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As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
JPS/25/2018 All email and written correspondence related to the legalization of marijuana or cannabis , any regulatory information, and any agreements with the NLPDP regarding medical marijuana between the Department and Shopper's Drug Mart, Lawton's Drugs, Dominion, Sobey's the Empire Group, the Pharmacists' Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board, between January 2014 to present.2018-02-19Justice and Public Safety
JPS/101/2017[1] Requesting disciplinary and/or all other employment records for a specific Correctional Officer, including any suspensions or incidents in which this officer has been investigated or sanctioned.2017-08-28Justice and Public Safety
JPS/182/2018[1] Looking to obtain the court records associated with the murder trial in the death of Pius Griffin on November 22 1952 in Ship Harbour, NL. Legal proceedings progressed in Placentia through the Magistrates court in December of 1952 and early 1953 in St. John's. 2018-08-31Justice and Public Safety
JPS/21/2018 Any email correspondence and written correspondence regarding the Council of Independent Community Pharmacy Owners (CICPO).2018-02-19Justice and Public Safety
JPS/92/2017 I am requesting data showing the number of impaired driving cases (and convictions) processed at provincial court in Clarenville court for the time period during Jan 1. 2016- Dec. 31 2016.2017-08-24Justice and Public Safety
JPS/109/2017 A list of all briefing materials provided to the minister, including the title and date, during June, July and August 2017.2017-10-24Justice and Public Safety
JPS/75/2017 A list of all briefing material provided to the minister in May 2017.2017-07-13Justice and Public Safety
JPS/162/2018 Any and all pictures inside of Her Majesty's Penitentiary and building schematics/floor plans. This includes, but not limited to, pictures of the segregation unit and it's dimensions/schematics.2018-08-13Justice and Public Safety
JPS/118/2017 Information/documentation related to a contract/charter party awarded to Puddister Shipping Limited for services provided at coastal Labrador in 1998. Specifically, we request copies of any correspondence leading to, or concerning, the award of the 1998 contract to Puddister Shipping Limited, and the 1998 Contract itself.2017-10-24Justice and Public Safety
JPS/128/2017 Information regarding changing fields in a database.2017-10-30Justice and Public Safety
JPS/115/2017 All costs related to Nalcor moving transformers in Labrador in March to August 2017, including cost of RCMP resources.2017-10-24Justice and Public Safety
JPS/60/2017[1] Any and all policies on the use of segregation or separate confinement in provincial correctional facilities, including policies, manuals or other documents describing the role of medical professionals in segregation placement and reviews.2017-08-03Justice and Public Safety
JPS/209/2018 All documents including correspondences (including email and letters), slides, notes and memoranda exchanged between any third-party, not including the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information or the Pharmacy Board of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Dept. of Justice and Public Safety respecting the Pharmacy Network.2018-11-27Justice and Public Safety
JPS/171/2017 Premier Ball has stated that there will be a public inquiry into Muskrat Falls. Request information relating to directives/discussions around the requirement for all government departments and/or agencies , including NALCOR, to search for and secure all documents that may be relevant to the public inquiry. For clarity, please note that I am not looking for the documents that would be deemed relevant to the inquiry but rather information relating to the subject of finding and protecting those documents. Since the Minister of Justice may be the lead in this initiative to save and secure documents, I would ask that this request be also referred to the Minister of Justice and Public Safety for their response, as applicable.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/168/2017 The Minister of Justice and Public safety has committed to a public inquiry into Search and Rescue and the circumstances surrounding the death of Burton Winters in 2012. Request documentation and information that describes action or directives initiated by the Department of Justice and Public safety, Office of the Premier and or Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet to secure any documents within the NL Government that may be relevant to the subject inquiry, either informally or through a formal document preservation hold.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/153/2017 Please provide cost of Dunphy inquiry (the Barry inquiry) and the Commission of Inquiry into hormone receptor testing (the Cameron Inquiry) showing the cost of each separately.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/136/2018 I'm looking for a copy of e-mail correspondence between Justice Minister Andrew Parsons and PC MHA Tracey Perry for the time period September 2017-March 2018.2018-05-15Justice and Public Safety
JPS/131/2018 All correspondence since June 1, 2015 between the Department and its executive/officials/staff and Newfoundland's Privacy Commissioner and his officials/staff relating to draft legislation and section 112 of the ATIPPA 2015.2018-05-11Justice and Public Safety
JPS/170/2017 The Minister of Justice and Public safety has committed to a public inquiry into Search and Rescue and the circumstances surrounding the death of Burton Winters in 2012. Request documentation and information that describes action or directives initiated by the Department of Justice and Public safety, Office of the Premier and/or Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet to secure any documents from the Federal Department of national Defence that may be relevant to the subject inquiry, either informally or through a formal document preservation hold.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/165/2017 I kindly request ALL correspondence (including phone records, text, emails and letters) between the Minister, Minister's staff/departmental officials AND Canopy Growth (including BRUCE LINTON, JOHN K. BELL, PETER STRINGHAM, MURRAY GOLDMAN, CHRIS SCHNARR,MARK ZEKULIN, TIM SAUNDERS, its core brands; Spectrum Cannabis, Tweed and Bedrocan Canada, as well as its partners Snoop Dogg, DNA Genetics, Aus Cann and Indoor Harvest). This request would cover from August 1st, 2017 to and including December 9th, 2017.2018-01-12Justice and Public Safety
JPS/40/2018 An itemized list of amounts paid for external legal services related to a complaint filed by then-director of public prosecutions Donovan Molloy against provincial court judge John Joy in 2014. Please break down by payee, amount, reason for payment, and fiscal year.2018-08-08Justice and Public Safety
JPS/158/2018 Reports, findings, documents, and/or communications regarding the conditions, suitability, and/or fitness of the holding cells located in the RCMP detachment in Twillingate, NL.2018-07-17Justice and Public Safety
JPS/222/2018 In September 2016, the Federal Department of Justice (Human Rights Law Section) wrote to all relevant provincial and territorial ministries regarding Canada's possible accession to the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture (OPCAT). In doing so, Justice Canada distributed a discussion paper on the legal implications of Canada's accession to this UN instrument. It also sought the views of the relevant ministries regarding the potential challenges of acceding to the OPCAT. I would be very grateful to you if you could please provide me with a copy of your response to Justice Canada.2018-12-24Justice and Public Safety
JPS/142/2018 Record of any complaints filed over conditions at the Clarenville correctional facility, from Jan. 1, 2016 to present.2018-08-08Justice and Public Safety
JPS/163/2018 A copy of the final report from The Simon Inquiry, issued April 16, 1993.2018-08-07Justice and Public Safety
JPS/215/2018 I would like to find out the cost of legal representation for Trevor Pardy from the time of his arrest on Oct. 1, 2011, to his conviction on Nov. 20, 2015. I would also like to know the cost of legal representation for Sofyan Boalag from the time of his arrest in December 2012 to the time of his conviction in October 2017.2018-12-24Justice and Public Safety
JPS/173/2018[1] The termination report, as well as any other documents, related to the withdrawal of criminal charges against a specific individual. The charges in question were laid by sworn information on February 9, 2010, and include indecent assault and gross indecency (Court File Number: 0110A00438).2018-08-20Justice and Public Safety
JPS/92/2018 The total cost of prosecuting the Brandon Phillips case, including the cost of the Nova Scotia defence attorneys, accommodations, food, vehicle rental, etc.2018-04-17Justice and Public Safety
JPS/57/2018 I kindly request information pertaining to Order in Council #OC2018-21. Cabinet authorized the transfer of $175,000 from the Contingency Reserve to the Department of Justice and Public Safety, for payment to an employee in respect of civil litigation arising from employment. Please provide employee's name, job title and basis for the payment.2018-04-17Justice and Public Safety
JPS/43/2018 I would like to obtain statistical data relating to the race/ethnicity of the provincial offender population. 2018-04-17Justice and Public Safety
JPS/41/2018 An itemized list of amounts paid for external legal services related to Supreme Court file # 2017 01G 8235, and any retainer agreements signed with external legal counsel. Please break down by payee, amount, and reason for payment, Date range Dec. 1, 2017 to the present.2018-04-17Justice and Public Safety
JPS/10/2018 Any information in relation to the implementation of the following recommendation, from the Decades of Darkness: Moving towards the light, prison report released in 2008: It is recommended that the investigative process be modified to ensure that it is fair, timely and consistent. Pg. 78, of the Decades of Darkness: Moving towards the light, prison report.2018-04-17Justice and Public Safety
JPS/22/2018 All written and email correspondence regarding the Pharmacists' Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL).2018-02-19Justice and Public Safety
JPS/102/2017[1] I am interested in accessing any communication or other information pertaining to Humber Valley Resort, 61839 Newfoundland and Labrador and/or [name] between the Department of Justice and Public Safety and the Public Utilities Board between April 2016 up to the present.2017-09-25Justice and Public Safety
JPS/201/2018 Any messaging prepared for the fall sitting of the house of assembly during the month of October 2018.2018-11-22Justice and Public Safety
JPS/198/2018 I would like to know how many tickets for expired vehicle registrations were issued for the years 2014 to 2018 (to date), inclusive, broken down by month.2018-11-13Justice and Public Safety
JPS/76/2017 Copies of all records and communications (emails, letters, legal documents, etc.) of Jennifer L. Mercer, Crown Attorney, and/or any other Crown Attorney related to the protests at Muskrat Falls that occurred from October 16, 2016 to October 26, 2016. Please include all correspondence to the present date.2017-07-13Justice and Public Safety
JPS/36/2018 Can you please tell me how many child support orders including recalculation clauses were returned to the courts as being unenforceable in the last six years, along with the reasons for their not being enforceable? Of the orders returned for being unenforceable, how many were corrected by the court and returned to the SEA for successful enforcement?2018-10-16Justice and Public Safety
JPS/188/2018 Please provide all correspondence (letters, emails, briefing notes, notes) made in relation to appointments or vacancies or potential appointments or recommendation of candidates of any board, agency or commission position under the Ministers/Department responsibility since May 2016.2018-10-09Justice and Public Safety
JPS/197/2018 The amounts of monies paid out to law firms or lawyers in personal injury insurance settlement claims and how these amounts were dispersed, and in what amounts, to all parties involved. This would include the law firms or lawyers handling the cases as well as the injured persons and to any associated entities or persons. The information requested should cover the most recent 24 month period.2018-11-13Justice and Public Safety
JPS/200/2018 Please provide me with the financial arrangements for the Consumer Advocate, Dennis Browne, to participate in the Muskrat Falls Inquiry on behalf of electric power consumers, disclosing how much he will be charging for his own time and that of his each lawyer working as legal counsel on his behalf as well as other funding for his work with the Inquiry. Please report the amount which has been claimed up to the latest invoice submitted.2018-11-19Justice and Public Safety
JPS/173/2017 For the period of Feb. 1, 2017, to Dec. 12, 2017, inclusive, copies of all email (including deleted emails) and all written communications between any provincial staff and / or provincial politician and any of the 80 licensed producers of cannabis in Canada. For clarity, the list of 80 licensed producers can be found here: 2018-01-22Justice and Public Safety
JPS/84/2017 Requesting information regarding the appointment of Diana Gibbons as Assistant Superintendent of HMP.2017-08-04Justice and Public Safety
JPS/82/2017 Please provide any records relating to the cost of the shutdown at the Muskrat Falls site as a result of protests. This should include any information regarding claims from contracts, sub-contractors, and any information submitted to the Department from Nalcor.2017-08-03Justice and Public Safety
JPS/90/2017 Please provide all correspondence regarding the closing of the Family and Child Office and the elimination of the enhanced child protection service through Legal Aid. This request will cover the time period of January 1, 2016 to July 24, 2017.2017-08-29Justice and Public Safety
JPS/150/2018 A list of all, if any, convictions of criminal negligence causing death or bodily harm resulting from distracted driving, and the date of those convictions. Also any prosecutions underway where a conviction of criminal negligence causing death or bodily harm as a result of distracted driving is being pursued. The time period for these records/information is from January 1, 2000 to June 11, 2018.2018-06-28Justice and Public Safety
JPS/177/2018 A list of briefing notes and/or decision notes prepared for, and/or provided to, the minister for the months of June and July 2018.2018-08-28Justice and Public Safety
JPS/33/2018 I wish to obtain the amount paid to Dr. Peter Collins, forensic psychiatrist, for his services on the ongoing sex doll trial against Kenneth Harrison.2018-05-15Justice and Public Safety
JPS/137/2018 Policies regarding transgender inmates in correctional facilities including: (1) Placement in sex-segregated facilities. (2) Search procedures (3) Treatment of gender dysphoria.2018-06-26Justice and Public Safety
JPS/149/2017 Any and all correspondence, including briefing materials or reports, to or from the minister or deputy minister referencing the deployment of security forces, including RCMP, RNC and any other security personnel, to Labrador to address security concerns related to the Muskrat Falls Project.2018-03-01Justice and Public Safety

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.