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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
EC/7/2020 Any and all communications regarding discussions, decisions, instructions, and/or orders to sell any land, assets, or anything of value to the company 80521 Newfoundland & Labrador Limited (company number: 80521) and/or ANY related parties, agents, or directors of 80521. 2020-05-06Executive Council
EC/13/2020 All records relating to Carla Foote, including but not limited to the decision to move her out of The Rooms and into an ADM position, from November 15 2019 to present. Please exclude all media monitoring or correspondence directly with media outlets.2020-05-22Executive Council
EC/20/2019 The transition briefing binder drafted in anticipation of the potential for a new premier after the provincial election.2019-11-08Executive Council
EC/14/2019 Please provide a copy of Anne Marie Hann's employment contract for clerk of exec council and her new contract in her current role to review the waste management strategy. In addition, any information (briefings notes, emails, receipts, etc) relating to any additional costs that may have been paid by the provincial government in relation to her employment as clerk. In particular, spousal or family transportation.2019-09-16Executive Council
Transcript of the interview with Hon. Andrew Parsons, Minister of Justice and Public Safety, on April 11, 2019 outside the House of Assembly.2020-05-08Executive Council
EC/28/2019 All Records for the Installation of Judy Foote as Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador held on May 3, 2018.2020-04-09Executive Council
EC/26/2019 Any and all messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly. This includes key messages for the Minister and binders.2020-04-09Executive Council
EC/25/2019 Recommendation #3 from the IEAC on Methylmercury reads: "The IEAC recommends that the Province, Nalcor Energy, Indigenous groups and the local populations, negotiate an Impact Security Fund prior to full flooding. The purpose of the fund is to guarantee continued access to local country food, or safe alternatives, if methylmercury exposures increase above pre-established thresholds, despite mitigation efforts." Please provide all records related to the implementation of this recommendation. I am looking for documents, information notes, correspondence, briefing notes, and any other records.2020-04-09Executive Council
EC/10/2020 Any emails, letters, BBMs, memos, employment contract etc. detailing the terms and conditions of Carla Foote's employment as ADM in the office of public engagement.2020-05-22Executive Council
EC/27/2019 All Records for the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador Investiture Ceremony of January 29, 2019.2020-04-09Executive Council
EC/12/2020 Any and all briefing notes, hot topic updates, information notes, decision notes, question period notes, key messages, etc. for the Spring sitting of the legislature by/for the Minister, and/or Deputy Minister and/or Director of Communications.2020-05-06Executive Council
EC/5/2020 Any and all records which relate to the 1998/1999 moratorium placed on Outfitting operations in Labrador, including but shall not be limited to, a copy of the Report from the Committee on the Use of Outdoor Resources undertaken by the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation (TCR).2020-05-06Executive Council
EC/16/2019 Any records -- electronic, written, or otherwise -- related to Premier Danny Williams' travel any of the following cities: Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver between Jan. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2008.2019-07-26Executive Council
EC/36/2018 All documents including correspondences (including email and letters), slides, notes and memoranda exchanged between the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information (or one of its agents, employees or officers) and the Executive Council - Secretariat respecting the Pharmacy Network.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/35/2018 All documents including correspondences (including email and letters), slides, notes and memoranda exchanged between the Pharmacy Board of Newfoundland and Labrador (or one of its agents, employees or officers) and the Executive Council - Cabinet Secretariat respecting the Pharmacy Network. 2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/2/2019 Information relating to matters of automotive insurance rates, claims, reform, and legislation from 16 February 2018 to present.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/19/2019[1] All emails sent/received re Young Liberals from 2015 to present.2019-07-26Executive Council
EC/3/2019 Please provide a breakdown of any costs incurred by the government of NL to recruit Ann Marie Hann as Clerk of the Executive Council including any costs incurred to relocate Ann Marie Hann and her family when she returned to NL to become Clerk of the Executive Council in September 2017. As well please provide Ann Marie Hann's most recent salary as Clerk of the Executive Council and the salary that she is currently being paid to complete the review of provincial solid Waste management strategy.2019-07-26Executive Council
EC/11/2019 Please provide a list of all consultants employed by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador (by department), including their name, company name (if applicable) and the amounts they have been paid for the fiscal years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 to date.2019-07-26Executive Council
EC/13/2019 Copy of the Executive Council Minutes for January 2005 and copy of the Executive Council Handbook.2019-04-03Executive Council
EC/7/2019 I am requesting access to all communications between this Department and a mining exploration company operating in Central Newfoundland, known as Marathon Gold Corporation - for the period covering all of this year (2019) to date.2019-04-05Executive Council
EC/10/2019 Records regarding Oceanex's Federal Court challenge of Marine Atlantic subsidies, between January 1, 2016 and July 1, 2016. 2019-04-04Executive Council
EC/8-9/2019 Any messaging or draft messaging prepared for the Department or Minister since January 1st, 2019. In addition, any benchmarks/status updates/lists outlining levels of completion of "The Way Forward" initiatives.2019-04-04Executive Council
EC/12/2019 Correspondence - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - between Carla Foote and Paula Hayes-Butt. Please provide as well all correspondence to and from Cara Foote using the search criteria "Aide-De-Camp". Range of request is January 1, 2018, to the present.2019-04-03Executive Council
EC/4/2019 Please provide a list of all external consulting contracts commenced or renewed since Dec. 1, 2015. For each instance, please specify the name of the individual or company consulting, the date the contract was initially commenced or renewed, the date the contract was concluded (or, if it's still ongoing, please specify) and the total dollar figure paid to date to the consultant for that project.2019-04-24Executive Council
EC/40/2018 Please provide any briefing notes, information notes, reports, emails, or any other records which include an evaluation of the current Atlantic Accord Framework and/or Equalization formula conducted since January 1, 2016.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/37/2018 All documents including correspondences (including email and letters), slides, notes and memoranda exchanged between any third-party not including the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information or the Pharmacy Board of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Executive Council - Cabinet Secretariat respecting the Pharmacy Network.2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/1/2019 Records relating to regional waste management, specifically to seasonal properties, unincorporated areas and local service districts in the Eastern Region of Newfoundland. 2019-03-29Executive Council
EC/24/2018 Please provide a copy of all records dated between 1 November 1997 and 31 March 1998 related to or concerning paragraph 4(x.1) of the Medical Care Insurance Insured Services Regulations (enacted 30 January 1998), including all communications between the Department of Health and Community Services and Cabinet Secretariat related to or concerning paragraph 4(x.1).2018-07-30Executive Council
EC/37/2017 All incoming and outgoing correspondence to and from John Tompkins for the period September 14, 2016 to December 31, 2016 which references the search criteria "Katarina Roxon".2017-11-27Executive Council
EC/24/2017 Copies of the information* provided to in-coming premier/premier Kathy Dunderdale between November 20, 2010 to January 1, 2011. *Transitional Binders *E-mail correspondence between out-going premier Danny Williams *List of all briefing material provided to the premier in December 2010.2017-07-31Executive Council
EC/29/2018[1] Access to Cabinet Secretariat Note E 16-98, entitled "Update on the Situation Surrounding the Career Academy", dated August 12, 1998, as well as a Memorandum to Executive Council prepared by former Minister of Education Mr. Roger Grimes on August 11, 1998 (including Appendix A to the Memorandum).2018-10-17Executive Council
EC/25/2017 All information regarding the restructuring of the former Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs Office into the new Office of Labrador Affairs, with the Aboriginal Affairs branch merged with Intergovernmental Affairs to create the Intergovernmental and Indigenous Affairs Secretariat. From April 1, 2016 to Feb. 23, 2017.2017-08-07Executive Council
EC/38/2017 All incoming and outgoing correspondence to and from Brian Scott for the period August 8, 2016 to August 12, 2016 which references the search criteria "International Youth Day".2017-12-06Executive Council
EC/41/2017 Re NL Gov Committees 1/ Provide a current list of NL Gov committees by department.2018-01-22Executive Council
EC/22/2018 Salary costs for the Lieutenant's Governor's Establishment for 2017-18 was budgeted at $709,400. However, the actual cost came in at $1,032,400, according to Budget 2018 Estimates. Please provide a comprehensive breakdown that explains this more than $300K in increased salary costs, including any documentation that references this unexpected increase. Additionally, please explain what actions have been taken to reduce salary costs to a forecasted $641,200 for 2018-19.2018-07-30Executive Council
EC/4/2018 Please provide details of expenses and record of payments made to Kevin Casey or invoices paid related to services rendered by Mr. Casey to the NLC or government. This request covers October 1, 2017 to January 10, 2018.2018-01-22Executive Council
EC/25/2018[1] Records relating to meeting with various communications staff regarding social media from August 1 2016 to October 31 2016.2018-07-30Executive Council
EC/21/2017 As noted in the Estimates Book (Page 2.4, Subhead 2.2.01 Executive Support) in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, $2,350,000 was spent on salaries and $1,580,000 was spent on professional services. This was spent on several projects (including the Lower Churchill Oversight, Federal Loan Guarantee, Fish Innovation Fund, GRI Initiative, Long Term Care, and others). Please provide a detailed listing of how the spending in these two funding envelopes was broken down (i.e. how much from each area Salaries or Professional Services in each project area).2017-06-27Executive Council
EC/32/2017 Records relating to the topic of automotive insurance rates, claims, and reform.2017-10-23Executive Council
EC/20/2018 Cabinet records (as defined by section 27 of ATIPPA) related to negotiations and/or a tentative agreement between Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador with respect to further development of the hydroelectric power potential of the Churchill River in Labrador, and related projects in Quebec.2018-07-19Executive Council
EC/31/2017 Request for calendar entries regarding the topic of auto insurance rates, claims and reform.2017-09-22Executive Council
EC/33/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-12-21Executive Council
EC/30/2018[1] Copies please of any expense claims and receipts filed by Assistant Deputy Minister Katie Norman for her trip in June 2018 to Ireland and Scotland.2018-10-15Executive Council
EC/27/2018 Any/all correspondence, emails, records of meetings, meeting minutes, and meeting email invitations sent via Microsoft Outlook - including invitations sent by all current and former secretaries within the Communications Branch of Executive Council - for meetings where Scott Barfoot, Kip Bonnell, Carla Foote and Jillian Hood are all present. The timeline for this request is January 1 2016 to October 31 2016. 2018-10-15Executive Council
EC/16/2018 All documents and correspondence including, but not limited to: briefing notes, text messages, emails (including attachments) , handwritten notes, and any other record or document , electronic or otherwise, created between Jan 01 2011 - Dec 31-2011 to &from Kathy Dunderdale re the MF PUB terms of reference.2018-05-14Executive Council
EC/39/2017 Former Premier Paul Davis did not know about the largest projected NL Gov budget deficit in NL history during the 2015 NL election campaign ( when questioned on the NL budget deficit ) 1/ provide re former Premier Paul Davis All documents and correspondence including, but not limited to: briefing notes, text messages, emails (including attachments), handwritten notes, and any other record or document, electronic or otherwise, created between Aug 01 2015 and Nov 30 2015, referencing the NL Gov budget between former Premier Paul Davis and NL Gov members & or NL Gov staff.2018-01-22Executive Council
EC/27/2017 Please provide any records surrounding the engagement of Mr. Paul Mills with respect to the Government Renewal Initiative. I am looking for a copy of any contracts between Mr. Mills and Gov NL. I am also looking for any reports or research which Mr. Mills has submitted to GOV NL for the GRI.2017-08-22Executive Council
EC/21/2018 Information relating to 3 decision notes from PRE/23/2015.2018-07-30Executive Council
EC/18/2018 A copy of the Cab Sec policies and procedures manual or any document like it that details administrative practices and procedures within Cab Sec.2018-05-14Executive Council

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.