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As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
CSSD/19/2021 Any communication (email, documents, information notes, etc.) between CSSD Minister and/or executive and NAPE as part of the joint committee established in October 2020.2021-09-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/19/2017 Can you please send me a total of all Provincial funding which has been approved for Food First NL for the period 2017-2018.2017-06-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/18/2022 1) I am looking for any correspondence between the Department or the Minister and the Elizabeth Fry Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador. The timeline I am looking for is from January 1, 2019 to the current. 2) I am also looking for any briefing notes or meeting notes prepared for the Minister or Deputy Minister regarding the Elizabeth Fry Foundation for the same time period.2022-04-19Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/18/2017 Can you please send me a total of all Provincial funding which has been approved for Kids Eat Smart Foundation, for the period 2017-2018.2017-06-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/17/2022 A breakdown of how many hours of overtime have been awarded (approved) at the CSSD office in Natuashish, by month, since December 2015.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/17/2021 A copy of the binder used by the acting Minister in the House of Assembly today April 19 2021.2021-09-09Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/17/2018 The number of people with disabilities provided with residential supports in 2016-17 and the full program cost associated with various programs.2018-11-15Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/17/2017 Copies of information and records covering the period from September 1, 2016 to the date of this request, related to correspondence between this Department, and representatives of the Town of Deer Lake and/or Hockey Newfoundland and Labrador relating to renovations for the existing Hodder Memorial Arena in Deer Lake, NL, and/or the funding and/or construction of a second ice surface in Deer Lake, NL.2017-06-27Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/16/2022 A breakdown of how many hours of overtime have been awarded (approved) at the CSSD office in Sheshatshiu, by month, since December 2015.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/16/2021[1] All email, correspondence, briefing material regarding the decision to move the Regional Director of CSSD for Labrador position out of Labrador West.2021-10-06Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/16-23/2019 Requests for various briefing notes.2019-04-29Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2023 Looking for total expenditures paid out to vendors under the home support program and/or related programs for the last 5 years. Preferably broken down by geographic areas (Eastern, Central, Western, Labrador-Grenfell). Example vendors would include Bluesky, Key Assets, Waypoints, the residential support boards and home care agencies. Further, if I could receive information to provide clarity around the scope and scale for the different programs these entities are providing services under.2023-04-26Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2022 I am seeking any communication/documentation regarding the use of rotational social workers within the Nunatsiavut zone (Hopedale, Makkovik, Nain, Postville, Rigolet).2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2021[1] The transition briefing binder and all briefing materials - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - prepared for, and/or provided to, the incoming/new minister.2021-10-19Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2019 A breakdown of spending in the 2017-18 fiscal year of the following line items -- Child and Youth Services (Allowances and Assistance) and Child and Youth Services, (Grants and Subsidies) -- as found on page 139 of the 2017-18 Report on the Program Expenditures and Revenues of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.2019-04-03Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2018 This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection/ termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-07-31Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2017 All correspondence related to the mandatory reporting of deaths and critical incidents of children and youth to the CYA. This should include correspondence between CSSD (formerly CYFS) and the Departments of Education, Health and Community Services and Justice, as well as the office of the Child and Youth Advocate. This request would cover the time period Dec. 1, 2015 to May 23, 2017.2018-10-11Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/14/2023 The January 2023 information note titled "Minister/DM Meetings with Nunatsiavut Government and Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation."2023-03-29Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/14/2022 I am seeking a list of all 13 week positions approved (awarded) by the department by location, and date of the position being awarded since March 13, 2019 to present.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/14/2021 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of January, February and March 2021.2021-09-08Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/14/2019 Records from March 1, 2018 to the present concerning funding for amateur sports, male and female. Including but not limited to briefing notes and correspondence.2019-04-24Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/14/2018 All correspondence dated between January 2017 and May 2018 between departments and outside agencies related to the multi-year funding announcement to 22 community organizations announced on April 25, 2018.2018-11-15Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/13/2022 Any emails from the public to Minister John Abbott regarding the Innu Inquiry. Time period, May 2021 to present.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/13/2021 A list of clerical, social work assistant, life skills coordinator, community service worker and information tech/disclosure clerk vacancies as of April 1, 2021.2021-09-08Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/13/2019 The number of PIP files which have been reviewed by the Child Youth Advocate due to complaints by PIP clients by year since April 2009.2019-03-04Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/13/2017 Please provide any documentation surrounding the provincial sport organization Rowing Newfoundland between the years 2009 -2017. This should include: 1. AGM munities and financial statements submitted 2. Applications for operational grants 3. Applications for Canada Games specific grants 4. Applications for event specific travel grants. 2017-06-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/13-14/2020 Information relating to snow plowing on Crosbie Road.2020-11-18Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/125/2024 Records relating to employees of the Department engaging in "moonlighting" or working on non-government ventures during government-paid time or while on the clock, from January 1, 2021 to present.2024-10-15Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/124/2024 A breakdown of how many hours of overtime have been awarded (approved) at the CSSD office in Sheshatshiu, by month, since March 2022. Child & Youth Services only.2024-10-10Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/123/2024 A list of CSSD Income Support Client Service Officer position vacancies by office as of September 5, 2024. Only referring to income support.2024-10-08Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/122/2024 A list of clerical, social work assistant, life skills coordinator, community service worker and information management technician vacancies by office as of September 5, 2024. Only referring to Child & Youth Services.2024-10-10Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/121/2024 Please provide a list of Social Worker (I, II, III) vacancies by office as of September 5, 2024. Only referring to Child & Youth Services.2024-10-10Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/12/2022 Any correspondence between Minister John Abbott and any other individual or organization pertaining to Innu children in Newfoundland and Labrador's foster care system from June 28, 2021 to present.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/12/2021 A list of Social Worker (I, II, III) vacancies by office as of April 1, 2021.2021-09-08Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/12/2019 The number of deaths and critical incidents reported to the Child Youth Advocate by year since April 2009.2019-04-24Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/12/2018 The number of social workers and social work assistants (listed separately) for each CSSD office in Newfoundland and Labrador (listed separately by office location). I would also like a breakdown of how many of these social workers are in social work III positions. I am also seeking an overall breakdown (all offices together) of the genders of said social workers.2018-07-31Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/12/2017 Please provide all briefing materials and submissions to Cabinet relating to e-cigarettes since January 2016.2017-05-15Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/119/2024 All briefing materials prepared for the Deputy Minister and Minister for the month of August 2024.2024-09-25Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/118/2024 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of August 2024.2024-09-24Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/114/2024 Records relating to the implementation of recommendation 2 from the 2021 Office of the Child Youth Advocate report titled "A Special Kind of Care."2024-09-24Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/11/2023 Please provide any Ministerial briefings, and/or correspondence with government agencies, and/or correspondence with community organizations, and/or correspondence with individuals re supports for the unhoused population, and/or housing and homelessness, and/or warming shelters, and/or the Emergency Shelter Phone Line from April 2022-present.2023-05-24Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/11/2019 Information regarding violence against social workers by clients, and CSSD protocols related to such. Time period: April 2009 to the date of this request.2019-03-04Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/11/2018 In 1988, the consulting firm of Woods Gordon undertook a review of the operations of the Department of Social Services and Pub1ic Works and Services. I seek the resulting reports.2018-07-31Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/11/2017 Please provide a list of grants awarded from the Healthy Living Fund in the 2016-17 fiscal year.2017-05-09Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/108/2024 The total number of Group Homes (Including emergency placement homes) within the province, broken down by provider. The total yearly amount paid to each group home provider, from 2015-present. The total number of children and youth that went through each group home, from 2015-present.2024-10-01Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/107/2024 I would like to obtain the recorded quarterly Program Statistics for Child Protection and In-Care from 2015-the most recent quarterly report.2024-09-10Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/102/2024 A list of briefing materials prepared for the Deputy Minister and Minister for the month of July 2024.2024-08-14Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/101/2024 I am looking for notes, briefing materials and emails from the minister and deputy minister regarding funeral expenses for people on income support going back five years.2024-10-01Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/10/2021 Any reports, memos or other documents on cyber-attacks or data breaches that the department has experienced since Jan. 1, 2016. 2021-10-12Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/10/2019 Year 2018 Towns or communities St. George's Stephenville Crossing Robinsons Heatherton $ amount of tax fares for each Town or Community Also by breakdown by addiction, medical appointment, etc.2019-04-29Children, Seniors and Social Development

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.