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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
HCS/239/2022 Seeking any records including emails relating to the consulting firm 'McKinsey' and 'Omicron'.2022-11-15Health and Community Services
HCS/236/2024 In July of 2024, the government, via engageNL requested statements from stakeholders in the industry to on a variety of proposed to changes to tobacco and vaping regulations in Newfoundland and Labrador. The link for this consultation can be found here : I am looking for specific information in what was received from this consultation period. 2024-10-16Health and Community Services
HCS/236/2021 Looking for copies of all records of complaints or inquiries regarding Smiths Ambulance Service and/or complaints or inquires regarding the arrival time to the location of the emergency by Smiths ambulance service to communities from Whitbourne to Green's Harbour. Any emails to the Minister of Health, the MHA's for the area, the Premier, or the Public Utilities Board.2021-09-23Health and Community Services
HCS/235/2022 Any and all records related to Change Healthcare Canada since March 1st, 2021.2022-12-30Health and Community Services
HCS/235/2021 For the past 5 fiscal years. 1. Average # of Acute Care beds occupied. 2. Average # of Acute Care beds available. 3. Average # of ICU beds occupied. 4. Average # of ICU beds available.2021-08-31Health and Community Services
HCS/233/2024 Please provide the most recent data on the number of patients in the province who are currently on a waiting list or waiting to be placed on a waitlist for an MRI scan. Please provide data for all MRI scanners in province (St. Clare's, HSC, Janeway, Gander and Corner Brook).2024-10-16Health and Community Services
HCS/233/2022 All communications from any Canadian Minister of Health and Ministry of Health in Canada staff regarding plasma collection, Canadian Blood Services, Grifols pharmaceuticals and Canadian Blood Services announcements on their deal with Grifols. Between the dates of September 1st to October 11th 2022.2022-12-15Health and Community Services
HCS/233/2021 Most recent COVID vaccination rates (numbers of persons vaccinated, and as percentage of population) from January 1, 2021 to August 10, 2021 in: 1) all of Labrador; 2) each of the communities of Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik, Postville and Rigolet.2021-08-31Health and Community Services
HCS/232/2024 All correspondence (memos, emails, messages etc.) from June 1st, 2024 to present regarding future use of the current Waterford Hospital facility upon the opening of the new Mental Health & Addictions Centre.2024-10-11Health and Community Services
HCS/232/2022 Has any compensation for covid deaths in hospitals been offered to HCS from PHAC or Health Canada?2022-10-24Health and Community Services
HCS/231/2024 I would like to request/know the amount of money per year spent /paid /dispensed by health and community services to the CISSS de la Cote Nord (Quebec) for services provided to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador for the last 5 years ( 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023).2024-10-16Health and Community Services
HCS/231-232/2021 Information regarding data-sharing agreements between HCS and Canada Health Infoway or pharmaceutical, medical or research companies.2021-08-30Health and Community Services
HCS/230/2022 Copies of all correspondences, letters, emails, etc to the NLMA from the Department and from the NLMA to the Department regarding cataract surgeries, waitlist for cataract surgeries, surgery quotas and allotment of surgery quotas between August 1- October 5, 2022.2022-10-20Health and Community Services
HCS/230/2021 Please provide any and all records, including emails, briefing material, studies, etc, regarding potential mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for employees of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Time period December 1, 2020 to present.2021-08-30Health and Community Services
I would like to see records/reports that document "complaints", "incidents", 'falls", (and the like) arising in PCH or LTC facilities supervised by NL Regional Health Authorities from residents, family member, lawyers, family employed professionals, or monitoring consultants of government.2020-07-21Health and Community Services
HCS/23/2019 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of January 2019.2019-04-18Health and Community Services
HCS/23/2016 Abortion records from 1988-1998 including: - correspondence between public officials and Dr. Henry Morgentaler, - department statistics on provincial abortions in and out of province, as well as information about funding costs, - intergovernmental correspondence and reports regarding Newfoundland's position on abortion clinics, - any record outlining governmental policies on abortion, - information regarding hospitals' abortion policies in Newfoundland.2016-04-14Health and Community Services
HCS/23/2015 A detailed breakdown of the payments made through the adult dental program (dentures, basic services) for Fiscal year 2014-15. This should also include a breakdown of the number of people who have availed of these programs. I would also like to know how long it is currently taking to process these claims.2015-04-08Health and Community Services
HCS/23/2014 Financial statements, audited books and annual reports submitted by Iris Kirby House including annual records of revenues and expenditures for 2000-2013.2014-06-27Health and Community Services
HCS/229/2024 Memoranda of understanding related to a recruitment trip to Ireland to recruit Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs). This mission took place in 2023 and was announced by The Honourable Tom Osborne, Minister of Health and Community Services on January 9, 2023 according to the press release here: I am requesting the records of this MOU.2024-09-24Health and Community Services
HCS/229/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of September 2022.2022-11-04Health and Community Services
HCS/227/2022 Any correspondence from public health to and from Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic from January 1 2022 to present. Any Public Health meeting agendas, minutes, briefing notes related to Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic from January 1 2022 to present.2022-11-04Health and Community Services
HCS/226/2021 All emails sent/received re mask mandate from January 2021 to present by the Minister, Deputy Minister, and Assistant Deputy Ministers.2021-08-31Health and Community Services
HCS/225/2024 Records related to radiation testing, results and questions in the community of Natuashish. Date range March 1 to July 31.2024-10-08Health and Community Services
HCS/223/2021 Various briefing notes from June, 2020.2021-08-30Health and Community Services
HCS/222/2022[1] Records regarding the sugar sweetened beverage tax.2022-10-28Health and Community Services
HCS/221/2024 Information on the cost to the province associated with administering home dialysis treatments, per annualized patient.2024-09-24Health and Community Services
HCS/221/2022 Recruitment and job posting information for the role of consultant for psychiatry and mental health and addictions.2022-10-24Health and Community Services
HCS/221/2021 All communications to the department on the guidance for the use of the phrase 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' in reference to the COVID-19 pandemic.2021-08-30Health and Community Services
HCS/220/2024 Records relating to private homecare services.2024-09-17Health and Community Services
HCS/220/2022 I would like all available information on the sexual assault nurse examiner program in NL.2022-10-20Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2023 Please provide the percentage increase that FFS family physicians received in the last MOA Please provide the percentage increase that FFS specialists received in the last MOA Please provide a list of all bonuses and and supports that are provided to both family physicians and specialists (both FFS, Salaried and APP) Please provide the number of doctors that were registered with MCP in the province in 2010 through to 2022 (by year) Please provide the average billings for FFS family physicians in 2010 and 2022 (or the most recent year available) Please provide the total remuneration provided to doctors through the FFS Work Disruption policy in the last 3 years. (ie: the income support provided to doctors during COVID) Please provide the total remuneration provided to FFS family physicians for the billing of virtual care in the last 3 years.2023-02-24Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2022 On a nfld forum someone said that someone ''called the NL health line in 2019 about accessing an abortion and the operator went on a rant about how she was doing the wrong thing." I want all information about this incident including how the department handled a staff member berating a client for trying to access abortion services, timeline 2019 to present.2022-05-06Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2021 Provide briefing notes for the months of January 2021 and December and November of 2020.2021-04-19Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2019 All documents and records within the Department that include, or provide a basis for, assessment rules, guidelines, criteria, instructions, benchmarks, or other related matters that are used by auditors or other personnel of the Department, for purposes of reviewing MCP claims by physicians, making decisions related to MCP claims of physicians, determining the validity or otherwise of MCP claims, conducting MCP audits of physicians, making MCP audit determinations, negotiating MCP audit settlements, or related activities.2019-04-16Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2018 All records and emails regarding risk of suicides in Labrador West from 2014 forward to, from or regarding Dr. Minal Mistry.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2017 Please provide the Long Term Care Waitlist numbers broken down by month and by each Regional Health Authority. This request would run from August 2016 to present.2017-03-07Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2014 Information relating to the 900 mental health and additions health care workers referenced in the April 16, 2014 news release in which the Provincial Government stated that it provides approximately $100 million annually to support over 900 mental health and addictions health care workers, services and programs provided by the four regional health authorities.2014-07-08Health and Community Services
HCS/219/2022 Please provide the estimated and/or actual (if known) cost of the average or median cost of healthcare procedures offered in the provincial healthcare system. Services include all forms of cancer treatment (the average/median or actual cost if available).2022-10-04Health and Community Services
HCS/219/2021 Any and all documents including reports, correspondence, policy papers or studies on implementing a junk food tax (sometimes called a sugar tax or fat tax) in Newfoundland and Labrador, time frame January 1, 2017 to present.2021-09-27Health and Community Services
HCS/218/2022 Any and all records to/from the College of Physicians and Surgeons for the past year.2022-10-11Health and Community Services
HCS/217/2022 Information relating to gender affirming care and gender dysphoria treatments.2022-10-14Health and Community Services
HCS/217/2021 I request all information and communications related to MCP's policy with respect to auditing fee for service billings by physicians. I am particularly as well looking for any information or communications from the department of health or MCP regarding any directives regarding increasing or changing the frequency of auditing of physicians' billings.2021-08-30Health and Community Services
HCS/216/2022 Please specify all types of medical diagnostic testing that is approved for private sector. i.e. MRI, CAC, blood work, x-ray, CT, etc... Any types of current private medical procedures known to be offered by the private sector.2022-10-04Health and Community Services
HCS/216/2021 All communications to the department on the guidance to change wording from fully-vaccinated to double-vaccinated in reference to the COVID-19 vaccine program.2021-08-20Health and Community Services
HCS/215/2021 A copy of the plan to which Minister Haggie referred in an NTV news item on Tuesday, August 3 for addressing the physician shortage and/or how the province provides health care, containing a short, medium and long term approach assesses the supply and demand for physicians in the province, a human resource plan for physicians, or any plans that government is taking to recruit and retain doctors.2021-09-27Health and Community Services
HCS/215/2021 A copy of the plan to which Minister Haggie referred in an NTV news item on Tuesday, August 3 for addressing the physician shortage and/or how the province provides health care, containing a short, medium and long term approach assesses the supply and demand for physicians in the province, a human resource plan for physicians, or any plans that government is taking to recruit and retain doctors.2022-04-06Health and Community Services
HCS/214/2022 Requesting information related to the awarded contract for the 811 service.2022-12-19Health and Community Services
HCS/213/2024 All briefing notes, meeting minutes, key messages, meeting notes, decision notes, direction notes, information notes related to the standardization and/or regulation of travel nursing.2024-10-11Health and Community Services
HCS/213/2022 In accordance with our previous request for any records, reports, studies, memos, and briefing notes on the progress and effectiveness of the collaborative care clinics - I ask for the most updated report on the clinic's progress.2022-11-01Health and Community Services

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.