRS-29-2017 please provide updated Core Public Service Numbers per Department and Employee Type as of July 23, 2018. 2) As per HRS-03-2018 please provide updated Core Public Service Numbers per Department as of July 23, 2018. Please also provide ABC employee numbers as of December 30th, 2018 and March 31, 2018.2018-08-21Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/28/2017 1) As per request HRS/6/2017 Please provide Core Public Service Numbers per Department and Employee Type as of December 31, 2016. In addition to this information, please indicate in which category, and how many, "13 weekers" are currently employees in each government department. 3) Please provide the number of new hires per month for each month of 2017. Please break this down by Contractual, Permanent, Seasonal, Temporary, and 13-week contacts.2017-09-25Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/26/2017 Please provide information regarding Summer Students employed in the Core-Public Service between March 1, 2017 and August 3, 2017. Please include the number of summer students in each department and physical location of employment.2017-09-05Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/3/2018 Newfoundland and Labrador's Finance Minister says he's backing off a threat to introduce legislation to make agencies, boards and commissions more accountable -- for now. Cut spending, N.L. government tells agencies, boards, corporations Spend less get less: The reward for cost-cutting could be a budget cut Request 1 / Provide as at Dec 31 2017 with comparative figures for Dec 31 2016 the total number of full time employees by NL Gov Dept/boards/agencies / commissions name each group with total employee count agency .board, commission and by NL Gov dept.2018-02-21Human Resource Secretariat
HRS/13/2018 All correspondence since June 1, 2015 between the Human Resource Secretariat and its executive/officials/staff and Newfoundland's Privacy Commissioner and his officials/staff relating to draft legislation and section 112 of the ATIPPA 2015.2018-05-11Human Resource Secretariat

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.