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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
IET/166/2022 I am requesting all Records in regard to Marathon Gold or Valentine Gold - to or from, Mathew Snow, the former Explorations Approvals Geologist at the NL Department of Natural Resources.2023-02-23Industry, Energy and Technology
IET/181/2022 Any emails from or to John Risley, Brendan Paddick or Sean Leet, from Jan 1, 2021 to Dec 31, 2021.2023-02-23Industry, Energy and Technology
OCIO/1/2023 The number of individuals and the amount of money paid by Nalcor, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro and/or Government of Newfoundland and Labrador under to the Muskrat Falls program for compensation for trappers and guides. 2023-02-23Office of the Chief Information Officer
JPS/6/2023 Any and all documentation and correspondence from a director level and higher, and victim services, regarding the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary's service dog Stella, from July 2022 to present.2023-02-23Justice and Public Safety
IET/6/2023 Environmental records for the Whalesback Mine property near Little Bay, NL, which includes information on the tailings impoundment currently listed as one of the orphaned and abandoned mines in NL. 2023-02-23Industry, Energy and Technology
IET/197/2022 Any and all information pertaining to the old Rambler Consolidated mine site.2023-02-23Industry, Energy and Technology
DGSNL/3/2023[2] As per page 25 of the publicly available ATIPP request please provide an update on the electronic solution for insurance companies to notify MRD within 24 hours of a cancellation in an automobile insurance policy.2023-02-22Digital Government and Service NL
HCS/26/2023 Please provide any contract, service agreements, MOUs, etc. associated with the same-day air travel cardiac catheter services program recently announced by the provincial government.2023-02-22Health and Community Services
HCS/9/2023 I am seeking information detailing all deaths in NL that have been attributed to Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. Specifically, I would like to know the date of each death, the age of the deceased at the time of death (just the age in years, not a date of birth), and the vaccination status of each individual at the time of death. 2023-02-22Health and Community Services
FIN/4/2023 I am requesting any and all records from MUN/Office of the President for the past six months from today Jan 20, 2023.2023-02-22Finance
WGE/2/2023 Please provide the names and salaries of all employees in this office.2023-02-22Women and Gender Equality
EDU/4/2023 Fair compensation for the ELCC workforce in NL.2023-02-22Education
CSSD/2/2023 Any reports of elder abuse and neglect as defined in the Adult Protection Act -- through the adult protection phone line or from police reports, from January 2022 to present. Please provide details of the complaint as well as details of any followup that happened as a result of the report.2023-02-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
FIN/5/2023 How much has the provincial government collected from the sugar tax to date?2023-02-22Finance
CSSD/5/2023 I am requesting the number of forced adoptions each year in Newfoundland and Labrador from 2002 to 2022 inclusive. These would be children in the care of CSSD (or equivalent departments throughout the years) who were placed for adoption or successfully adopted.2023-02-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
TI/10/2023 All money paid by air ambulance to the Stephenville Airport Corporation including but not limited to, landing fees, fuel charges, surcharges, etc.2023-02-22Transportation and Infrastructure
TI/7/2023 Cost of operating each ferry service under the Intra-Provincial Ferry Service for each of the following years: 2020, 2021, and 2022.2023-02-22Transportation and Infrastructure
TBS/5/2023 I am requesting any and all records from MUN/Office of the President for the past six months from today Jan 20, 2023.2023-02-22Treasury Board Secretariat
HCS/11/2023[1] RN Vacancies.2023-02-22Health and Community Services
DGSNL/4/2023 Any and all records including background notes, speaking notes, information notes or talking points etc. prepared for and/or used by Minister Sarah Stoodley on VOCM Openline January 9, 2023.2023-02-22Digital Government and Service NL
DGSNL/145/2022 Please provide the breakdown number of deaths by month by date of death (not date of registration) for the years 2018 through 2022 in Newfoundland and Labrador. Please breakdown these by age groups: 0-44, 45-64, 54-79 and 80+.2023-01-30Digital Government and Service NL
DGSNL/103/2022 Please provide all communications, records, emails, notes, letters related to the title and/or term Architectural. Please provide all records from June 01, 2022 to present day.2023-01-30Digital Government and Service NL
TI/167/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of November 2022.2023-01-30Transportation and Infrastructure
TBS/74/2022 Records relating to classification reviews. 2023-01-30Treasury Board Secretariat
JPS/1/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of December 2022.2023-01-30Justice and Public Safety
JPS/137/2022 Records relating to hybrid/remote work arrangements.2023-01-30Justice and Public Safety
JPS/86/2022[7] Any and all travel claims and journey authorizations for RNC Chief Pat Roche since August 1, 2021 to July 5, 2022.2023-01-30Justice and Public Safety
FFA/135/2022 October Briefing Materials.2023-01-30Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture
FFA/89/2022 Please provide all records including emails and briefing notes regarding the deployment of fire fighting assets to tackle forest fires on the Island of Newfoundland, including the requesting of additional resources from outside the province or private assets. The timeline of this request is July 1, 2022 to current [August 11, 2022].2023-01-30Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture
FIN/91/2022 Please provide the tax revenue received by the government through the pop tax, from September 1, 2022 to December 1, 2022.2023-01-30Finance
HCS/262/2022 All information surrounding the execution of the release entered into on behalf of the government of Newfoundland and Labrador with Purdue Pharmaceutical dated May 17, 2022.2023-01-16Health and Community Services
JPS/2/2023 Any and all current Newfoundland and Labrador policies governing pregnancy and childbirth for incarcerated people (i.e., pregnancy during incarceration, prenatal and postnatal care for incarcerated people, and childbirth by incarcerated people), pregnancy prevention for incarcerated people (i.e., contraceptives including implants, intrauterine devices, condoms, oral contraceptives, patches, rings, etc.), and pregnancy termination for incarcerated people (i.e., abortion). Furthermore, I request any and all information concerning the kinds of contraception and abortion medications currently approved for prescription and use within Newfoundland and Labrador correctional facilities. Finally, I request any and all information regarding the volume of contraception prescriptions and abortions provided to people in Newfoundland and Labrador correctional facilities, by year, for the past ten years.2023-01-16Justice and Public Safety
HCS/280/2022 Records of emails, applications, reports and communications from and to Benoit's First Nation.2023-01-16Health and Community Services
FIN/51/2022[1] Records related to expense claims for ministerial travel, date range June 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, and supporting documentation -- including receipts, journey authorizations, and itineraries. Request includes entertainment expenses incurred during travel status, and expense claims/supporting documentation for those accompanying the minister.2023-01-16Finance
EDU/103/2022 Any and all information in any form, in regard to the land and buildings located at 4 and 6 Cloud Drive, Roddickton, NL.2023-01-16Education
FFA/128/2022 Remote Hybrid Arrangements.2023-01-16Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture
TI/128/2022[1] All correspondence between the department internally and department and the contractor on project 080-21PSB regarding change orders, requests to complete additional work approved and not approved, pricing approvals complete with the value of the agreed upon changes and value of changes not approved.2023-01-16Transportation and Infrastructure
TBS/2/2023 Records relating to Marystown shipyard.2023-01-16Treasury Board Secretariat
HCS/3/2023 Any and all current Newfoundland and Labrador policies governing pregnancy and childbirth for incarcerated people (i.e., pregnancy during incarceration, prenatal and postnatal care for incarcerated people, and childbirth by incarcerated people), pregnancy prevention for incarcerated people (i.e., contraceptives including implants, intrauterine devices, condoms, oral contraceptives, patches, rings, etc.), and pregnancy termination for incarcerated people (i.e., abortion). Furthermore, I request any and all information concerning the kinds of contraception and abortion medications currently approved for prescription and use within Newfoundland and Labrador correctional facilities. Finally, I request any and all information regarding the volume of contraception prescriptions and abortions provided to people in Newfoundland and Labrador correctional facilities, by year, for the past ten years.2023-01-16Health and Community Services
FFA/71/2022[1] Please provide me with all records relating to Aquaculture Development in the St. Albans area over the past 6 months. Any new projects proposed, considered, or in discussions. 2023-01-16Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture
TI/127/2022[1] All correspondence, emails & text messages and any other type of correspondence regarding the cancellation of tender 063-22PHC.2023-01-16Transportation and Infrastructure
TI/90/2022 Various briefing materials from May, 2022.2023-01-16Transportation and Infrastructure
PRE/100/2022 I am seeking access to all records, including but not limited to emails, chat, pin to pin, text messages, invoices, complaints from the public from January 2022 to present regarding the condition of the trans canada highway at the Sheffield Lake Bridge or Sheffield River Bridge. 2023-01-16The Office of the Premier
EC/13/2022[1] And and all records concerning changes to provinces logo, including colour changes and adding "Canada". This should include costs, agency used, contracts.2023-01-16Executive Council
WGE/1/2023 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of December 2022. 2023-01-16Women and Gender Equality
PRE/22/2020 All records relating to Carla Foote, including but not limited to the decision to move her out of The Rooms and into an ADM position, from November 15 2019 to present. Please exclude all media monitoring or correspondence directly with media outlets.2023-01-16The Office of the Premier
JPS/147/2022[1] Any record about Newfoundland and Labrador's use of the official French versions of the Constitution of Canada.2023-01-16Justice and Public Safety
IPGS/48/2022 Copy of ADM's salary and position description.2023-01-16Immigration, Population Growth and Skills
DGSNL/50/2022 I am requesting copies of Landlord and Tenant Tribunal decisions from October 01,2021 to March 31, 2022.2023-01-10Digital Government and Service NL
HCS/275/2022 Any correspondence or briefings about long term beds at the new mental health hospital.2023-01-10Health and Community Services

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.