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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
FLR/105/2018 I am requesting information pertaining to the permit limitations of the Mining activity in the Victoria Lake area by a company called Marathon Gold. 2018-12-03Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/77/2018 In regards to a February 12th, 2018 CBC news article on Labrador Caribou involving Minister Byrne, the following information is requested: 1) All records of any nature, including but not limited to, scientific research reports/findings/documents etc. that support the article's claim that 300 Mealy Mountain Caribou starved to death on George's Island, Labrador, as a result of "species at risk legislation". 2) A confirmation as to the official status and/or employment position of Tony Chubbs, within the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, and if Mr. Chubbs is an authorized, public spokesperson for the GNL.2018-11-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/34/2018 I am looking for written correspondence (letters or emails) between Minister Gerry Byrne and Jim Lester between September 2017 and March of 2018 regarding an RFP for agricultural land in the Goulds.2018-11-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/102/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-11-26Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/58/2018 I would like a map or a table listing the lats and longs showing the leases sites and hatcheries for fin fish aquaculture in NL. who owns them and how many cages can be maximally placed in each marine and freshwater site. The type and number of fish that can maximally be placed in each site and the current number of fish stocked at each site. The figures would be for Dec 31 2017.2018-11-15Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/27/2017 Copy of Document (Trim Reference Number) DOC/2017/00709 "FFAW 3PS Buyout Proposal".2017-06-06Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/24/2017 Moose Management Area 28, Black River has a non resident allocation of 48 moose licenses. I hereby request the names of the outfitting co (s) receiving this allocation for the hunting season 2016/17 or hunting season 2015/16.2017-05-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/28/2017 Document (Trim Reference Number) DOC/2017/00632 "3Ps Cod Status and Update".2017-06-06Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/30/2017 I wish to obtain the records that relate to the import of bees, their quarantine, and all study done on the population. Specifically, studies that relate to bee pathogens and viruses, and the relative safety of the Western Australian imports.2017-06-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/29/2017 All information, requests and correspondence related to Crown land in the city of Corner Brook and the towns of Deer Lake, Stephenville and Pasadena from January 2015-present. As well, can you please supply information on how many sales of Crown Land have taken place in the same time frame? If possible, please include the amount paid to government, the name of the company and/or individual who purchased the land, and the specific section of land that was sold.2017-06-06Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/26/2017[1] Any records related to communication with Innu Nation, Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation, or Mushuau Innu First Nation, regarding the Big Game Caribou Order, Labrador, NLR 17/13, or communication with them regarding the preparation of this order.2017-06-05Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/3/2017[1] I request all correspondence involving the Minister/Officials/Staff of Forestry branch regarding the proposed biofuel plant by NewGreen Technology Inc. This request would cover the time period between January 1, 2016 to Feb 6, 2017.2017-05-19Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/25/2017 To obtain travel claims submitted to dept. From 2001 through to 2015.2017-05-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/10-11/2017 Information regarding recovery pans regarding various species relating to the Endangered Species Act of Newfoundland and Labrador.2017-05-19Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/16/2017[1] All information, requests and correspondence related to Crown land in the Town of Witless Bay from January 2017 to March 2017.2017-04-17Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/6/2017 Information regarding the current, official Provincial Species Status for the George River Caribou Herd (GRCH). 2017-04-12Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/14/2017 I would like to retrieve a break down of the budgetary information from 2014-2016 for the Nuclear Seed Potato Propagation Facility. A breakdown would consist of how much money was allocated to material & supplies and salaries.2017-03-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/17/2017[1] All correspondence related to Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve (MPER), World Heritage Mistake Point Ecological Reserve (WHMPER), Mistaken Point (MP), UNESCO, Mistaken Point Ambassadors Inc. and/or Portugal Cove South.2017-04-26Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/15/2017[1] The Council of Winterland made a request to Steve Barnable of Crown Lands, in August/September 2016, to inspect a piece of land under development, to ensure the land was being developed as per it's application. Once the site was inspected, Council was informed that pictures of the site were taken at the time of the visit. Request to see the pictures taken by Rob May of Crown Lands Division in Clarenville.2017-04-10Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/18-21/2017 List of briefing notes provided to Minister Crocker from Jan.1, 2016 to current day and list of correspondence between various organizations and the department from Jan.1, 2017 to current day.2017-04-26Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/23/2017 All records which pertain to the 2015 Wild Species General Status Assessment for the George River Caribou Herd. 2017-04-25Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/12/2017 I am requesting any and all records including briefing notes and reports (excluding email correspondence) regarding the latest snow crab and shrimp assessments in Newfoundland from November 2016 to present.2017-04-10Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/4/2017 Any signed documents related to Professionalization program between the Unifor Union FFAW and the Provincial Government in 1996.2017-03-29Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/10/2019 Please provide a list of all external consulting contracts commenced or renewed since Dec. 1, 2015. For each instance, please specify the name of the individual or company consulting, the date the contract was initially commenced or renewed, the date the contract was concluded (or, if it's still ongoing, please specify) and the total dollar figure paid to date to the consultant for that project.2019-03-04Fisheries and Land Resources
FLR/62/2018[1] Information relating to crown land in Flatrock.2019-03-01Fisheries and Land Resources
FA/19/2014 What assistance was giving by our Provincial fisheries department to fish plants, foreign works, and workers from other province's when they came to work in fish plants here when workers like myself and others were refused work.2014-12-01Fisheries and Aquaculture
FLR/58/2020 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of May 2020.2020-07-07Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/21/2016 Request detailed breakdown of all consultants used by department between December 1, 2015 to August 11, 2016. Please include agreements/contracts, amount paid to date as well as scope of work and associated time frames.2016-08-29Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/20/2016 How many times media access requests have been denied by Fisheries and the reason for each, over the last 2 years? Could I also obtain a copy of the policy manual or other documents that govern when media requests will be accepted and/or rejected?2016-08-22Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/17/2016 Briefing materials - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - prepared for and/or provided to the minister on the topic of the Celtic Explorer and/or the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research (CFER) program. Date range of request is Nov. 1, 2015 to the present.2016-07-25Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/19/2016 All information about Notre Dame Seafoods in Comfort Cove-Newsted including permits issued since 1999 and mostly about all the illegal dumping that was going on for years.2016-08-26Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/18/2016 Any communications to and from the minister regarding the management of waste/wastewater from fish processing operations in the province -- whether specific to a single operation or general, from Jan. 1, 2016 to present.2016-08-12Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/11/2016 All information related to the Grieg Newfoundland AS ("Grieg") aquaculture operation proposed for the Marystown and Placentia Bay area, including, but not limited to, environmental assessments and evaluations, licences, permits, as well as any information submitted by Grieg in support of any necessary applications, permits, licence, etc. Further, all records of any and all agreements between the Government of Newfoundland and Grieg related to the above.2016-07-08Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/14/2016 To obtain a transcript of a conference call between Minister Keith Hutchings, DFA and Elizabeth Barlow, Director St. Alban's on the morning Monday May 26th, 9:00AM regarding the Ministers approval of Nordic Salmon Co. transfer permit valid May 26th.2016-06-13Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/13/2016 Please provide information regarding the Cabinet Retreat in February 2016. I am looking for a list of people who attended from the Department, including the Minister and Executive Assistant (if applicable). Please also provide expense claims for any individuals who attended.2016-06-10Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/10/2016 Please provide information on the number of outstanding accounts within your department (including any which have been forwarded to Tax Administration for collections and those which have not yet been forwarded) which are the result of over payments by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Please provide the outstanding balance on each account and through which program the over payment occurred. The time frame would be over payments which have occurred between December 1, 2015 and April 4, 2016.2016-04-19Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/9/2016 Any and all costs, including receipts, for costs associated with departmental travel to the 2016 Seafood Expo North America in Boston, Massachusetts. Please include information for each attendee, in addition to any totals.2016-04-11Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/1/2016 Any and all expense claims and subsequent correspondence (travels, agendas, meals, itinerary, etc.) incurred by the Minister's office (and staff) for the month of January 2016.2016-03-07Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/6/2016 Copies of the documents that were prepared by auditors at Fisheries Products International that were provided to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in the year preceding the sale of the company to Ocean Choice International.2016-03-28Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/4/2016 All minutes, decisions, and records of recommendations resulting from the Fish Processing Licensing Board's meeting on February 1st 2016.2016-04-04Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/5/2016 Provide copies of any documents, including funding agreements, contracts, correspondence, etc. regarding any funding or support provided to Clearwater Seafoods to purchase or set up a plant in the province to process surf crab, since 2006.2016-03-28Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/50/2015 All briefing materials prepared for and/or provided to Minister Steve Crocker upon assuming the role of minister of fisheries and aquaculture. 2016-01-18Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/3/2016 All minutes, decisions, and records of recommendations resulting from the Fish Processing Licensing Board's meeting on February 1st 2016.2016-04-07Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/48/2015 A breakdown of the quantity of fish - processed and unprocessed (including groundfish, shrimp, and crab) going out of the province for the years 2010-2015.2015-11-02Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/49/2015 Microplastics found in fish from the last five years. How much fish we consumed in the past five years.2015-11-30Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/47/2015 List of all exceptions for processing requirements, species involved, date of exemption, time limit of exemption as well as reason for each exception since 2003 to current time. Please provide a list of vendors to whom these exceptions have been granted.2015-08-18Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/46/2015 Information about commercial Seal Fishery during the past 5 years:1. Names and contact outlets of Seal Meat Harvesters. 2. List of Registered Plants processing Seal Meat for human consumption. 3. Annual Seals harvested at the Front. 4. Annual production of Seal Carcasses for human consumption. 5. Annual export of Seal Meat and Penis to the Far East. 6. Lists of Seal Meal operational plants. 7. Name of the plants to contact for Seal Meal.2015-07-20Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/45/2015 A list requests filed with DFA by any person, company or entity for any exemption to MPRs The list should cover 2010-2014, date of request, entity requesting, species, amount of product, approved or denied, date of approved or denied.2015-05-19Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/43/2015 The amount of money spent on marketing and advertising in Budget Year 2013-14 and 2014-15.2015-05-04Fisheries and Aquaculture
FA/5/2015 Any e-mails or recorded conversations within the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in regards to negotiations for the Canada and Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the Fisheries Innovation Fund.2015-04-27Fisheries and Aquaculture

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.