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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
NR/205/2018 All reports, studies, etc relating to Methylmercury. Please note I am not seeking correspondence or other discussions, just formal reports or studies or briefing type notes.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/201/2018 Copies of any records relating to any consideration of selling, transferring or otherwise engaging the province of Quebec or Hydro Quebec in the operation of any aspect of the Lower Churchill project including Muskrat Falls and any future development of Gull Island. You can limit your search to the previous 12 months.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/192/2018 For the past twelve months any briefing notes or reports on Methylmercury.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/181/2018 Copy of the note titled "Meeting with Equinor."2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/169/2018 I would like a copy of the following Briefing Note written in August 2018: Designation of inspector under the Mining Act.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/158/2018 All correspondence between Natural Resources and NR Canada and/or the PMO and/or any other federal department in the last 12 months relating to electricity.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/143/2018 Please provide all records including but not limited to briefing notes or correspondence relating to the reliability of the Holyrood Thermal Generating Facility. Date range is the past 12 months.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/142/2018 Please provide all records including but not limited to briefing notes or correspondence relating to the Liberty Consulting report dated August 30, 2018 regarding "Analysis of Newfoundland Island Interconnected System Power Supply Adequacy for the Winter of 2028-19."2018-10-29Natural Resources
TW/80/2018 I would like to know what payments were made to Government, by the Newfoundland Safety Council / Safety Services NL for the use of the Motor Registration Division compound and use of the storage shed on the Motor Registration Compound for storage of the motorcycles. Please break any payments down by date.2018-10-29Transportation and Works
HCS/122/2018 1. How much money was budgeted for Home Care services for 2017/2018? 2. How Much money has been spent to date on Home Care services for 2017/2018? 1. How much money was budgeted for Personal Care Home subsidies for 2017/2018? 2. How much money has been spent to date for Personal Care Home subsidies for 2017/2018? 2018-10-29Health and Community Services
NR/197/2018 Information relating to business financial assistance programs offered by the department/ public body, including programs delivered by third parties.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/170/2018 I would like a copy of the following Briefing Note written in August 2018: Clarification of processes regarding mineral exploration.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/150/2018 Please provide a copy of the following briefing note: Exemptions related to the Muskrat Falls project.2018-10-29Natural Resources
LAS/9/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-10-29Labrador Affairs Secretariat
FLR/97/2018[1] Any and all records, of any nature, in any medium or format, which relate to a February 12, 2018 CBC news article concerning Species at Risk legislation, and involving Minister Byrne. 2018-10-29Fisheries and Land Resources
NR/153/2018 All correspondence between Natural Resources and the Public Utilities Board in the last 12 months.2018-10-29Natural Resources
FIN/85/2018 WRT FIn-70-2018, all sections deleted/redacted/excised from the response to this request. Without limited the review of all the deletions, I am particular interested in those marked "non-responsive.2018-10-29Finance
NR/212/2018 Any briefing notes relating to nuclear power plants in NL and changes to the ELECTRIC POWER CONTROL ACT. You may limit the search to the past year.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/199/2018 Records relating to any analysis or communication regarding the concept of selling any rights to transmission access from Churchill Falls to Fortis. You can limit the search to the past year.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/174/2018 A total of the costs associated with any member of DNR attending the Wabash 3 project announcement on September 25, 2018.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/213/2018 A copy of the Power Advisory report regarding governance and regulatory review of electricity in NL. This report was from either late 2017 or sometime in 2018.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/200/2018 Correspondence between either the minister or deputy minister and Stan Marshall which in anyway mentions Fortis. Time frame six months from date of request.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/176/2018 Copy of the note titled "Electric Vehicle Innovation in NL."2018-10-29Natural Resources
FLR/95/2018 A list of all open net pen lease applications that could be reactivated in the future by Marine Harvest or its subsidiaries. This should include all applications on file that have not been approved but are not currently being processed.2018-10-29Fisheries and Land Resources
NR/203/2018 Copies of any records relating to the possibility of selling to Fortis Inc. any transmission rights in Newfoundland and Labrador. You can limit your search to the previous 12 months.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/202/2018 Copies of any records relating to any consideration of selling, transferring or otherwise engaging the Federal government of Canada in the operation of any aspect of the Lower Churchill project including Muskrat Falls and any future development of Gull Island. You can limit your search to the previous 12 months.2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/182/2018 Copy of the note titled "Exemptions related to the Muskrat Falls Project."2018-10-29Natural Resources
NR/168/2018 I would like a copy of the following Briefing Note written in August 2018: Expenses related to a grievance proceedings carried out by the Mineral Rights Adjudication Board.2018-10-29Natural Resources
TCII/38/2018 I am requesting the details on the agreement between Canopy and the Honourable Christopher Mitchelmore Minister of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation. I would also like any exchange of emails between Jordan Sinclair and minister Mitchelmore regarding the above deal.2018-10-29Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation
OCIO/4/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-10-29Office of the Chief Information Officer
HCS/120/2018 All documents in the Ministry of Health and Community Services, related to cyro-sperm preservation. Specifically the number of individuals who have partaken in the service, by year, since 2010. Also include any documents relating to internal discussion around the service not being covered by MCP.2018-10-29Health and Community Services
FLR/99/2018[1] Pertaining to FLR - 89 - 2018 - Weir's Pond / ATIPP request. Would now like to request a copy of correspondence / request that was sent to Sean Greene of Forestry , Corner Brook , NL regarding specifics of an inspection that was requested on behalf of Crown Lands. 2018-10-29Fisheries and Land Resources
CSSD/31/2017 What companies/ organizations have applied for the Accessible Taxi Grants for 2016, 2017 and 2018?2018-10-17Children, Seniors and Social Development
HCS/33/2018 Interim Agreement in Principle October 3, 2017 Between Health and Community Services And Moore's Ambulance (2012) Limited And Eastern Regional Health Authority.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
TCII/5/2018 Canopy Growth Corporation supply agreement of cannabis for recreational purposes and agreement with Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation (4 Retail Stores, 40 million in rebate and funding for Research and Development) based on the production of cannabis in NL.2018-10-17Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation
PRE/55/2017 Premier Ball has stated that there will be a public inquiry into Muskrat Falls. Request information relating to directives/discussions around the requirement for all government departments and/or agencies, including NALCOR, to search for and secure all documents that may be relevant to the public inquiry. For clarity, please note that I am not looking for the documents that would be deemed relevant to the inquiry but rather information relating to the subject of finding and protecting those documents. 2018-10-17The Office of the Premier
HCS/106/2017 Deleted emails/files/notes and correspondence concerning Canopy Growth and the provincial government's marijuana(cannabis) plan.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
HCS/22/2018 All records and emails regarding risk of suicides in Labrador West from 2014 forward to, from or regarding Dr. Minal Mistry.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
EC/29/2018[1] Access to Cabinet Secretariat Note E 16-98, entitled "Update on the Situation Surrounding the Career Academy", dated August 12, 1998, as well as a Memorandum to Executive Council prepared by former Minister of Education Mr. Roger Grimes on August 11, 1998 (including Appendix A to the Memorandum).2018-10-17Executive Council
HCS/107/2017 Any and all deleted emails which are currently on the live production system regarding correspondence concerning Canopy Growth and the provincial government's marijuana(cannabis) plan.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
FLR/58/2017 Farm Land sales provincially, consisting of: General location, ( Eastern, Central, Western ), Type of farm, Acreage, size of land, No. of buildings and brief description of each, (size, type of construction ), Sale price and date of sale.2018-10-17Fisheries and Land Resources
HCS/37/2018 Interim agreement in principle October 3, 2017 Between Health and Community services (GNL) and Moore's Ambulance (2012)limited and Eastern regional health authority.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
HCS/104/2017 What hospitals or other Govt. facilities in NL Do cremations of human body parts. Any health complaints or concerns brought forward due to these crematoriums from staff or residents.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
FIN/84/2017 A copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information: 1. A list of ALL types of alternative asset investments, including private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds, infrastructure, natural resources, real estate and private debt partnerships in which Newfoundland and Labrador Pension Fund is an investor; and 2. For each partnership, may I please have a copy of any alternative assets investment records that would show some or all of the following information: a. Newfoundland and Labrador Pension Fund's total commitment to the partnership, b. the total contributions made by Newfoundland and Labrador Pension Fund to the partnership to date, c. the total distributions received by Newfoundland and Labrador Pension Fund from the partnership to date, d. the estimated current value of Newfoundland and Labrador Pension Fund's holding in the partnership, and e. any available estimates of the IRR earned by Newfoundland and Labrador Pension Fund to date on its investment in the partnership.2018-10-17Finance
TW/8/2018 To date, what has been the cost incurred by government for the refit/repairs of the MV Gallipoli. This would include all billings by Burry's Shipyard. Please include the original cost estimate of this work when it was awarded.2018-10-17Transportation and Works
HCS/36/2018 Interim agreement in principle Oct. 03 /2017 between Health and Community Services and Moores Ambulance 2012 ltd. and Eastern Regional Health Authority.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
HCS/103/2017 Provincial Death Rates per community based on 100,000 per rated pop.2018-10-17Health and Community Services
HCS/99/2017 How much money did Government spend in Fiscal Year 2016-17 providing services to communities of less than 500 people? 2018-10-17Health and Community Services
EECD/69/2017 How many requests has the NLESD made to the EECD for additional teacher allocations and student assistant hours between June 1, 2017 and December 1, 2017? How many additional teaching units and/or student assistant hours have been assigned to the NLESD a as a result of these requests? How many applications for student assistant support were received for 2016/2017 and how many of these were approved? How many applications for student assistant support were received for 2017/2018 and how many of these were approved?2018-10-17Education and Early Childhood Development
HCS/62/2017 A list of all briefing material provided to the minister in May 2017.2018-10-17Health and Community Services

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.