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As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FLR/42/2018 Might I have the list of sites that were issued permits to kill predators over the last two years. A list of predators killed (including SARA protected endangered salmon sharks aka porbeagle sharks.2018-11-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/48-49-55/2018 Information relating to sites involved in the fall/winter (October 31 and November 28, February 13) ISA outbreaks as reported by the CFIA? 2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/45/2018 May I have a list of all the antibiotics, antifungal, and antiparasitic compounds used in NL for 2016 and 2017 and the amounts used of each.2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/53/2017 All documents related to application # 115873 on Jan. 22nd 2004 from the Gun Club.2017-11-10Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/36/2018 All information or records concerning implementation of the "Recovery Strategy for Three Woodland Caribou Herds (Rangifer tarandus caribou; Boreal population) in Labrador" published in July 2004, but only those records dated January 1, 2016 or later. 2018-07-19Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/50/2017 Please note I am seeking information on the Adverse Claim filed against Crown Grant No. 149471.2017-11-03Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/64/2018 Records relating to the 2017 COSEWIC Assessment Report, with respect the George River Caribou Herd. 2018-07-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/58/2017 Farm Land sales provincially, consisting of: General location, ( Eastern, Central, Western ), Type of farm, Acreage, size of land, No. of buildings and brief description of each, (size, type of construction ), Sale price and date of sale.2018-10-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/92/2018 DOC/2018/04279 Decision Note / Suspension of Lobster Processing Licence at Quin Sea Fisheries Limited Southern Harbour on May 28 2018 / June 6 2018.2018-10-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/62/2017 All documents on Crown Land Application #147705.2018-01-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/119/2018[1] Any expense reports, records and receipts filed by John Tompkins for his November trip to China please.2018-12-28Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/117/2018[1] All correspondence, emails, and documents relating to Crown Lands application 152993.2019-01-30Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/116/2018 With regards to the unsanctioned and/or illegal hunting of Labrador Caribou, the following information is requested: 1) The number of documented incidents of above noted activities for the time period January 1st, 2016 to present day. 2) The date and location of each documented incident. 3) The identification of the parties/groups and/or organizations that were involved. 4) The identification of the Labrador Caribou herd (s) involved. 5) A full account of any charges and/or convictions of any nature that were laid/made, if applicable, resulting from illegal hunting activities.2018-12-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/130/2018 Any request for crown lands made by Jade Holdings or people affiliated with and including Dwight Ball. Derrick Chaulk. Desmond Ball. Dean Ball. Deanne Thompson.2018-12-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/115/2018 Any and all correspondence and files, including but not limited to the minister, deputy minister and assistant deputy minister, from June 1, 2018 to the current date, related to Active Energy Group and/or its subsidiary Timberlands Newfoundland and/or former CEO Richard Spinks and/or current CEO Michael Rowan.2018-12-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/129/2018[1] I request any and all records concerning Mr. John Allan in relation to crown lands. This includes, but is not limited to BBMs, text messages, emails, reports, applications, staff complaints, hand written records, or anything else that may exist.2018-12-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/113/2018 List of all active/inactive/expired Processing Plants (i.e. fish, seal, seafood, etc.) for the province? The list can be provided in one of the following format - excel, access, .txt, or .csv. 2018-12-24Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/72/2018 Department to provide a copy of completed response to ATIPP request FLR/36/2018, which was communicated to the Applicant on or about May 18, 2018.2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/51/2018 May I have the number of fish tested per active stocked open net pen lease using PCR tests for each the OIE reportable viruses including HPR0 ISAv for 2017 and to date 2018? May I also have the method of sampling i.e. contracted diver that both government and industry use, government only diver or staff, company staff, etc.2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/47/2018 I would like all information and correspondence regarding government support to Carino and SeaDNA for activities pertaining to PhoqueFest 2018 including, but not limited to, the amount of Newfoundland government financial support of said festival.2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/23/2018[1] Information regarding a crown lands applicant and appeal processes. 2018-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/20/2018 Any correspondence sent to and/or sent by the Farm Industry Review Board from Oct. 1, 2017 to Feb. 14, 2018 inclusive.2018-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/19/2018 Briefing materials -- in any and all formats, including paper and electronic -- prepared for, and/or provided to, the minister related to milk quality. Date range of request is July 31, 2017 to the present.2018-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/17/2018 Could you please provide surveys completed regarding moose populations since January 2016. Additionally, could you identify what particular areas were surveyed? Finally, a breakdown of moose numbers, by area over a five year period.2018-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/16/2018 Could you please provide the total number of conservation officers currently employed by the department? Additionally, provide the same data over the past 5 years (understanding that the department of Justice formerly oversaw this activity).2018-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/12/2018 Information relating to the outfitting industry in Newfoundland and Labrador.2018-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/8/2018[1] All copies of emails, letters, forms, records of phone calls ETC Anything that have to do with registration of vessel HAMMER DOWN XVI.2018-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/55/2017 I would like a list of all of the leased space that was utilized in Corner Brook to facilitate the moving of the Lands office. Please include the names of all leasers and the amount paid for each lease.2017-12-06Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/87/2018 Might I have a list of antibiotics, antifungal, antiparasitics, and other "theraputants" used in NL hatchery and land based fish holding facilities sites during the period of Jan 1 2016 to date and the amounts of each used.2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/52/2018 May I have the list of sites that were issued permits to kill predators over the last two years. A list of predators killed (including but not limited to SARA protected endangered salmon sharks aka porbeagle sharks, protected giant blue fin tuna and seals) each year at each site and the methods used and allowed to kill them (e.g. predator nets, guns, hooks with bait, dive knife on a pole, etc.). May I also have a list of sites using acoustic harassment devices for these same years? How are #s and 2 enforces and monitored? May I have the list of sites allowed to use high intensity lighting at night?2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/50/2018 Did any of the CFIA ISA listed fish leave NL in 2017 and 2018? If so, may I have a copy of the export permit and any other permits, inspection forms, etc. required?2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/96/2018 Any copies of reports, research and studies concerning the rise in the levels of methylmercury at the Muskrat Falls reservoir in Labrador, NL for the year of 2017.2018-10-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/91/2018 DOC/2018/03911 Information Note / Atlantic Provincial Collaboration on the Seal Sector - June 6, 2018.2018-10-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/46/2018 The complete file for Crown Lands Application No. 151879, File No.4005290 where in Whebhayes Inc. sought a commercial grant of land located at Hamilton River Road in the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/122/2018[1] Correspondence between the department and representatives of Active Energy or Timberlands or other affiliated companies. Request includes records in any and all formats, including paper and electronic. Date range of request is Nov. 1, 2018 to the present.2019-01-03Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/11/2018[1] Any/all information, requests, correspondence, inquiries and communication received or provided by the Wilderness and Ecological Reserve Advisory Council and any/ all other Newfoundland & Labrador Government Departments/Agencies with respect to Cremaillere Harbour, Newfoundland, being nominated as an Ecological Reserve and/or Natural Area.2018-10-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/10/2018 Can I get the list of viruses each transfer of fish is tested for before a permit is issued? Also, what is the window of time allowed (at a maximum) between testing and shipping? Finally, any policy or regulation that governs the decision as to what to test for....and enforces these requirements of exactly what must be tested for at the provincial ( NL, NS), and federal level.2018-10-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/9/2018 Information relating to diverted silvicultured land.2018-10-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/7/2018 Get the stocking vs harvest numbers (company names, site numbers, etc removed)...just the raw (unadjusted) numbers by cage and site for the last 5 years. Should be a simple table (I have seen this data in the past). This is available in other jurisdictions (even in Canada). Typically 20% die from disease/escape/get predated in the pens by sharks or tuna, or killed by jellyfish or storm, annually (e.g. Norway).2018-10-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/5/2018[1] I wish to receive all records pertaining to the application by Grieg to establish an aquaculture operation in Newfoundland for the period of September 1, 2017 to the present. 2018-10-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/2/2018 Might I also have any information used since the MOU was signed to support the continuation of government's support of the Grieg Placentia Bay proposal?2018-02-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/1/2018 Might I have a copy of any and all analytical reports, memos, summaries, and documents that were used to make the decision to sign an MOU with Grieg for a $45M investment in their proposed Placentia Bay scheme?2018-02-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/4/2018 All records of any nature, in any medium or format, from the office of Kirsten Miller; Habitat Management, that relate to the development of Industry Guidelines for the George River Caribou Herd, as outlined in Year 4 of the Labrador Caribou Initiative.2018-02-16Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/68/2017 All 2017 records of any nature, in any medium or format, that relate to the Eastern Migratory Caribou report, prepared by COSEWIC, and formally received by the Minister in October 2017. Information to include, but shall not be limited to, a copy of the EMC report, along with any notes/messages/discussion papers and/or consultation records created or received by the Department, with respect to the George River Caribou Herd.2018-02-23Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/43/2017[1] All correspondence and documentation, including maps and surveys, related to Crown Land and Crown Land Right of Way at the end of Mullowneys Lane in the Gallows Cove area in the Town of Witless Bay from 2014 to present.2017-09-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/120/2018[1] I am requesting any / all information pertaining to a company called Marathon Gold Corporation and interactions with this government dept.2019-01-09Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/110/2018 I am looking for any and all information in regard to a "Forestry Operation - Commercial Cutting Permit #16-12-01174". This permit appears to have been issued to "Marathon Gold Corporation" for an area encompassing their mining exploration near Victoria Lake.2019-01-07Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/33/2017 Any briefing notes, and drafts of briefing notes, dated or likely to be dated between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2015, regarding the George River caribou herd.2017-07-18Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/99/2018[1] Pertaining to FLR - 89 - 2018 - Weir's Pond / ATIPP request. Would now like to request a copy of correspondence / request that was sent to Sean Greene of Forestry , Corner Brook , NL regarding specifics of an inspection that was requested on behalf of Crown Lands. 2018-10-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/51/2017 A copy of the following briefing materials DOC-2017-03117 DOC-2017-04113.2017-11-06Fisheries and Land Resources

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.