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Completed Access to Information Requests

As part of our continued commitment to openness and transparency, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provides citizens of the province with access to information about completed general requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. The policy regarding this can be found here.

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Completed Requests

Request NumberRequest SummaryDate PostedDepartment
CSSD/39/2021 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of May and June 2021.2021-08-23Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/14/2023 The January 2023 information note titled "Minister/DM Meetings with Nunatsiavut Government and Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation."2023-03-29Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/49/2020 The number of protective intervention files for each office, listed separately, and listed by quarter since December, 2018. 2020-11-16Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/80/2022 Please provide any audits, reports, investigations or reviews related to the quality of care for kids from Newfoundland & Labrador's child welfare system who are placed in out-of-province residential care settings such as group homes, foster homes and 'staff-model' homes. Timeframe: Jan. 1, 2019 to present.2023-03-31Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/79/2022 Please provide data (in a table or an Excel spreadsheet) on the number of kids in the child welfare system, 18 and under, who have lived or are living in out-of-province group, foster or 'staff-model' homes or other residential care settings. Please provide whether or not the children in question are Indigenous, the province where they have been placed, the name of the organization or company with whom they have been placed, and the type of placement (group, foster, etc.). Please provide this information, broken down by year, for each of the past 4 years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 year-to-date.2023-03-31Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/44/2020 The transition briefing binder and all briefing materials - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - prepared for, and/or provided to, the incoming/new minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development. Date range of request is Aug. 1, 2020 through Sept. 1, 2020 inclusive.2020-11-18Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/4/2023 All policies and procedures belonging to Amal Youth and Family Centre, summited to the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, including those required under an application for licensing or license renewal pursuant to the Children, Youth and Families Regulations or the Children, Youth and Families Act.2023-02-24Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/3/2023 A master list of those who applied for the grant with basic details (name, amount, project description, project score/ranking) AND a separate list of successful applications.2023-02-27Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/2/2023 Any reports of elder abuse and neglect as defined in the Adult Protection Act -- through the adult protection phone line or from police reports, from January 2022 to present. Please provide details of the complaint as well as details of any followup that happened as a result of the report.2023-02-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/62/2022 Any communication (email, documents, information notes, etc.) between CSSD Minister and/or executive and NAPE as part of the joint committee established in October 2020. time period February 2022 to present.2022-12-19Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/37/2021 Any report resulting from an investigation into the wellbeing or following the death of a child in the foster care system between 2019-2021.2021-08-27Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/77/2022 I am requesting the number of funerals the Government of NL had financially contributed to on behalf of income support recipients for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. I am also requesting the financial contributions made by the Government of NL to the funerals of income support recipients broken down for each year 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.2022-12-28Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/63/2022 I am seeking a list of all 13 week positions approved (awarded) by the department by location, and date of the position being awarded since March 13, 2022 to present.2022-12-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/70/2022 I am seeking current caseload numbers for CSSD behavioural management specialists (for the whole province), broken down by CSSD office. i.e. the behavioural management specialist in office x has a caseload of x. also seeking quarterly numbers since December 2019.2022-12-16Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/43/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of May 2022.2022-12-16Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/71/2022 The number of children by region (Eastern, Central, Western, and Labrador) who have been placed into the continuous custody of the manager (by month) from November 2018 until 60 days prior to this request. I would also like to know how many of these children were profiled for adoption within 60 (as per CSSD policy) based on the date the application was received by provincial office (I would like this information broken down by region also).2022-12-16Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/68/2022 A list of how many social worker positions are budgeted for in Labrador (broken down by office) (as of this fiscal year) and how many of these positions are currently filled as of October 30, 2022.2022-12-15Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/47/2022 All correspondence to and from a social worker in May 2022.2022-11-01Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/46/2022 1. The April 2022 RFP for Child Welfare Service Delivery Model and Workload Review. 2. The winning proposal submitted under this FRP by Ernst and Young LLP.2022-11-02Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/44/2022 All complaints about Waypoints NL received between 2015-present. Please also include all records related to those complaints including correspondence.2022-11-01Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/16/2022 A breakdown of how many hours of overtime have been awarded (approved) at the CSSD office in Sheshatshiu, by month, since December 2015.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/13/2022 Any emails from the public to Minister John Abbott regarding the Innu Inquiry. Time period, May 2021 to present.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2022 I am seeking any communication/documentation regarding the use of rotational social workers within the Nunatsiavut zone (Hopedale, Makkovik, Nain, Postville, Rigolet).2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/6/2022 1) Please provide the amount of funding provided to the Labrador Group Home in HVGB by month for the last two fiscal years (2020-2021 and 2021-2022). 2) Please also provide the number of children or youth who are in care at this facility by month for the same time period as listed above. If a youth was in care for a part of the month, please include them in the count.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/39/2022 Please provide a detailed breakdown of the total cost of the May 2022 Royal Visit to Newfoundland and Labrador (Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla) incurred by this department. Please describe what each specific cost was for.2022-09-12Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/52/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of June and July 2022.2022-11-01Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/45/2022 Please provide a list of Social Worker (I, II, III) vacancies by office as of June 17, 2022.2022-11-01Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/42/2022 For the date range of January 1, 2017 to June 6, 2022, all written correspondence or records of verbal or video correspondence between the Children, Senior and Social Development and the town of Pouch Cove or its representatives / staff / elected officials. 2022-11-01Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/2/2022 Any communication (email, documents, information notes, etc.) between CSSD Minister and/or executive and NAPE as part of the joint committee established in October 2020. time period May 3, 2021 to present.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/56/2020 All complaints regarding social worker safety from January 2019 to present, including complaints from emails, OHS reports, incident reports and other sources of documentation.2021-04-23Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/62/2021 Copy of travel claims for all expenses including hotel receipts, flights, meals and other expenses submitted by Minister Lisa Dempster from 2016-2019 for trips to Ottawa.2022-04-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/60/2021 Various briefing materials from August and September, 2021.2022-04-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/9/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of January 2022.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/15/2021[1] The transition briefing binder and all briefing materials - in any and all formats, including paper and electronic - prepared for, and/or provided to, the incoming/new minister.2021-10-19Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/57/2020 Recently social work assistants and clerical support have had their duties changed, including clerical completing financial benefit requests. The department has also expressed that they will no longer use outside agencies for supervised access causing changes to the social work assistant role. I am seeking any briefing notes given to the Minister, Deputy Minister, or Assistant Deputy Minister regarding the same, I am also seeking any directive notes from the Minister, Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister, or Regional Directors regarding the same. Time period June 1, 2020 to the date of this request.2021-05-13Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/65/2021 Request a listing of all approved funding (including amounts) provided to the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of the Deaf between 2016-2021 (inclusive), including for their proposal entitled "NLAD LEADS - Language Equality in ASL for Deaf Students". Any funding specifically approved for the LEADS program to be broken out separately and indicated as such.2022-04-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/61/2021 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the month of October 2021.2022-04-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/46/2021 All briefing notes prepared for the Minister for July, 2021.2021-10-25Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/16/2021[1] All email, correspondence, briefing material regarding the decision to move the Regional Director of CSSD for Labrador position out of Labrador West.2021-10-06Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/35/2021[1] All briefing notes prepared to help minister John Abbott become acquainted with his new portfolio following the March 2021 provincial election.2021-09-10Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/67/2021 All records, including but not limited to communications, related to the status of Jackie Lake Kavanagh's position as Child and Youth Advocate. Date range: Sept. 1, 2021 to Dec. 10, 2021.2022-04-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/56/2021 I am requesting a copy of the binder used by the Minister in the House of Assembly the week of Oct 18-22nd. If it changed daily, please provide each day.2022-04-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/17/2022 A breakdown of how many hours of overtime have been awarded (approved) at the CSSD office in Natuashish, by month, since December 2015.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/12/2022 Any correspondence between Minister John Abbott and any other individual or organization pertaining to Innu children in Newfoundland and Labrador's foster care system from June 28, 2021 to present.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/3/2022 A list of briefing materials prepared for the deputy minister or the minister for the months of November and December 2021.2022-04-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/65/2021 The briefing binder for Estimates Committee 2020-21.2021-09-20Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/13-14/2020 Information relating to snow plowing on Crosbie Road.2020-11-18Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/59/2021 A copy of all briefing material provided or created for the Minister, Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Ministers for the months of July 2021 to October 2021, including drafts.2022-04-22Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/24/2022 A copy of the briefing book used by or prepared for the Minister for the HOA the week of March 15-17, 2022.2022-04-19Children, Seniors and Social Development
CSSD/7/2021 Any communication between Minister Warr and the Innu Nation regarding the Inquiry into Treatment of Innu Children in Care. Time period: January 26, 2021 to present.2021-08-27Children, Seniors and Social Development

[1] Information redacted due to personal information.
[2] Information redacted due to third party information.
[3] Information redacted due to reference to cabinet record.
[4] Information redacted due to legal concerns.
[5] Information redacted due to policy advice.
[6] Information redacted - falls outside scope of Act.
[7] Information redacted - other.