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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
EDU/3/2014 The cost to the department of Education (and/or any other department of Government) of the ad campaign (a breakdown by media) of "The Power of Play" since its inception.2014-04-11Education
PRE/3/2014 Any correspondence sent to or from the premier's office - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - re: Bill 29. Request includes, but is not limited to, planned review of Bill 29/ATIPPA. Date range of request is Jan. 1, 2014 to the present.2014-04-11The Office of the Premier
FA/1/2014 Any letters, documents, e-mails, memos or written/electronic information between Cooke Aqua/Kelly Cove Salmon and the provincial Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture between July 2012 and December 2013 inclusive regarding the so-called Bay Management Strategy.2014-04-11Fisheries and Aquaculture
NR/4/2014[1] Records related to any financial support provided to [individual] in or near Winterland, through any program affiliated with the Department between April 2010-2014.2014-04-14Natural Resources
EDU/4/2014 How many associate directors and assistant directors have been hired for the NL English School District since the amendments to The Schools Act (Bill 28); and at what salaries?2014-04-15Education
AES/12/2014 A breakdown of how the approximately $170 million for the Poverty Reduction Strategy to support the Provincial Government's long-term approach to the prevention, reduction and alleviation of poverty will be invested.2014-04-17Advanced Education and Skills
OPE/4/2014 A budget breakdown of the 2013 URock Volunteer Awards, detailing costs around venue, travel, awards, etc. A budget breakdown of the 2014 URock Volunteer Awards, detailing costs around venue, travel, awards, etc.2014-04-22Office of Public Engagement
FIN/8/2014 The amount paid out in consulting services, broken down by department, for the Fiscal years 2012-13 and 2013-14 (to present date).2014-04-22Finance
OPE/2/2014 The number of times an ATIPP request has been denied based on the "power of a public body to disregard requests" section of the ATIPPA (section 43.1). Please break down each occurrence by department/agency/public body, text of request, specific section/reason for disregarding it, and the date.2014-04-22Office of Public Engagement
ENV/11/2014 Information relating to the Natural Areas System Plan and implementation strategy.2014-04-23Environment and Conservation
AES/10/2014 A breakdown of how the $230 million invested since 2005 to freeze tuition fees was paid out per year (ie specify amount paid to each organization) to maintain the tuition freeze.2014-04-23Advanced Education and Skills
TW/7/2014 Total amount paid for staffing the Bell Island Ferry Service for FY2012-13 and 2013-14 (present), the amount paid out in grievances to staff working on the Bell Island Ferry Service, total FTE hours worked on the Bell Island Ferry Service in 2012-13 and 2013-14 (to present), and total hours of overtime paid out for the Bell Island Ferry Service in 2012-13 and 2013-14.2014-04-28Transportation and Works
FIN/7/2014 Records relating to casinos and/or casino gambling in Newfoundland and Labrador. Date range of request is 2012-01-01 to the present.2014-04-30Finance
FA/9/2014 The percentage (and numbers/or weight) of fin-fish farmed fish that is exported out of the province and the percentage (& numbers/or weight) that is sold within the province2014-04-30Fisheries and Aquaculture
AES/11/2014 List of various organizations funded in whole or part by the Provincial Government with responsibilities/advocacy roles for persons with disabilities, including mailing addresses and fax numbers.2014-05-02Advanced Education and Skills
IBRD/2/2014 Information relating to the Federal Government/Citizenship and Immigration Canada regarding our province's Immigrant Investor Fund including details related to the possible suspension of NL"s Immigrant Investor Program.2014-05-05Innovation, Business and Rural Development
HCS/14/2014 A copy of all letters written by the Minister of Health and Community Services, dated between Oct 1, 2013 and Nov 31, 2013.2014-05-05Health and Community Services
TW/9/2014 A copy of the Western Memorial Regional Hospital - Functional Program report dated December 2013, completed by Stantec.2014-05-05Transportation and Works
ENV/5/2014 Information related to the research, surveys, census and/or monitoring of the George River Caribou Herd (GRCH) commencing January 1st, 2013 to present day.2014-05-06Environment and Conservation
ENV/4/2014 Information relating to the research, surveys, census and/or monitoring of the George River Caribou Herd (GRCH) commencing January 1st, 2012 to December 31, 2012.2014-05-06Environment and Conservation
EDU/5/2014 Information summary on how the $665,000 allocated for Safe and Caring Schools has been spent to date to further this important initiative.2014-05-06Education
PRE/4/2014 Information relating to subsequent entry biologics, SEBs, follow on biologics or biosimilars dated from January 1, 2012 until the date of this request.2014-05-06The Office of the Premier
ENV/10/2014 Application, award and use expenditure of $990,000 grant received by New World Dairy, Inc.2014-05-09Environment and Conservation
IBRD/4/2014 Information relating to subsequent entry biologics, SEBs, follow on biologics or biosimilars dated from January 1, 2012 until the date of this request.2014-05-12Innovation, Business and Rural Development
FIN/11/2014 The 2004 lease agreement between NIDC and Icewater Seafoods Inc. and Icewater Harvesting Inc. for enterprise allocations, vessel designations and historic rights for Newfoundland and Labrador offshore fishing areas.2014-05-13Finance
HRS/1/2014 Information relating to the amount of money paid to any and all communications staff, by department, during 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 (to present).2014-05-13Human Resource Secretariat
JUS/6/2014 Information on compensation and benefits of Crown Prosecutors and Director of Public Prosecutions.2014-05-13Justice
HCS/1/2014 Correspondence between the department and RHAs about personal care homes' non-compliance with Standard 1-1.2, Section 5 of the Provincial Personal Care Home Program Operational Standards for charging above the provincial subsidy rate.2014-05-13Health and Community Services
EC/4/2014 Information relating to subsequent entry biologics, SEBs, follow on biologics or biosimilars dated from January 1, 2012 until the date of this request.2014-05-14Executive Council
MIGA/4/2014 Request for copies of all correspondence between Minister Kent's office and Carol Ann Cose, Mayor of Aquaforte regarding proposed quarry operation in Aquaforte.2014-05-15Municipal and Intergovernmental Affairs
TCR/4/2014[1] Information contained in the records and files of the Labrador Regional Tourism Branch, and the records and files of Mr. Todd Kent, with regards to Labrador Hunting Safari Ltd.2014-05-16Tourism, Culture and Recreation
CYFS/5/2014 Information relating to child care centres and family child care homes in Newfoundland and Labrador.2014-05-30Child, Youth and Family Services
FIN/14/2014 A copy of the report: Why Newfoundland and Labrador's Public Sector Pension Deficit is growing and why pension reform is Imminent, dated August 23, 2013.2014-05-30Finance
FA/8/2014 Copy of tender package submitted by B Enterprises Limited for Project # CC11DFA072-New Aquaculture inflow wharf (new wharf reconstruction), Town of Milltown, NL. Closed on January 13, 2014 @3:00pm.2014-06-02Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/8/2014 Copy of tender package submitted by B and R Enterprises Limited for Project # CC11DFA072-New Aquaculture inflow wharf (new wharf reconstruction), Town of Milltown, NL. Closed on January 13, 2014 @3:00pm.2014-06-02Fisheries and Aquaculture
HCS/19/2014 Information relating to subsequent entry biologics, SEBs, follow on biologics or biosimilars dated from January 1, 2012, until the date of this request.2014-06-11Health and Community Services
TW/11/2014[1] Survey of Parcel of Land on Beachy Cove Road classed as civic 44-66 Beachy Cove Road.2014-06-11Transportation and Works
ENV/15/2014[1] Copies of Bay Bulls Properties (Pennecon) application to obtain Crown land on the south Side of Aquaforte Harbour. All documents pertaining to this application as well as the explanation of what they plan to do with the land."2014-06-11Environment and Conservation
SNL/8/2014 Information relating to the termination of insurance for Financial Consultants LTD and its owner.2014-06-13Service NL
HCS/23/2014 Financial statements, audited books and annual reports submitted by Iris Kirby House including annual records of revenues and expenditures for 2000-2013.2014-06-27Health and Community Services
NR/5/2014[1] I would like copies of Bay Bulls Properties (Pennecon) application to explore land in Aquaforte with a view to establishing a rock quarry in that community. Plus all correspondence pertaining to same.2014-06-27Natural Resources
MIGA/6/2014 Information and communication concerning Portugal Cove St. Philips/Mr. Collins conflict of interest.2014-06-27Municipal and Intergovernmental Affairs
MIGA/5/2014[1] Copies of all emails between [individual] and the Department of MIGA re: fundraising activities at the Channel-Port aux Basques fire department facilities.2014-06-27Municipal and Intergovernmental Affairs
HCS/20/2014 Any departmental documents or correspondence (electronic or by letter) discussing the feasibility or logistics of amalgamating regional health authorities in Newfoundland and Labrador, covering the period of 2010 to April 8, 2014.2014-06-27Health and Community Services
TW/12/2014 Form 160A Contract Performance Evaluation forms for all contracts awarded to Humber Valley Paving for the budget years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.2014-06-30Transportation and Works
TW/10/2014 Copies of any and all info relating to Humber valley Paving Ltd and Humber Valley Aggregates and Asphalt Ltd and their dealings with government. This request should include information from January 15, 2014 to present.2014-06-30Transportation and Works
TW/14/2014 All documents held by the Department of Transportation detailing the falsified documents for a brush cutting contract described by Minister Nick McGrath in the House of Assembly on May 13, 2014.2014-06-30Transportation and Works
FIN/15/2014 The amount paid out in consulting services, broken down by department, for the Fiscal year 2013-14.2014-07-02Finance
ENV/17/2014 Information relating to ownership/control of rivers, brooks and ponds in the province. In addition, information relating to Virginia Rivers.2014-07-02Environment and Conservation
TCR/5/2014[1] Information relating to Labrador Hunting Safari Ltd.2014-07-03Tourism, Culture and Recreation

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.