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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
JPS/148/2021 I am requesting all records documenting the number and nature of grievances related to COVID-19 submitted by people on probation and other individuals currently on community release, as well as staff in your probation offices. Jan.1 - Apr.30/21.2021-09-01Justice and Public Safety
JPS/148/2020 Any and all records concerning letters, meetings, emails, & presentations to/from the RNCA.2021-04-14Justice and Public Safety
JPS/147/2022[1] Any record about Newfoundland and Labrador's use of the official French versions of the Constitution of Canada.2023-01-16Justice and Public Safety
JPS/147/2020 Any and all records concerning costs of Jonathan Henoche death at HMP. This should include number and costs of staff off on pay pending investigation, overtime costs to backfill these shifts, and any other costs.2020-12-21Justice and Public Safety
JPS/147/2018 Any and all correspondence, electronic or paper, from August 2017-present regarding conditions in correctional institutions in Newfoundland and Labrador as well as any correspondence regarding the health conditions of inmates within those facilities.2018-07-30Justice and Public Safety
JPS/147/2017 I would like to see all records, including memos, briefing notes, e-mails and other documents, that mention exchanges between Justice and Public Safety Minister Andrew Parsons, or his staff, with the company, National Access Cannabis, between Jan. 1 2017 and Nov. 27, 2017.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/146/2020 The briefing binder for Estimates Committee 2020-21.2020-12-21Justice and Public Safety
JPS/146/2018 A copy of all emails, faxes written and any other form of complaints submitted against Management and staff of The Office of The High Sheriff from employees and the public from 2009 to current date.2018-08-08Justice and Public Safety
JPS/146/2017 Any and all information, including hiring/employment policies and correspondence, regarding the hiring and retention of Crown attorneys in the province in the years 2015-2017. No personal identifying information is being requested, but information regarding job postings, job vacancies, how offers are made, who offers are made to, etc. should be included.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/146/2016 On November 30th, in Question Period, Minister Coady referenced a review of Mr. Stan Marshall's investment portfolio as it relates to any potential conflict of interest with Nalcor. I am requesting information about who did this review, any and all documents reviewed, and a copy of the findings of this review. Please also include how the results were communicated to the Minister of Natural Resources and/or Cabinet.2017-04-26Justice and Public Safety
JPS/145/2021 I am requesting statistical overviews tracking the staffing levels in your probation offices. Jan.1 - Apr.30/21.2021-09-13Justice and Public Safety
JPS/145/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2020.2021-01-04Justice and Public Safety
JPS/145/2018 This request is for all data wiring and fiber optic cabling / data interconnection and terminations within your department. With this request, we are looking to receive a table/chart outlining all data wiring and fiber optic wiring / data interconnection/ termination work conducted by and for the department for the period of May 1, 2016 to current.2018-07-03Justice and Public Safety
JPS/144/2023[7] All documents and email correspondence, including but not limited to key messages, briefing notes, and information notes which mention Stable Life and/ or Spirit Horse NL and/ or equestrian therapy and/ or Stable Life at Her Majesty's Penitentiary from the Minister, Deputy Minister, and other staff, including communications from January 1, 2018, to October 3, 2023. This includes former Minister Andrew Parsons and Steve Crocker. Please exclude media monitoring.2023-12-15Justice and Public Safety
JPS/144/2021 I am requesting statistical overviews tracking the daily counts for people on probation broken down by race and gender. Jan.1 - Apr.30/21.2021-09-13Justice and Public Safety
JPS/144/2017 Good day, My ATIPP Request is for copies of all records provided to ATIPP applicants under the custody of the Support Enforcement Program since the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act came into force up until the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 came into force. I am making this request with the understanding that certain information will be redacted.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/143/2023 Records which mention homelessness and/or the tents on Prince Philip Drive and/or tent city and/or housing crisis and/ or rental crisis and/ or hotels and/or short term solutions to address the tents on Prince Philip Drive and/ or long term solutions to address the tents on Prince Philip Drive. October 1, 2023 to October 13, 2023. 2023-11-23Justice and Public Safety
JPS/143/2018 Information relating to a crown prosecution and follow-up lawsuits.2018-06-28Justice and Public Safety
JPS/142/2020 I am requesting any and all documents on an agreement by either NL Hydro / NL Power to Build a Transmission Line from their Hydro Facility into the Valentine Gold project site in Central NL. I would like any records referencing this agreement, financial records on which body will pay for the Transmission Lines to be built.2020-12-31Justice and Public Safety
JPS/142/2018 Record of any complaints filed over conditions at the Clarenville correctional facility, from Jan. 1, 2016 to present.2018-08-08Justice and Public Safety
JPS/142/2016 We request documents detailing the number, length, and reason for periods of lockdowns in Newfoundland and Labrador correctional facilities. We request documents that list how many lockdowns occurred, the length of each of the lockdowns, and the reason for each lockdown, in the following correctional facilities, from January 1, 2014 to the present: 1. Her Majesty's Penitentiary; 2. St. John 's Lockup; 3. West Coast Correctional Institution; 4. Newfoundland & Labrador Correctional Centre for Women; 5. Bishop's Falls Correctional Centre; 6.. Corner Brook Lockup; 7. Labrador Correctional Centre. 2017-02-20Justice and Public Safety
JPS/141/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of September 2023.2023-11-07Justice and Public Safety
JPS/141/2020[1] Fire report for a fire occurring on Reardon's Lane, Torbay.2020-12-31Justice and Public Safety
JPS/140/2023 All records related to the premier's apology to residential school survivors. Date range: Sept. 1, 2023 to Sept. 27, 2023.2023-10-30Justice and Public Safety
JPS/140/2017 I am requesting a comprehensive breakdown on the costs associated with the deployment of law enforcement personnel and resources to Labrador in 2017 in response to security concerns related to the Lower Churchill Project, including the transport of critical transformers. 2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/14/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of January 2022.2022-05-06Justice and Public Safety
JPS/14/2021 Staffing Counts I am requesting statistical overviews tracking the staffing levels in your correctional institutions, including correctional officers, health care staff, administrators and other staff members. Timeframe - January 5, 2020 - August 30, 2020.2021-03-09Justice and Public Safety
JPS/14/2020 FPT binder - Deputy Ministers Responsible for Justice and Public Safety FPT Meetings (December 12, 2019) briefing materials.2020-02-24Justice and Public Safety
JPS/14/2016 Any correspondence sent to or from lawyer(s) representing RNC officers involved in the ongoing SiRT investigation and the minister of justice. Date range of request is Jan. 1, 2016, to the present.2016-04-06Justice and Public Safety
JPS/139/2021 All records documenting the number and nature of grievances related to COVID-19 submitted by prisoners and prison staff in your correctional institutions. Jan.1 - Apr.30/21.2021-09-20Justice and Public Safety
JPS/139/2017 I am requesting a comprehensive breakdown of the number of highway traffic act tickets issued in July and August, 2017 in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Additionally, I am requesting a comprehensive breakdown of the number of highway traffic act tickets issued in July and August, 2016 in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.2017-11-27Justice and Public Safety
JPS/139/2016 A detailed accounting of the amount billed to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador by Mclnnes Cooper for any and all services relating to public sector bargaining since August 29, 2016. This accounting should include not only the exact dollar amount, but the hour's billed and any and all related invoices.2017-04-26Justice and Public Safety
JPS/138/2021 All documents and electronic materials distributed to prisoners and visitors concerning COVID-19 measures taken in correctional institutions. Jan.1 - Apr.30/21.2021-09-20Justice and Public Safety
JPS/138/2020 Any correspondence/contact between the Department and Loblaws Inc. between August 1, 2020 and present.2020-12-31Justice and Public Safety
JPS/138/2017[1] I would like to obtain the full provincial magisterial enquiry completed in December 1958 into the deaths of Constable Hoey RCMP and two Chinese gentlemen which occurred on the 6th November 1958 at the Harbourview cafe in Botwood Nfld.2017-11-14Justice and Public Safety
JPS/137/2023 I would like to obtain the following documents: -a table including, for each year since 2016, the number of cases for which a stay of proceedings was granted due to delays; -a machine-readable table (for example, in CSV or Excel format, NOT in PDF please) including, for each of these stays of proceedings, the name and date of birth of the accused person, the year the stay was granted, and the charge(s) against the accused. If you need more information, please let me know.2023-10-19Justice and Public Safety
JPS/137/2022 Records relating to hybrid/remote work arrangements.2023-01-30Justice and Public Safety
JPS/137/2020 Any correspondence sent or received by the Department between August 1, 2020 and present pertaining to the strike by Unifor Local 597 (against Loblaws Inc.).2020-12-31Justice and Public Safety
JPS/137/2018 Policies regarding transgender inmates in correctional facilities including: (1) Placement in sex-segregated facilities. (2) Search procedures (3) Treatment of gender dysphoria.2018-06-26Justice and Public Safety
JPS/136/2021 All records documenting the number and nature of incidents (e.g. hunger strikes, protests, refusals to stand for inmate counts) involving prisoners in your correctional institutions. Jan.1 - Apr.30/21.2021-09-20Justice and Public Safety
JPS/136/2019[1] Information relating to a Commissioner for Oaths.2020-02-05Justice and Public Safety
JPS/136/2018 I'm looking for a copy of e-mail correspondence between Justice Minister Andrew Parsons and PC MHA Tracey Perry for the time period September 2017-March 2018.2018-05-15Justice and Public Safety
JPS/135/2023 Records relating to a breach of cabinet confidences investigation; a complaint relating to political interference, and any subsequent investigations regarding these matters.2023-10-10Justice and Public Safety
JPS/135/2022 Is John Hogan, the attorney general, related to Dennis Hogan, CEO of Workplace NL? And if so, what is that relation (i.e. siblings, father / son, etc.)?2023-01-04Justice and Public Safety
JPS/135/2021 Statistical overviews on the number and length of lockdowns in your correctional institutions. Jan.1 - Apr.30/21.2021-09-20Justice and Public Safety
JPS/135/2019 An updated itemized list of amounts paid for external legal services related to a complaint filed by then-director of public prosecutions Donovan Molloy against provincial court judge John Joy in 2014. Please break down by payee, amount, reason for payment, and fiscal year. A list up to March 1, 2018, was previously released (JPS/40/2018).2020-02-05Justice and Public Safety
JPS/134/2022 I am seeking to obtain all notes, records, and documentation surrounding the drafting and implementation of the Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act of Newfoundland, SNL2019 CHAPTER O-6.2. 2022-12-19Justice and Public Safety
JPS/133/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2019.2020-02-05Justice and Public Safety
JPS/133/2016 I am requesting the following: A detailed accounting of the amount billed to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador by McInnes Cooper for services relating to public sector bargaining since August 29, 2016. This accounting should include not only the exact dollar amount, but the hours billed and any and all related invoices.2016-12-02Justice and Public Safety
JPS/132/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of August 2023.2023-09-25Justice and Public Safety

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.