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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FIN/72/2018 From 2007 to current, financial transactions from the Department of Finance to and from Nalcor Oil and Gas showing annual transfer to Nalcor for each equity stake in each oil development, any repayments of equity by year and project, and any dividends paid to Finance by Nalcor Oil and Gas, by year.2018-09-04Finance
FIN/54/2018 Re: imposition of 15% tax on insurance premiums by the NL Government adopted in the 2016 Budget. (a) Amount of revenue collected on insurance premiums since implemented on June 30, 2016. (b) Amount of revenue collected on insurance premiums with a Health/Retiree Benefits component.2018-05-14Finance
FIN/67/2017 Any Policy/Regulation/Directive/Law, etc. that the Province of NL has the jurisdiction/authority to impose a tax on the Premium of Retiree Benefit Plan issued in the Province of Alberta or covering medication and that medication is provided by an Alberta Pharmacy. There is no service for this medication provided in NL.2017-10-17Finance
FIN/65/2018 Information relating to employment by district.2018-07-30Finance
FIN/60/2017 A copy of all briefing materials provided to the new minister.2017-09-05Finance
FIN/95/2017 Provide for the year Jan 01 2015 -Dec 312015 all documents &reports prepared on the NL budget deficit by the Dept of Finance.2018-01-16Finance
FIN/55-56-58/2017 Information regarding the Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Mill.2018-01-16Finance
FIN/59/2017 Briefing notes prepared for Finance Minister Tom Osborne following his appointment as minister.2017-09-05Finance
FIN/42/2017 For each year since 2000, please provide the gross tax credit provided for political donations. Put another way, what I am asking for is the total value, for each year, of the taxes which would have been paid if companies had not been able to avail of that deduction. I am also requesting a breakdown, for each year, of the tax credit into individual donations, corporate donations, and union donations.2017-06-27Finance
FIN/80/2018 Re: imposition of 15% tax on insurance premiums by the NL Government adopted in the 2016 Budget. Request: (a) Amount of revenue collected on insurance premiums to August 15, 2018 since implemented in the 2016 Provincial Budget. (b) Amount of revenue collected on insurance premiums with a Health/Retiree Benefits portion, to August 15, 2018 since implemented in the 2016 Provincial Budget.2018-09-24Finance
FIN/58/2018 Preamble: Re: imposition of 15% tax on insurance premiums by the NL Government adopted in the 2016 Budget. There must be some system, some set of criteria which allows the Provincial Government to identify/tag/recognize/target/exclude Insurance Plans as candidates for the 15% tax. Request: The criteria (clauses, description, exemption, etc.) which identifies which Insurance Plans are subject to/excluded from the NL Government's 15% tax.2018-09-19Finance
FIN/74/2018 WRT FIN-66-2018, all sections excised from the original request.2018-09-10Finance
FIN/24/2018 I am requesting a copy of all emails sent/received by Minister of Finance from September to present regarding Memorial University and MUN.2018-05-16Finance
FIN/3/2018 Any and all briefing notes on cannabis tax to the minister.2018-02-23Finance
FIN/83/2017 How much money did Government spend in Fiscal Year 2016-17 providing services to communities of less than 500 people? Additionally, how many communities of less than 500 people are municipalities (under the Municipalities Act) versus Local Services Districts, versus unincorporated municipalities?2018-01-15Finance
FIN/53/2017 As per ATIPP Response FIN/43/2017 the Minister of Finance received briefing material in May 2017 related to "Policy on Perceived Conflict of Interest". I am requesting a copy of this material.2017-08-14Finance
FIN/52/2018 1. Number of correspondences (e-mails, hard copy, twitter/ other technical transmission) to Minister Osborne since November 1, 2017. Note: Repeat correspondences are counted separately. These may or may not be copied to another party. 2. Number of these correspondences to which the Minister provided (a) an acknowledgement, (b) a reply.2018-05-11Finance
FIN/53/2018 Information regarding imposition of 15% tax on insurance premiums by the NL Government adopted in the 2016 Budget. 2018-07-19Finance
FIN/71/2018 All costs as they relate to paper, paper products, leasing costs realized or amortized as they relate to: photocopiers, printers, and fax machines in the last 5 years. As well any costs associated with the upkeep and maintenance of this equipment including toner, inks, print cartridges, service fees, as well as a list of the printing, photocopying, and faxing equipment currently in use and installed across the government of Newfoundland and Labrador.2018-08-27Finance
FIN/64/2018 Information relating to an RFP for the provision of insurance brokerage, risk management, claims administration and general services, closing date July 11, 2018.2018-07-23Finance
FIN/99-100/2017 Information re: Canopy Growth.2018-01-22Finance
FIN/100/2018 I would like a copy of the monthly summarized statement of revenue and expenses covering the period January 1, 2015 through to October 31, 2018. For clarification this should include a total of 46 monthly reports.2018-12-24Finance
FIN/7/2018 Any records related to correspondence - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - between Newfoundland Labrador Liquor Corporation CEO Steve Winter and the finance minister. Date range of request is July 1, 2017 to the present.2018-02-16Finance
FIN/5/2019 The Finance Minister has said that 35% of the province's net debt is due to borrowing related to the Muskrat Falls project. Please provide the analysis/calculations and any key messages which were used to inform this comment.2019-02-13Finance
FIN/98/2018 Briefing materials - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - prepared for, and/or provided to, the minister referencing the issue of "beneficial ownership" of companies in Newfoundland and Labrador. Date range of request is July 31, 2017, to the present.2018-12-21Finance
FIN/64/2017 We would like to get the copies of the record listing the unclaimed cheques (i.e. cheques issued and not cashed after a period of 6 months) drawn for all of the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador and/or agencies between January 1st 2016 and December 31st, 2016 and still outstanding on August 16, 2017.2017-09-18Finance
FIN/75/2018 This information may be in the Department of Finance. Information related to a review of the provincial tax system completed or conducted in 2008.2018-09-10Finance
FIN/6/2018 1/ Provide an overview of the current financial reporting system for the NL Gov (ie monthly/ quarterly/ annual financial reports -budget updates etc ) 2/ Provide by position the distribution list for all the financial reports etc as Dec 31 2017 ( as to report info to be provided in 1/) 3/ Provide by position the distribution list for all the financial reports etc. as Oct 31 2015 ( as to report info be provided in 1/).2018-02-16Finance
FIN/99/2018 Correspondence - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - between the federal Department of Finance and the provincial Department of Finance on the topic of "beneficial ownership" of companies. Request limited to ADM level or higher. Date range Nov. 1, 2017 to the present.2018-12-21Finance
FIN/93/2018 Expenditures of the Consolidated Revenue Fund Table 9 Professional Services Payments in excess of $500,000 90 8Jan 2013 AG of NLChapter Provide copies 2011-2012 professional fees 1/ Price Waterhouse $11,147,000 -$7,089 2 /Deloitte Inc $11,391,000---- $5,529,000 3/ Provides copies of reports for the 2011 -2012 reports in 1/&2 above.2018-11-26Finance
FIN/92/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-11-26Finance
FIN/63/2017 Please provide a listing of all payments from the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador to Tourism Bell Island Inc. from October 22, 2016 to August 21, to 2017. Please include the following information fields: Description of the Payment - Reference number of the payment - Amount of the payment.2017-09-18Finance
FIN/104/2018 I would like a summary of revenue recorded on a monthly cash basis in the accounting records of the government of NL.2019-01-09Finance
FIN/97/2018 The briefing note titled Beneficial Ownership and Federal Underground Economy Projects, June 10, 2017. The existence of this briefing note was referenced in the response to request FIN-66-2017.2018-12-21Finance
FIN/87/2018 I would like a breakdown of the 2 billion dollar deficit reduction that the Premier keeps referring to from 2016 to today. Please provide the details as follows 1) Tax and fees revenue increases 2) Offshore oil/ Royalties increases 3) Other revenue increases 4) Expenditure reductions.2018-11-14Finance
FIN/66/2018 Any correspondence between the Federal government and the department of finance on the issue of equalization from December 2015 until present day.2018-07-30Finance
FIN/65/2017 Please provide all information and records - including email messages, letters, memos, and draft, preliminary, and final reports - related to the preparation of the Value for Money assessments that were undertaken in relation to two proposed projects to be built in Corner Brook: a Long Term Care Facility and an Acute Care Hospital.2017-09-18Finance
FIN/40/2017 In 2013-2014 government commissioned an audit of Vale for possible transfer pricing practices. In Estimates for the Department of Finance in 2014 we learned this audit was triggered by government having concerns Vale was using transfer pricing practices to avoid paying appropriate taxes. Government indicated the audit was going to cost $700,000. We request a copy of the audit report, as well as the actual final cost.2017-06-13Finance
FIN/26/2017 1) A copy of any policy of insurance in place in October of 2014 which provides liability coverage for teachers employed by the English School District. 1) A copy of any policy in place presently which provides such coverage.2017-06-05Finance
FIN/25/2017 A list of all briefing material provided to the minister during March 2017.2017-05-09Finance
FIN/22/2017 On March 27 2017, provincial government issued 'The Way Forward' report card outlining $45 million achieved in savings. This was broken down into: Reduce government's building footprint by 40,000 sq feet - $1.6 million Announce a flatter, leaner management structure for core government - $20 - $25 million Utilize zero-based budgeting in preparation for Budget 2017 - $24 million I would like precise breakdowns for how each of these figures was calculated/arrived at, and precisely what cuts/savings lead to the figures presented. Also, all relevant documentation and communication relevant to the calculation of those figures.2017-05-09Finance
FIN/38/2017 A list of all briefing material provided to the minister in April 2017.2017-06-09Finance
FIN/35/2017 Please provide a copy of the Morneau Shepell actuary report as received by the Department and used in the preparation of Budget 2016 for the Teachers Pension Plan.2017-05-23Finance
FIN/28/2017 Please provide copies of all briefing materials, and submissions to Cabinet, relating to tobacco taxes since January 1, 2016.2017-05-15Finance
FIN/27/2017 Please provide a list of forecasters used by government to determine the price of oil as budgeted in Budget 2016 and 2017. In addition, please include their individual forecasts.2017-05-09Finance
FIN/23/2017 A copy of the briefing materials for the meeting with Silverpeak/NARL.2017-05-09Finance
FIN/34/2017 Please provide a copy of the Morneau Shepell actuary report as received by the Department and used in the preparation of Budget 2015 for the Public Service Pension Plan.2017-05-23Finance
FIN/33/2017 Please provide a copy of the Morneau Shepell actuary report as received by the Department and used in the preparation of Budget 2016 for the Public Service Pension Plan.2017-05-23Finance
FIN/32/2017 Please provide a copy of the most recent Morneau Shepell actuary report as received by the Department and used in the preparation of Budget 2017 for the Public Service Pension Plan.2017-05-23Finance
FIN/31/2017 Please provide a copy of the most recent Morneau Shepell actuary report as received by the Department and used in the preparation of Budget 2017 for the Teachers Pension Plan.2017-05-23Finance

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.