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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FIN/54/2017 Effective January 1, 2017, the general provincial point-of-sale rebate of the provincial component of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) applicable to all printed book purchases was discontinued. (We have named it the "book tax") Can the department give us the amount of revenue to date generated by the discontinuation of that rebate? Also, as of the same date, that rebate would be replaced by a rebate under the federal Excise Tax Act (ETA) of the provincial component of the HST applicable to the purchase, import or bringing into the province of printed books by public libraries, schools, universities, public colleges, municipalities and qualifying charities and non-profit organizations. How much revenue will the department lose from claims on these rebates?2017-08-08Finance
CSSD/22/2017 I would like to know how much money has been allocated to the Healthy students/ Health schools division every year since 2007.2017-08-11Children, Seniors and Social Development
OCIO/9/2017 Access to a list of provincial government IP addresses that have accessed the website "" since December 31, 2016.2017-08-11Office of the Chief Information Officer
MAE/38/2017 Re: Argentia Access Road Industrial Composting Facility Please provide us the date for Minister's Decision. 2017-08-14Municipal Affairs and Environment
SNL/67/2017 Briefing notes prepared for Service NL Minister Sherry Gambin-Walsh following her appointment to the department.2017-08-14Service NL
SNL/68/2017 A copy of all briefing materials provided to the new minister.2017-08-14Service NL
FIN/53/2017 As per ATIPP Response FIN/43/2017 the Minister of Finance received briefing material in May 2017 related to "Policy on Perceived Conflict of Interest". I am requesting a copy of this material.2017-08-14Finance
OCC/1/2017[1] Briefing notes prepared for Minister Eddie Joyce following his appointment to the Office of Climate Change.2017-08-15Office of Climate Change
OCC/2/2017[1] A copy of all briefing materials provided to the new minister.2017-08-15Office of Climate Change
MAE/32/2017[1] We are requesting any and all records related to the proposed compost facility for the Argentia Road including but not limited to: -Correspondence -emails -reports -Information notes -Video or audio recordings Also including previous proposed site locations of Foxtrap access road and Salmonier line. During the time period of January 2014 to present.2017-08-17Municipal Affairs and Environment
CSSD/25/2017 Briefing notes prepared for Minister Lisa Dempster following her appointment as minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development.2017-08-21Children, Seniors and Social Development
MAE/50/2017 All fire and emergency services reports pertaining to the adequacy of North Atlantic Refinery Limited's Fire and Emergency Response Program and Training issued in the year 2017.2017-08-21Municipal Affairs and Environment
SNL/65/2017 Please supply any briefing notes supplied to the Minister, or Deputy Minister, or Finance related to the Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Pension Plan. The time frame of this request in Jan 1, 2017 to current.2017-08-21Service NL
NR/64/2017 All correspondence either email or otherwise between minister or deputy minister and former premier Brian Peckford between May 1, 2017 and present.2017-08-21Natural Resources
MAE/44/2017 All briefing notes, correspondence, and recommendations (i.e., the "green file") provided to the minister from the Environmental Assessment Division and senior bureaucrats regarding the environmental assessment of the Harbour Breton Fish Meal Plant (reg. #1874) and the decision to release the project from further assessment.2017-08-21Municipal Affairs and Environment
SNL/66/2017 I'd like a record of all funds sent from any Government Department to Safety Services NL in the last 13 months. I'd also like a breakdown of any funds spent at Freshwater Suzuki, Argo Sales, or Mile One Harley Davidson, if any, since January 1, 2004.2017-08-21Service NL
Data for each year from 1993-2003 as follows: Enrollment According to: - Public Elementary Enrollment - Public Secondary Enrollment - Roman Catholic Elementary Enrollment - Roman Catholic Secondary Enrollment - Total Public Enrollment - Total RC Enrollment Total Elementary - Total Secondary - Total Enrollment Number of Schools According to: - Public Elementary Schools - Public Secondary - Roman Catholic Elementary - Roman catholic secondary - Totals Private School Enrollment: - Private Elementary - Private Secondary - Private Combined or Ungraded - Total Private School Enrollment Student Funding - Total Operating Expenses - Per Pupil Spending2017-08-21Education and Early Childhood Development
SNL/62/2017[1] Response from North Atlantic Refinery Limited to Service NL regarding the directives on control tech relief and training issued on November 24, 2016.2017-08-21Service NL
TW/92/2017 Snow clearing policy as well as the snow clearing records/employee records re: Transcanada Highway # 1 between Doyles and Port Aux Basque to Port Aux Basques for March 24, 25 & 26, 2017 *** also calls from the police on March 25, 2017 to salt the roads.2017-08-21Transportation and Works
NR/66/2017 Any correspondence either email or otherwise to or from the minister or deputy minister related to any potential sale of the Come by Chance oil refinery currently operated by NARL. Date range for request is May 1, 2017 to present. Do not include news articles unless there are comments regarding same.2017-08-21Natural Resources
CSSD/21/2017 This request is for all records showing the amount of money spent per year, for the most recently available three years, on: (a) travel expenses for the removal, change of placement, and return of innu children and youth taken into care under the Children and Youth Care and Protection Act who are placed outside of Sheshashui and Natuashish - inclusive of: staff travel, child and youth travel, flights, hotels, meals, other transportation and related costs. (b) travel expenses for visits by parents or other families to innu children and youth taken into care under the Children and Youth Care and Protection Act who are placed outside of Sheshashui and Natuashish, where those visits are paid for by the government - inclusive of: parent/family travel, staff travel if applicable, flights, hotels, meals, other transportation and all related costs. 2017-08-21Children, Seniors and Social Development
EC/27/2017 Please provide any records surrounding the engagement of Mr. Paul Mills with respect to the Government Renewal Initiative. I am looking for a copy of any contracts between Mr. Mills and Gov NL. I am also looking for any reports or research which Mr. Mills has submitted to GOV NL for the GRI.2017-08-22Executive Council
TW/93/2017 List of tenders closed from May and June 2017 for which I would like to obtain unit price information.2017-08-22Transportation and Works
JPS/92/2017 I am requesting data showing the number of impaired driving cases (and convictions) processed at provincial court in Clarenville court for the time period during Jan 1. 2016- Dec. 31 2016.2017-08-24Justice and Public Safety
FA/37/2017 I am requesting the names and communities of everyone that was successful in obtaining any type of game license by draw in the years 2017 and 2016. For example, obtaining a moose license should be considered a government benefit as it is not available to everyone qualified to apply.2017-08-24Fisheries and Land Resources
JPS/91/2017 The Government just defended Minister Perry Trimper's decision on the proposed salmon farm for Placentia Bay. I would like to know the related cost to that trial including any money that Government is responsible for outside of their own legal costs. Including other lawyers fees.2017-08-24Justice and Public Safety
FA/36/2017 We would like all documentation (correspondence, internal memos, emails, letters, minutes of any meetings etc.) between Ocean Choice International (OCI) and the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources, as well as all documentation between the Department and other government departments (including Executive Council and the Premier's Office) regarding OCI's most recent application for exemptions from minimum processing requirements allowing them to ship yellowtail, redfish, and American plaice out of province, as well as all documentation regarding OCI's commitments on employment at the OCI plant in Fortune.2017-08-24Fisheries and Land Resources
PRE/42/2017 Please all correspondence with regards to "polls" or "polling". This request would cover the time period between April 1, 2016 to July 24, 2017.2017-08-25The Office of the Premier
PRE/40/2017 Please provide any communication records (including but not limited to emails, letters, phone calls, or records of meetings) between all officials within the Premier's Office and Mr. Paul Mills. The timeline for this request is Jan 1 2017 to current.2017-08-25The Office of the Premier
FIN/57/2017 Please supply any briefing notes supplied to the Minister, or Deputy Minister, or Finance related to Corner Brook Pulp and Paper. The time frame of this request in Jan 1, 2017 to current.2017-08-25Finance
PRE/43/2017 Please provide all correspondence between MHA Lisa Dempster and the Premier, his staff and officials regarding road conditions/road work in Labrador. This request would cover the period between March 1, 2017 to July 24, 2017.2017-08-25The Office of the Premier
TW/94/2017 Please provide all correspondence between MHA Lisa Dempster and the Minister, his staff and officials regarding road conditions/ road work in Labrador. This request would cover the time period of January 1, 2016 to July 24, 2017.2017-08-25Transportation and Works
JPS/89/2017 Minister Parsons recently shared a photograph on Twitter of a t-shirt with the text "justice league Newfoundland and Labrador" and a silhouette illustration of superheroes. The minister indicated these shirts would be worn by JPS staff during the Tely 10. A google search for "justice league silhouette" revealed that the original illustration was created by Tommy Tejeda, and the t-shirts do not feature the artist's signature, which was in the original image but apparently removed for the Justice & Public Safety t-shirts. Was permission asked of the original artist to reproduce their copyrighted work? Was permission granted from the original artist to reproduce their copyrighted work?2017-08-25Justice and Public Safety
CSSD/24/2017 Any material relating to the appointment of Noreen Careen of Labrador City, Doreen Chaulk of Deer Lake, William Eaton of St. John's, Helen Handrigan of St. John's, and Judy Pardy, Cartwright. Re-appointments to the council are Linda Oldford of Gander, Wayde Rowsell of St. Lawrence, to the Provincial Advisory Council on Aging and Seniors.2017-08-28Children, Seniors and Social Development
JPS/101/2017[1] Requesting disciplinary and/or all other employment records for a specific Correctional Officer, including any suspensions or incidents in which this officer has been investigated or sanctioned.2017-08-28Justice and Public Safety
TW/102/2017 All tender documents including complete appendices submitted for paving of route 90 (town of Riverhead) which closed earlier this year.2017-08-28Transportation and Works
NR/72/2017 Any emails between the minister and Graham Letto the new parliamentary secretary to natural resources related to his new role as parliamentary secretary.2017-08-28Natural Resources
NR/71/2017 Any briefing materials prepared for Graham Letto in relation to his new position as parliamentary secretary for natural resources.2017-08-28Natural Resources
HRS/27/2017 Individual amount paid to managers on 2017 "sunshine List' for accumulated leave not taken, and for payment in lieu of notice on loss of employment. List should identify employees by name and individual payment amounts. Time frame should encompass same period as was covered by the "sunshine list".2017-08-28Human Resource Secretariat
NR/65/2017 Any correspondence either email or otherwise either sent or received by the deputy minister or minister related to the charges against Marjorie Flowers, Jim Learning or Eldred Davis related to Muskrat Falls protests in July 2017. Time frame for request July 15, 2017 to August 3, 2017. Please do not include news articles unless there are comments related to same.2017-08-28Natural Resources
CSSD/23/2017 All correspondence, electronic, written or otherwise to or from the Minister regarding appointments to the Provincial Advisory Council on Aging and Seniors in 2017.2017-08-28Child, Youth and Family Services
MAE/48/2017 Confirm Deer Lake water supply was distributed to the towns lines via a creosote treated wooden penstock? How many years this was operated through the treated penstock? Has any chemicals shown up in water test that could be attributed from the treatment product used on this penstock? Were there ever concerns about health risk to residents drinking water from a treated wooden penstock? If yes? When and from whom? Has any Health Dept looked into if Deer Lake has a higher than NL average health issues.2017-08-28Municipal Affairs and Environment
TW/95/2017 All information related to commercial accommodations used for the 2017 season for water Bomber pilots in Newfoundland & Labrador Specifically: - where are the pilots stationed in Labrador - what companies provide accommodation - what is the value of the accommodation contracts, if applicable.2017-08-28Transportation and Works
JPS/100/2017[1] Requesting disciplinary and/or all other employment records for a specific Correctional Officer, including any suspensions or incidents in which this officer has been investigated or sanctioned.2017-08-28Justice and Public Safety
JPS/94/2017 What is the number of civil claims against government, in which children claim they were sexually abused while in Pleasantville or Whitbourne? How many of these claims have gone to trial? How many of these claims have been settled? How many of these claims are outstanding?2017-08-28Justice and Public Safety
JPS/90/2017 Please provide all correspondence regarding the closing of the Family and Child Office and the elimination of the enhanced child protection service through Legal Aid. This request will cover the time period of January 1, 2016 to July 24, 2017.2017-08-29Justice and Public Safety
WP/1/2017 Briefing notes prepared for Minister Siobhan Coady following her appointment as minister responsible for the status of women.2017-08-29Women's Policy Office
FIN/59/2017 Briefing notes prepared for Finance Minister Tom Osborne following his appointment as minister.2017-09-05Finance
TW/100/2017 New school on Middleton St in Virginia Park is built on a former US military dump. CBC reported that there was a study done and the government of NL received the report and the report raised some serious concerns. Another report was ordered by government. I am requesting the information on both of these reports.2017-09-05Transportation and Works
NR/83/2017 A list of all quarry permits including dates issued and names of companies issued to between January 1, 2016 and present for the communities of Markland, Whitbourne, Blaketown, South Dildo, Old Shop, Broad Cove (Trinity Bay), Dildo, New Harbour, Hopeal, and Greens Harbour.2017-09-05Natural Resources

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.