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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
NR/106/2020[1] I note online at there is a list of 38 companies that submitted Letters of Intents which received approval/funding. I am seeking copies of Letters of Intents submitted by any company that was not approved, along with any correspondence between said company and the Department of Natural Resources and any analysis that supported the decision to not grant Junior Exploration Assistance to that company.2020-03-26Natural Resources
NR/108/2020 Copy of Information Note "Hydro-Quebec and New Brunswick Power Agreements"2020-03-10Natural Resources
NR/68/2020 A copy of the complete file relating to quarry permit 7116846.2020-03-09Natural Resources
NR/211/2019 Any briefings or reports prepared by the department of natural resources or prepared by NALCOR and provided to the department of natural resources in relation to General Electric and/or problems with the software involved in the Labrador power transmission line.2019-11-08Natural Resources
NR/209/2019 RE: NR-167-2019 please provide a copy of the following note: Cyber security in the energy sector.2019-11-06Natural Resources
NR/168/2019 Any briefing materials, Q&A documents, Key Messages, etc. prepared in the last year relating to Alderon Iron Ore.2019-11-04Natural Resources
NR/152/2019[1] Please provide all records of communication between senior ministerial staff -- including, but not limited to, the minister, deputy minister, assistant deputy ministers, executive assistants -- and the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board pertaining to the July and August spills on the Hibernia platform. 2020-05-07Natural Resources
NR/122/2020 Please provide any records (briefing notes, emails, decision notes, or updates) provided to, sent by, or created by the Minister, Deputy Minister, ADMs, Director of Communication, Executive Assistant which reference Fermeuse Enterprises Limited or the Fermeuse Harbour Spool Base.2020-04-30Natural Resources
NR/139/2020 With regards to the nearly six million documents sent to the Muskrat Falls Inquiry, how many were submitted by the Department of Natural Resources? What search parameters were used to locate these records?2020-04-07Natural Resources
NR/124/2020 In the House of Assembly yesterday during Question Period, Minister Coady said there was a Rate Mitigation Secretariat operating within the Department of Natural Resources. When was the Secretariat established and provide the names and job titles of the individuals comprising the Secretariat.2020-04-06Natural Resources
NR/118/2020 In regards to ATIPP Request NR-107-2020 please provide a copy of the contract between the Department of Natural Resources and Wood Canada Limited. Further please advise of the amount of the contract and the scope of work being provided. Additionally, was there a RFP for this work or was it a sole sourced contract? If RFP, please provide the file in relation to this RFP. If sole source please provide the rationale as to why no RFP was issued.2020-04-03Natural Resources
NR/109/2020 RE: January BN list released as NR-44-2020 please provide a copy of the note called Hydro Quebec and New Brunswick power agreement.2020-03-10Natural Resources
NR/3/2020 A list of all briefing notes prepared for the minister of natural resources in December 2019.2020-02-07Natural Resources
NR/265/2019 For the past six months any briefings on the Come By Chance Refinery Coker project.2020-02-06Natural Resources
NR/12/2020 Please provide a copy of ALL Key Messages or Q&A (question and answer) documents prepared by, for or in collaboration with the communications division of the Department of Natural Resources for the month of October 2019. 2020-02-04Natural Resources
NR/260/2019[1] Records relating to correspondence from Service NL dated October 24, 2019, under file no GA/GSC/9720 (the "ESA Notice Letter") in regards to an alleged contamination (including the release of diesel fuel and motor oil) at a location referenced as coordinates 48?? 30'22.35"N, 54??12'42.75"W, Terra Nova, NL. 2020-01-13Natural Resources
NR/245/2019 Any briefing notes or other materials prepared in the last 90 days regarding Transocean Barents.2019-12-12Natural Resources
NR/121/2020 In regards to ATIPP Request NR-107-2020 please provide a copy of the contract between the Department of Natural Resources and Sanders Geophysics. Further please advise of the amount of the contract and the scope of work being provided. Additionally, was there a RFP for this work or was it a sole sourced contract? If RFP, please provide the file in relation to this RFP. If sole source please provide the rationale as to why no RFP was issued.2020-04-03Natural Resources
NR/258/2020 Any formal policy regarding deletion of transitory emails that existed before DM Lomond was DM of DNR. Any formal policy regarding deletion of transitory emails put in place after DM Lomond was moved to DNR. Any other direction or policy regarding deletion of records in accordance with ATIPPA.2020-04-02Natural Resources
NR/253/2020 Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec-based Labrador Trough Mining Operations - Information Note from October 2019.2020-04-02Natural Resources
NR/135/2019 I am requesting copies of response letters / emails / communications - to an email sent out from Eric Watton to various Government Department Representatives acting as or on behalf of the "EA Screening Committee" regarding a Project titled "Marathon Gold Project" "Proponent: Marathon Gold Corporation" with a heading "Re: Registration 2015". This email was sent out to members of the EA Screening Committee on April 16-2019 with a form to be filled out and returned to by May 07-2019.2019-12-06Natural Resources
NR/200/2019 A list of all briefing notes provided to the minister of natural resources in September 2019.2019-10-23Natural Resources
NR/170/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of February, March, and April 2020.2020-05-29Natural Resources
NR/131/2020 A complete copy of the file relating to quarry permit 711:9042.2020-04-06Natural Resources
NR/98/2020[1] I note online at there is a list of 38 companies that submitted Letters of Intents. I am looking for information [Vulcan Minerals Inc.] including a copy of the Letter of Intent Form submitted, a copy of the JEA Final Report Form, the Final Technical Report, the JEA Expense Spreadsheet, any correspondence between the company and the Department of Natural Resources relating to the JEA program and any analysis conducted by the Department of Natural Resources in relation to each application.2020-03-24Natural Resources
NR/57/2020 Records arising from the submission and presence of the Labrador Interconnected Customer Group and/or the Sheshatshiu Innuendo First Nation at the Public Utilities Board hearings about rate mitigation and muskrat falls and the report issued February 7, 2020. Specifically anything relating to electricity rates for Labrador Interconnected customers.2020-03-09Natural Resources
NR/28/2020 All Key Messages or Q&A documents prepared for the minister of natural resources in January 2020.2020-02-24Natural Resources
NR/261/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2019.2020-02-05Natural Resources
NR/14/2020 Please provide a copy of ALL Key Messages or Q&A (question and answer) documents prepared by, for or in collaboration with the communications division of the Department of Natural Resources for the month of December 2019. 2020-02-04Natural Resources
NR/259/2019 Any briefing materials prepared in relation to Anacondas Point Rousse processing site in the past six months.2020-01-13Natural Resources
NR/190/2019 Recommendation #3 from the IEAC on Methylmercury reads: "The IEAC recommends that the Province, Nalcor Energy, Indigenous groups and the local populations, negotiate an Impact Security Fund prior to full flooding. The purpose of the fund is to guarantee continued access to local country food, or safe alternatives, if methylmercury exposures increase above pre-established thresholds, despite mitigation efforts." Please provide all records related to the implementation of this recommendation. 2019-10-15Natural Resources
NR/17/2020 Any briefing materials prepared by the Department of Natural Resources in relation to the meeting between the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador and The Premier of Quebec Francois Legault.2020-02-04Natural Resources
NR/6/2020 Please provide a detailed breakdown of all travel expenses incurred by the deputy minister of natural resources (Ted Lomond) in the calendar year 2019. 2020-02-04Natural Resources
NR/244/2019 Any briefing notes or materials prepared specifically for the November 15 meeting between Minister Coady and DF Barnes. 2019-12-12Natural Resources
NR/236/2019[1] Any correspondence between Minister Coady and [individual] regarding Tacora Resources. Time frame June 21, 2019 to present.2019-11-28Natural Resources
NR/170/2019 Any briefing materials, Q&A documents, Key Messages, etc. prepared in the last year relating to Barite Mud.2019-10-04Natural Resources
NR/144/2019 Please provide copies of any briefing notes, reports or studies related to Fracking created or received by DNR in the past year.2019-09-04Natural Resources
NR/166/2019 The minister of the department of natural resources recently attended the SPE Offshore Europe conference in Aberdeen Scotland. Please provide copies of any briefing materials prepared for her in advance of this conference relating to her attendance there.2019-10-04Natural Resources
NR/197/2019 For each of the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 please advise as to how many quarry permits and/or quarry leases were owned/operated by H&B CONSTRUCTION LIMITED. For each permit/lease provide the Department of Natural Resources File number or Permit ID. For each permit/lease provide the volume removed and the royalties paid to the Department of Natural Resources.2019-10-03Natural Resources
NR/196/2019 For each of the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 please advise as to how many quarry permits and/or quarry leases were owned/operated by HOWARD GUSHUE. For each permit/lease provide the Department of Natural Resources File number or Permit ID. For each permit/lease provide the volume removed and the royalties paid to the Department of Natural Resources.2019-10-03Natural Resources
NR/195/2019 For each of the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 please advise as to how many quarry permits and/or quarry leases were owned/operated by GEORGE MERCER AND SONS. For each permit/lease provide the Department of Natural Resources File number or Permit ID. For each permit/lease provide the volume removed and the royalties paid to the Department of Natural Resources.2019-10-03Natural Resources
NR/194/2019 For each of the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 please advise as to how many quarry permits and/or quarry leases were owned/operated by CLIFFORD COOPER CONSTRUCTION. For each permit/lease provide the Department of Natural Resources File number or Permit ID. For each permit/lease provide the volume removed and the royalties paid to the Department of Natural Resources.2019-10-03Natural Resources
NR/193/2019 For each of the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 please advise as to how many quarry permits and/or quarry leases were owned/operated by ALPHORN ST. GEORGE & SON LTD. For each permit/lease provide the Department of Natural Resources File number or Permit ID. For each permit/lease provide the volume removed and the royalties paid to the Department of Natural Resources.2019-10-03Natural Resources
NR/165/2019 Please provide the names and position titles of all the employees of the department of natural resources who attended the SPE Offshore Europe conference in Aberdeen Scotland in September 2019. If the department of natural resources paid for any non-department staff to attend the conference please provide the names of the individuals and the groups or companies they represent.2019-10-03Natural Resources
NR/123/2019 Any briefing materials or reports prepared for or by the department of natural resources which address the continued operation of the Holyrood Generating Station beyond 2020. Please include any briefing or reports provided to the department of natural resources by Nalcor. Time frame for requested information is January 1, 2019 to present.2019-09-11Natural Resources
NR/115/2019 I am requesting any and all documents, notes etc... of correspondence between a mining company by the name of Marathon Gold (and any of its representatives) and this department covering the dates from: March 20-2019 to today's date: June 28-2019.2019-09-11Natural Resources
NR/118/2019 Please provide details on the 5 year budget forecast or multi-year fiscal framework maintained in excel by the Department.2019-09-10Natural Resources
NR/168/2020 A list of all briefing notes provided to the minister of natural resources in April 2020.2020-05-26Natural Resources
NR/169/2020 All key messages or Q&A documents prepared for the minister in April 2020.2020-05-25Natural Resources
NR/189/2019 Any briefing materials, Q&A documents, Key Messages, etc. prepared in the last year relating to Mining NL.2019-10-04Natural Resources

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.